Have the terms and rules changed with regards to vulgarity?

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Beemer! I don't know anything about this Mullarkey thing of which you speak! I'm from the Bronx. Please translate that into something I might understand! ThankYou and Good Night Papi..... :)) Smooches!!

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Someone asked for a synopsis…


Flagstaff threw a penalty flag at all the pricks and asshats on this forum breakin’ all the rules so RedPorscheKiller said he was ass ****** and that was OK and Bust said he ****** a sheep in the ass and that was OK too so FJRay says that these ******** have some pretty good information even though they are ******** and besides we can IGNORE the ******** if we want and then majicmaker started throwing **** so ionbeam wanted to put some spice on it so it’s not so dull and then Silver Penguin says that this forum is nothin’ compared to the ******’ poet Bust’s Facebook page and SacramentoMike says he’s never heard ******** on a knitting forum so the admins ask to just stay on topic so please keep the thongs off this site but now Redfish says that he actually likes the ******** on this forum after he spent a little time around their stink which could easily be covered up if we would all just put on Zilla’s big boy panties and stop being a part of the Dick Up Posse while cops are gettin’ hard watchin’ the cat hater ShinyParts act lewd with Bust and Ray in a livestock orgy but Hudson can be vulgar vertically while flyin’ a piper j3 cub while Tyler plays with Surly and FJRBluesman will never get his 15 minutes back as we all wonder what TwoWheelNut would say but Bounce says we should just self-police before things get worse than moist ass cheese meanwhile me and majic are gonna go bed our women while flagstaff and Mizz Bustanut are hoping this has stopped….but NO, WheatonFJR declares it the thread that won’t ******* die so BikerGeek puts it all in pictures for us **** for brains that can’t read so off to NEPRT but odot will find this thread, you, and every member of your vulgar manatee family…meanwhile beemer is being vulgar in a thong in Cabo having fun with a black thermos as he’s reading what dork means but Captain Picard doesn’t like all these coks in cum buckets while Radio’s Marine Corp mom turned him into one giant vagina which gives majic a strange sensation in Tyler’s Irish shorts.


And I think that very accurately summarizes what has transpired up to this point. I’ll leave it to the admins discretion to just delete all posts before this to save disk space. But there’s something…missing…not sure…oh, I know...


Usul, that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Except for the part where Beemer got all bow'd up on my ass for trying to flirt with Tyler like if that Irish Putz would have a chance in Hell...... :))

I think we're done now. (I think)!! :))

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Usul... I'm not really sure what to say...
Other than that was ******* brilliant and made me giggle!! :lol:
Me too! I thought it was Hilarious! It also shows just how many Rude and Vulgar Sons of ******* are on this Forum. That's disturbing. :))

I lived in Flooridah for a spell.. Boiling water is highly advised down there.

Vic is a prime example of what happens if ya don't.

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