He didn't say NICE BIKE.

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Derek, those of us in BC would be interested in how ICBC handles this one. I have Megson Fitzpatrick Insurance for the collision and theft. Keep us posted.

Shitty thing Derek.

Hopefully, this blind driver's insurance will take care of it, and not your insurance.

At least this guy had the nuts to admit it and say sorry. That is one good point.

I have been the victim of hit and ****-off like a coward. One of my co-workers hit my car and never fessed up. (Received a dent at work. I only know the color)

On the bright side, your bike may be born again brand new as far as the body goes.

This accident should be faulted 100% to the driver of the truck which knocked over the FJR. I had an accident recently (Aug 4th) where a 3 ton truck drove through a stop sign into my path. Result - My 2003 VFR ($9631.00 in damage) under the truck and me with minor injuries after tumbling down the highway. 100% fault went to the truck driver. Megson Fitzpatrick paid out full amount of what I had insured the bike for plus towing charges and ICBC paid for a new Shoei X11 helmet (and would have paid the GST on a bike had I purchased through a dealer). My experience is if the fault is to the other driver you should have no problem getting satisfactory compensation. I cannot speak for 50/50 fault etc. Incidentally, my new bike is an FJR with ABS and I love it!

Here's the good news.

I concluded the insurance dealings today. I showed them the estimates for repair vs. replace and and it was a very easy negotiation for replace.

Then I told the estimater about my helmet that was hanging on the mirror and had tumbled down the street. This was an after thought as my main concern was the bike and I didn't think it would be covered anyway. Turns out that ICBC only covers a helmet up to $300.00 but because I was not at fault they will be replacing my $1000.00 full face shark. So after getting myself all geared up for battle, they took the wind out my sails. I suppose i could continue the discussion about the value of children with radio howie but, sorry howie, i'm all about peace and love again.

(note to rocket doc & the bc gang) In this situation your megson fitspatrick wouldn't have been involved as it was on the other guys insurance. I don't have meg fits. They refused me coverage because I don't have a garage to lock it up in at night, even though it's locked up in a friends basement over the winter. I wish they would cover me though.

Well they are calling for snow here in the kootenays on sunday. I'm a thousand km short of getting my 30 in for the season. But I'm still hopeful.

Thanks to all for the empathy.


i just realised that my last post could mean replace the bike. my bad. i meant replace the parts. $4000.00 worth.


So tell me, RadioHowie, what do you think of these cute little signs:

The original intent of those signs was to notify rescue workers in case of an accident so that we would be more thorough in our search.
i thought it was to make life easier on people that have an unnatural attraction to little children....

Derek sorry to hear about your parking lot metal two step.

I mean, come on! You have to be dumber than a box of rocks to hit a parked motorcycle.
I had a rock hit my motorcycle while parked at work. I usually backed in all the way so there was lots of room in front of my motorcycle. Some how some sphincter managed to hit it. I did not know it for the longest time as it was still upright and worked fine, except the frot brake grabbed during rotation. Turns out the ass wipe hit just the brake disk and bent it just out of alignment. I no longer drive my motorcycle to work.
