He Was A Great Labrador

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Not All Who Wander Are Lost
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Tarzana, CA USA
.....scratch your dog's ears today.



8 March 1994 - 24 December 2010

That's longer than I have been riding motorcycles.

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So very sorry to hear this, Joseph; Rest in Peace Forever Rustler, in Dog Heaven!

Our Labrador Retriever Bear is 9 years old and I thank God daily we still have him!


Here is Bear in the Stanley Boys Kitchen, guarding his food bowl from his nemesis: Tabby Cat Gary!

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I hate posts like this. I love my animals and know others do too. They are usually more reliable than people. Sorry for your loss!!

Sorry to hear about Rustler Joe. I know you loved him a lot and I"m sure he knew it and gave it all back and then some.


So sorry for your lost of Rustler, I know how you feel, we lost our 14 y/o Choclate Lab Koa this past June. We still have Kalani she is 12 y/o and were so glad she will still be around for a while. I know Christmas won't be the same without your Rustler.

I am so so sorry...Labs are the best...I've never known a lab or lab mix I didn't like

16? wow...my vet said 10 is a ripe old age for a very active lab...I thought my Reggie almost making 14 was quite a feat

took my Reggie to be put to sleep Easter Weekend last spring

difficult, but the best thing I would do for her at age 14 and no working hind legs

I'm fortunate to have two other doggies to help soften the blow...hugged them harder for weeks

you'll never replace Rustler, but have an open heart that another doggie out there needs a loving home

thank you for sharing...

below is Reggie's final pic in my van just before backing out the driveway on the way to the vet


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Sorry to hear of your loss and I sure can feel your pain. Right now I've got two that look like "Rustler" along with a Dalmatian and a Black Lab. I've always had a lot of pets, especially Dogs and their unconditional love has helped me through some of my darkest hours. I've always given them my very best, just as they have for me and when it's been time to say goodbye I've shed more tears for my departed companion than I ever have for anything else. Always ready to share in my joys and console me in my sorrows, my Dogs un-wavering loyalty and love has been the one constant I've always been able to count on in this life. Somewhere out there is another wonderfull Dog looking to dedicate themselves to a good master. You sound like a great "doggie dad" and I hope when the time is right you allow another deserving Dog the opportunity to be at your side. Peace be to you at this difficult time and I like others here believe there has to be a heaven for a creature that will so selflessly devote itself to us.

Joseph - I'm so very sorry to see this. My gosh, almsot 17 years old. He must have had a fabulous life with you. NOT, however, even close to the fabulous life you had with HIM.

You've likely seen this Rainbow Bridge but it always bears repeating when we lose our beloved companions.

I'm not living with my girlies these days but I'm 'babysitting' tomorrow night. I'll give them a hug from you.



My sincere sympathy and condolences!

I have a couple aging dogs (15.5 and 13.5 years old) and it's tough watching them go through the same problems people do: stiff joints, loss of eyesight and hearing, acting a little senile. I sure hope nature takes its course so I won't have to make that decision when the time comes.

It seems unfair that we outlive some of the best "people" we will ever know. If there's any justice, we will meet them again in the next life.

Take care, man. I know you're gonna miss him. When the time is right, there will be another buddy who needs a good home and all the love you can give.


Wow...this really hits home, my friend.

I feel your pain and then-some.

Christmas was on Friday last year and on that night around 7 p.m., my wife and I had to say goodbye to our 4 legged child, Jack....our phenomenal 10.5 y/o Black Lab was my best friend, hunting partner, and side kick 24/7 for all but his first few weeks of life before we adopted him. I can count on one hand the number of times he and I were apart overnight.

We lost Jack to a small bowel torsion which was a mystery to it's actual cause and his prognosis was terrible. The surgeon said his chances of surviving the surgery were slim to none. He and I hunted ducks and geese for 2 days prior and he had a fantastic time making over 20 retrieves for us in that 2 day period. He was in top shape and nobody could believe he was 10 the way he hunted. For those 2 days I am eternally grateful.

It was and still is a devastating loss for us as I'm sure it is for you and only now have we started to consider bringing a new boy into our lives but he'll never fill Jack's place and we won't ask him to.

Tonight, I will be tipping a full glass of The Macallan 18 in a toast to my boy Jack, several of his departed 4 legged hunting friends, and we'll certainly include Rustler in our toast.

Our best goes to you and your family.

Jack's last hunt seen here with my ol' timer friend Norm. As ALWAYS, he was caught lickin' the ducks and geese right before I snapped the photo.


Jack in his Hidee-Hole waiting for another retrieve...


Very sorry to hear that you lost your friend. I have a 9 year old lab/newfie that grew up with Jordan and I can't imagine the day that he leaves for greener pastures. It sounds like Rustler had a very good, long life.


My condolences Joseph. Sorry to hear of Rustler's demise. It's never easy losing your best friend. Just remember all the great times you shared and what a positive impact he had on your life.
