Headed to the Blue Ridge Oct. 16th. How is the weather?

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May 10, 2007
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Chicago, IL
Been to the BRP many times, but never this late in the year. Was wondering what the coldest temp is atop atop Mt. Pisgah in October. Been told it gets crowded when the leaves start to change - is this true? - any locals care to share some info? Much appreciated


Mid October the temps won't be too bad, If the sun is out you can probably expect lower to mid 60's during the day and mid to upper 30's at night. And yes when the leaves start to change the parkway gets busy! Lot's of RV's and slow moving vehicles not paying attention to the road! Be careful and don't get run over by a car load of white wigs. ;)


Been to the BRP many times, but never this late in the year. Was wondering what the coldest temp is atop atop Mt. Pisgah in October. Been told it gets crowded when the leaves start to change - is this true? - any locals care to share some info? Much appreciated
If you ride during the day,I wouldn'd worry to much about the cold(although you never know for sure),but I'd for sure bring winter riding gear.The main thing,will be looking out for the leaves,and watch the shadows even later in the day,ice under the leaves at night can stay that way a long time during the day as well.Enjoy our mountains.........

Been to the BRP many times, but never this late in the year. Was wondering what the coldest temp is atop atop Mt. Pisgah in October. Been told it gets crowded when the leaves start to change - is this true? - any locals care to share some info? Much appreciated
The view out the restaurant windows of Gifford Pinchot's forest (while you're enjoying that southern/salted ham and then cobbler) at Mt. Pisgah Lodge will be outstanding! Enjoy...

It is the BRP's busiest time of the year, tho.

2 years ago in Robbinsville it was high 40's to low to mid 50's on 10/20-21 and mid 60's Sun. Mon. morning was 30 when we left at 06:00. Last year was 50 when we left out for our ride. Stayed around upper 50's to 60 in the mountains and got up to close 70 out of the mountains. Perfect riding weather for me!

Been to the BRP many times, but never this late in the year. Was wondering what the coldest temp is atop atop Mt. Pisgah in October. Been told it gets crowded when the leaves start to change - is this true? - any locals care to share some info? Much appreciated
The view out the restaurant windows of Gifford Pinchot's forest (while you're enjoying that southern/salted ham and then cobbler) at Mt. Pisgah Lodge will be outstanding! Enjoy...

It is the BRP's busiest time of the year, tho.
I've only stopped there twice and that was in the summer. Might have to stop there this fall! You had me with Cobbler, yum! Of course if you go to Robbinsville, you have to go to Lynn's Restaurant for Fried Cheesecake!

I have a condo in Asheville and have ridden that route a few times. Seems to me that Pisgah is generally about 10 degrees colder than Asheville. During the day you should be fine - - unless a cold front hits next weekend it ought to have lows in the 40's and highs in the 60's (likely low 60's), but who knows for sure.

I might even be up there next weekend (if I can get my weekend pass from wife unit). My Brother and I share the condo and he has an FJR so we meet up there and ride the parkway. Maybe we'll cross paths.

As for the weather: Pisgah can be unpredictable sometimes. I was there when a freak snowstorm hit it in late March (not on the bike).

Crowds: Does get crowded this time of year, but usually during the day on weekdays it's not so bad. Weekends: bad. Later in the day: bad.

Suggestion: Watch the tunnels. Water stays in 'em later in the day and if there's freezing temps it stays colder in the shade and there can be ice (not this time of year unless . . . ). BTW there is one tunnel coming down from Pisgah to Asheville that has a decreasing radius turn that can bite you (it's marked) 'course it's not bad heading the other direction (I'd have to re-read your post to see where you were heading - - dang 50 something mind ain't what it used to be).

Ought to be some great views. Enjoy!!

Last time (Sept, 08) I was down that way the road was closed due to rock slides but coming from the north, you can get up to Mt. Michell.

Highway 80 is the detour and is a road that is made for bikes, lots of switchbacks and twisties.

I'll be riding the section from Blowing Rock, NC to Mt. Mitchell next Sunday the 12th. I'll report back after that.
Please make sure to check the National Park Service site for road closures. There are a few sections that are closed, so you'll need to plan your route accordingly.

Thanks for all the quick info everyone! Guess I'll have to be patient with all the RVs :angry2: Any I'll be sure to watch out for the hidden ice in the tunnels.

Hi, just got home from Roanoke, VA & was on the BRP for a time over the weekend. The leaves in the higher elevations are changing. They're not brilliant in color, yet. Another week or two (I am thinking 2) they should be vivid.

Temps were good... but as someone else said, when the elevation climbs expect the temps to drop. I'd bring your electrics if you have them.

Hard to tell... it might be warm... it might not... & especially since it is getting towards winter, the temps are up & down.

Have fun, Heidi

I'll be going up that way and through Helen to catch the end of Octoberfest at the end of the month. Been there the last few years and it's a great time and a very scenic ride.

I forgot to say... on the Blue Ridge, folks are encouraged to stop & smell the flowers. I would definitely expect traffic. At times lots of it. Be careful & mindful of speeding (I max out at 10 or less over) up there as tempting as it may be to go faster. You get caught you could face a very, very stiff fine. That is federal land & as so, you won't get any points on your license... but they surely make up for it in the cost of the fine.

Have fun & be careful.

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Run the roads up and down off the Parkway, and use the BRP as only a connector for therse roads.

Roads like NC181 south toward Morganton and then back up 221 further south. 226 and 226A are good ones too. Further south yet just before the closure is 80 down off the mountain to just west of Marion, NC. By looking at the map you can make so many figure 8's up and down twisty roads to the Parkway it will make you dizzy. Same thing as regards the roads to and from BRP south of Asheville.

October is usually very safe for road conditions. but as many already said, bring winter gear for early and late day, and for highter elevations.

Been to the BRP many times, but never this late in the year. Was wondering what the coldest temp is atop atop Mt. Pisgah in October. Been told it gets crowded when the leaves start to change - is this true? - any locals care to share some info? Much appreciated

Hey Joe,

I just got back from a 600 mile ride through the BRP from Cherokee to Spruce Pine, detouring around the slide area from I-40 to Mt Mitchell. What an awesome ride! Temps between 70 and 48 degrees the whole way. It was, however, from around 11:00am to 7:00pm. On Mt. Mitchell at 5:00pm it was 48 degrees! The leaves are very near peak, so I would get up there asap! Traffic was bad on Sunday, but very light on Monday.

We stopped at the Mt Pisgah Inn and had lunch. Turkey and dressing was the special on Sunday. We will never drive by that place without stopping again! :dribble:

As part of the detour, we rode down Highway 80 (or State Road 80) from I-40 to the BRP near Mt. Mitchell. That road was soooooo much fun! I was flinging the Feej back and forth so fast that I started laughing uncontrollably. A couple guys followed us down from the summit of Mt. Mitchell on a GSXR600 and an R6. When we got to the stop light at the end of 80, they pulled up beside me and said "Man, that's a nice bike!"

...I looked over at them and adjusted my windshield. :haha:

Lorie and I did a Skyline drive run from Rt 211 south to Rt 33 (Harrisonburg). Traffic was nil believe it or not. The leaves are not at their peak, but there are still some local changes, etc. I think the peak will be in another 1 to 3 weeks give or take and might be even later farther south.
