Headlight Modulation

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
Nipomo, California
How many of you are using some form of headlight modulation? I have had it on my V Star for three years. I would like to think it helps make me more visible. I haven't had anyone pull out or turn in front of my in that time. Any particular brand you might recommend? Besides fabricating my own sliders, I think this will be my first ad on.

I installed a modulator a little more than a year ago. It is annoying for the driver in front so I don't use it if I'm following the same person for a length of time. It does stop people from pulling out in front of me.

The one I have only works on high beam so if I'm riding in a group I turn off the modulation by turning on the low beam. Same with my brake light, if I'm in a group I'll turn off the modulation. I had the Adventuretech brake modulator that lets you program it with the brake lever.

I installed a modulator a little more than a year ago. It is annoying for the driver in front so I don't use it if I'm following the same person for a length of time. It does stop people from pulling out in front of me.
I put the Kisan modulator on my AE last summer (plug and play, very easy to install if you have small hands). It only modulates the high beam and has a photo sensor that allows the hi-beam to work normally after dark. I also turn it off (go to lo beam) when following traffic for extended periods. I have had many people point out that my headlight is "blinking" or "flickering" at toll booths, traffic lights, etc. I know they see me, and that is the whole point of it. You'll find there is a pretty distinct division between those that love 'em and those that think they actually just annoy cagers and provide little benefit. Some claim that a modulating light actually draws the eyes in and makes people fixate on them, making them MORE likely to whack into you. Maybe yes, maybe no. I've seen others with modulated headlights and find it quite easy to notice them and not run over them, so I'm keeping them for now.

Your mileage may very, etc, etc.

I always put one on my bike. If you do a lot of riding in traffic it will save your life. Some people don't like them, and sometimes caters do odd things when they see them, BUT THEY SEE YOU.

I stopped using a modulator on the FJR after using them on several previous bikes for 2 reasons. I wear a high viz jacket and a white helmet and these clothes combined with the modulator made some think I was a cop. In many cases I had people pull over for me (some may think that is an advantage) but in one memorable case an elderly couple pulled over suddenly on the highway and almost lost control of their vehicle...not pretty. I was also hassled several times while in the States (cannot remember the specific state/county) and even though modulation is legal, some local cops may believe otherwise....

I now use light triangluation to increase visibility (ie two smaller lights installed on the forks + headlight)...probably not as effective as modulation but a good compromise.

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I have modulated headlights and (ahem) improved braking indicators. Wouldn't ride without 'em - and I am one of those who believes that if someone wishes to pull over because she is unaware that a flashing headlight is not a substitute for a loud siren and blue and/or red flashing lights, then too bad for her.

Here's a link to a post which describes some specific details for vaious available models:


I'd have copied the source here, but my 'edit' priviledges have been removed.


Don't like 'em, would never own one, hate to meet a bike with one (when I'm riding or driving), and would throw rocks at anyone following behind me with one. I've never missed seeing a bike that didn't have one and having to see one come at me just annoys the hell outta me. If ya need that much attention get a set of drag pipes. :glare:


I personally don't like them either, but a friend of mine has a decent setup. He has it switched such that it is not on all the time, and uses it only at intersections and other situations where he wants/needs extra visibility. IN other words, it's not on all the time where it can annoy, distract or cause aggressive or undesirable behaviours.

I found a significant difference in my visibility after switching to HID on the main lights. Obviously not modulated, but the brightness and color does make drivers notice something that they seem to otherwise miss with standard halogen bulbs. I had the standard bulbs for several months before changing it out, and was plagued by drivers pulling out of intersections, parking lots and making freeway lane changes. Truly felt invisible. There was a big difference after installation of the new lights.

+1 on the HID post above. I am not a fan of modulation, but was going to bite the bullet and install one until I did the HID upgrade. WOW! Now that is a major difference in visibility IMO. I have LEDs added to the front signals and will add lower fork lights at some point down the road (after I fund my current farkle insanity.) ;)

I am not a fan of anything that modulates or blinks constantly. Pulse modulation for braking is certainly helpful on my poorly lighted backend on my FZ6 for example, but that's as far as I would take it.

If we can fall victim to target fixation, I am sure vehicle drivers can too.

I don't want anyone looking at me on my bike going "Martha, what the heck is that.............." BOOM!

Obviously, being seen by the vehicles we share the roadways with is important, but to draw negative attention could be dangerous.

my 2 cents, ymmv

Okay, time for my bi-annual headlight modulator post.

I have one. I think using it when conditions warrant they're a great thing. All the time perhaps you should take the cage.

So, what are those conditions?

1: Nobody in front of you (car or bike) for at least a quarter mile in your lane.

2: Two lane rural highway where traffic is heavy enough to warrant the fear of somebody pulling out on you. But not so heavy that anybody who pulls out would be a SERIOUS asshole.

3: Medium to light traffic in an urban environment. Heavier traffic and you should be using the cars as blockers.

Thats it. The only other times I use it is to ACTIVELY be noticed. Somebody waiting to make a left in front of me, especially if their front wheels are already turned. Somebody waiting to pull out of driveway. Getting somebody to pull over :D But those are flip them on for a few seconds, then off.

Otherwise, your just pissing people off unnecessarily.

My pet peeve with them is the times I want to use them the most - two lane, oncoming traffic is being led by a transport with a line of cars behind waiting to pass. You flip them on and see the truck driver go ballistic flashing his lights at you. I've had them do that AND BLAST the air horns as I go past. Truckers have a thankless job, and the majority of them are VERY safe drivers in a bad situation - unfortunately, they have no control over the idjits behind them.

If I accidentally trigger them in town it's only for a few minutes because guaranteed within 3 or 4 red lights somebody will pull up beside me and TELL ME my lights are 'broken!' Ya, they work, but I have enough to worry about then pissing off EVERYBODY in front of me when not required. Think about the danger before using them. They're great, but if you flash enough people, someday they'll be made illegal.
