Heads-Up Display Helmet

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Uncle Hud

Just another blob of protoplasm using up your oxyg
Oct 9, 2012
Reaction score
metro Atlanta
I say proceed with caution...... I'm thinking if the marketing/competition loads up with features, you'll be riding along being distracted by all kinds of things in your HUD, in addition to what you're already distracted with. Certain information is beneficial so you don't have to look down, but how much is too much? They don't let us play with our GPS's while the car is moving now.... good thing. But I can play with all the user settings I want.... huh?

What sucks about HUD us that, currently, if I want to see my GPS, I look at it. Otherwise, it is out of my mind. Once it's in a HUD, it's always there as a distraction. What else are they going to integrate, cartoons?

Fact is, people are shitty drivers with the current distractions. Adding one more thing to screw around with is probably a bad idea. Real stats about how many of those cause crashes, once implemented, will be near impossible, because 90% of people involved in a crash will lie and say the HUD was off...It's all about protecting the driving record.

Either way, it's coming, but I'm hoping later than sooner.

Nope. Not a good idea, for the reasons stated above. Our human perceptions have not evolved much beyond keeping an eye out for a hungry leopard, and are being stretched far beyond inherent limits already. I take riding and driving very seriously, because of all the hazards, which I'm sure I don't have to list here.

I don't even like listening to tunes whilst operating a bike or cage, unless I'm on an extremely boring, open stretch of highway -- rare in these parts!

I glance at my speedometer occasionally, but mostly I've grown used to the 'feel' of the bike, and have a pretty good idea of my velocity at any given moment. If I need to check GPS, I'll usually pull over for a visual, or hook up my earbuds for audio turn-by-turn. Mostly I don't use GPS during the trip, and rely on road signs and other directional cues.

I don't need an ongoing stream of data updates distracting me from the visceral experience of riding.

Now, if we could incorporate small missiles and related weaponry, and targeting systems, I'd be much more enthusiastic.

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All I can say is, if you invest that much into a helmet, you better like it...a lot! It's one thing to invest in accessories for the bike, but seriously a helmet is comparatively disposable. Three to five years, and no resale value once it's been worn. I'm not putting a grand or more into a helmet, and don't really give a shit about HUD (not you Uncle Hud).

Now if it had laser sighting for knocking off the assholes in front of me for use with my FJR air to ground missile system, I'm IN!

HotRodZilla posted: What sucks about HUD us that, currently, if I want to see my GPS, I look at it. Otherwise, it is out of my mind.
Well, I worry about details, so I'm checking my almost line-of-sight GPS every two or three minutes. ("Have I missed the turn? Turning left or right? How much farther? What's the route number I'm turning onto?" ......... "Did I miss the turn? Turning left or right?") I don't use the turn-by-turn because I rather listen to the Rolling Stones, Diana Krall, the football game, or chat with my riding partner(s).

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I saw another helmet (can't remember the name) that had a display that included a rear view camera. This feature I liked. I think the backside of the windsheild would be the best place for a display, not inside the helmet. GM used a display on the inside of the windshield, I am not sure if they do it anymore.

My wife's BMW (cage) has a HUD and her last one did too. She loves it and I do like it. I could see a helmet with one being useful, but you'd have to be able to turn it on and off and select some function. So while speed and RPM and a clock would always come on, nav, fuel level and other functions would need to be selectable, preferably voice-operated. Plus any idiot lights should come on.

I saw another helmet (can't remember the name) that had a display that included a rear view camera. This feature I liked. I think the backside of the windsheild would be the best place for a display, not inside the helmet. GM used a display on the inside of the windshield, I am not sure if they do it anymore.
Skully AR1 -

I had a Pontiac that had the Heads-up - much better as it was in my line of site for speed for example - which menat i wasnt looking down to see the speed, along with alerts like - gas low

Need one implanted in my eyeball lens like the Terminators and a host of other bad guys.

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