Heart Attack, Gen 3 Oil Filter

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The only caution I'd offer wrt filters is simply to be careful about the ones marked "superfine", or similar.

I don't know the spec for the FJR filter, but filter specs have two important factors ... the micron size and the flow-rate. It's possible that some filters that filter out the tiny stuff might offer too low a flow rate.

Anyway, it's worth checking and if it has been covered before I apologize.

SWMBO has reminded me that in the fine print, there is a Stupidity Clause in the life insurance policy. Apparently, she's willing to find a way to press on if I should get splattered in a m/c crash, with a bucket load of large bills to aid in her comfort. However, and I believe I'm quoting here, "if you die from a heart attack over worrying about some ridiculous bottle of oil, and they don't give me my money, I'll never forgive you." And well - we just can't have that.

Clearly, i got myself lathered up yesterday. They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

"Hi - my name is Pants and I've got New Bike Syndrome!"

(everyone now.......)

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Please no disrespect, but I would not use one of those Frams on my bike. They are an inferior filter compared to many others that are available.
Since someone suggested it I will take the next one I take off and do an autopsy on it. After seeing the Yamaha one I am not impressed.


It seems to me that my friend Mr. hppants is really, Really, REALLY proud of his new 2014 FJR and he does not want to mess it up. It is only natural, that '14 is a fantastic looking, fantastic riding motorcycle. I am certain that when he settles down a bit he will realize that almost everything that worked on his '05 will also work on his 2014. I can see how he would question the differences, there is a huge difference in the riding experience.

Calm down, deep breath, relax.

As you have been told so many times, Ride More, Stress Less.

KN-204 is correct parts number for K & N Filter Gen III FJR (IF YOU WANT IT TO LOOK LIKE THE OEM FILTER)

From Amazon

K&N KN-204 Motorcycle/Powersports High Performance Oil Filter


382 customer reviews

| 18 answered questions

List Price: $15.11 Price: $9.89 Free Shipping for Prime Members You Save: $5.22 (35%)

Note: Available at a lower price from other sellers, potentially without free Prime shipping.

In Stock.
Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.

Want it tomorrow, May 30? Order within 10 hrs 42 mins and choose Saturday Delivery at checkout. Details

  • O/E replacement oil filters for most cars, trucks, SUV's, motorcycles, & ATV's
  • 17 mm exposed nut designed for easy oil filter removal
  • Heavy duty construction for extreme conditions
  • Resin-impregnated filter media traps 99% of harmful contaminants
  • Anti-drainback valve (where applicable) eliminates dry starts, prevents oil from draining back into crankcase during engine shutdown
See more product details
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In case you didn't realize it 'Pants, this one made NEPRT as soon as you posted it!
I was discussing this thread with Dear Old Dad earlier this evening and the discussion evolved into the perpetual debate over the final drive oil. As we discussed our options and opinions Dad hit me with, "Well what does your forum say?"

I think we sometimes overlook the fact that when we post it on THE FJRForum it suddenly becomes fact. We are the "go to" source of information, we are the experts. Oddly, we don't seem to agree on much.
As with all sources of information, some are more trusted as accurate than others. There are a few people on this forum who really are expert on particular topics, and after reading the forum for long enough it becomes obvious who really knows what he is talking about on a particular topic.

For example, we had a member years ago who called himself Jestal. Jestal knew motor oil. He left the forum about the same time that General Motors tanked. I still trust his comments about oil more than anything I've read since then.

There are other trusted sources of information on other specific topics, but I won't try to list them because I'm sure I'd leave some out by mistake. Besides, you all probably know who they are.

I've read that a Royal Purple filter were the best to use but I've always ran a Mobil M1-110, Bosch 3323 or Purolator L14610 and changed every 5K with Mobil1.


  • AC Delco PF-2057
  • Bosch 3323 (potential issues)
  • Carquest 85356 — reportedly will not seal!
  • Castrol 7317
  • Deutsch D-370
  • FRAM PH7317 (fits OK but 40% more restrictive than the OEM filter!)
  • K&N KN-148
  • Mobil 1 M1-110 (known to work okay)
  • Motorcraft Long Life FL-821 — reportedly will not seal!
  • NAPA Gold 1356 — reportedly will not seal!
  • Penske 7317
  • Purolator L14610 — (known to work okay, see photo above)
  • Pure ONE PL14610 — (see photo above)
  • Pure ONE PL14620 — reportedly will not seal!
  • STP S-02867
  • WIX 51356 — reportedly will not seal!
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I'm 'guilty' of using the OEM gear oil too.

Here's a good one:

Had a '99 MB ML320 years back, took it in for the scheduled service (B or C I believe) which called for the wiper blades to be replaced too. When the service writer gave me the bill, I was very irate to put it lightly. The wiper blades were, drum roll please.... $120 of the bill!! I told him to put my old ones back on, take the $120 off the bill and I'll go to Autozone and buy a pair for $20. So their mark up on the blades was what, about 1000 percent?! THIEVES!

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I've read that a Royal Purple filter were the best to use but I've always ran a Mobil M1-110, Bosch 3323 or Purolator L14610 and changed every 5K with Mobil1.


  • AC Delco PF-2057
  • Bosch 3323 (known to work okay)
  • Carquest 85356 — reportedly will not seal!
  • Castrol 7317
  • Deutsch D-370
  • FRAM PH7317 (fits OK but 40% more restrictive than the OEM filter!)
  • K&N KN-148
  • Mobil 1 M1-110 (known to work okay)
  • Motorcraft Long Life FL-821 — reportedly will not seal!
  • NAPA Gold 1356 — reportedly will not seal!
  • Penske 7317
  • Purolator L14610 — (known to work okay, see photo above)
  • Pure ONE PL14610 — (see photo above)
  • Pure ONE PL14620 — reportedly will not seal!
  • STP S-02867
  • WIX 51356 — reportedly will not seal!
No experience with most of those, but the Napa gold 1358/Wix 51358 seal and work just fine, as compared to the 1356/51356 given in the list quoted. Note the Napa filter is made by Wix, and is essentially identical. It is a high-flow filter.

Blackstone Laboratories charges $25 for a Standard Oil Analysis.

That would probably tell you more about the condition of your used engine oil, than cutting open any number of filters .... although the pics are kinda neat to see too :D

So I'm resolved to use the OEM gear oil. The bottle does not have an API, SAE, or other rating on it, and the owner's manual does not specify same. Rather, they say use the oil ".... exclusive to FJR1300 and V-Max....." oil. I'm sure it's BUSH, but for 5 changes worth over 40,000 miles, I'll let it go.

Gen 3 Owners Manual Page 9-1 clearly states 80 API GL-5 as also indicated in the Bin O Facts

Also as indicated earlier in this thread. If Yamaha does not provide the specifications of the oil they must then provide it FREE as per the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act 0f 1975


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Gen 3 Owners Manual Page 9-1 clearly states 80 API GL-5 as also indicated in the Bin O Facts
Only on the 2013. 2014 and on (so far) the owners manual clearly states only the

"recommended final gear oil

Yamaha Genuine Shaft Drive Gear Oil Exclusive to FJR1300/VMAX"

2014 MOM, pg 7-17.

Also as indicated earlier in this thread. If Yamaha does not provide the specifications of the oil they must then provide it FREE as per the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act 0f 1975
It's my understanding that "the act" applies when the mfr specifies what is to be used and ties any warranty work to that specification. Read carefully grasshoppah, Yamaha specifies nothing. Yamaha recommends the oil to be used. Minor semantics? No, it's called legaleze. None of us is going to make Yamaha provide anything to anyone free of charge. Maybe you got the bucks for the lawyers and the yrs necessary for the litigation but I gots me better things to do with my time and money. Besides, we're talking the cost difference of what, $20 spread over the course of 4 or 5 oil changes? What's the big deal?

It is the exact same final drive in the 2014 and 2015 as the 2013 (and earlier for that matter). Yamaha would have a very hard time refusing warranty claims for anyone that was using a good quality GL5 gear oil considering they have recommended that very product for that very same drive.

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It is the exact same final drive in the 2014 and 2015 as the 2013 (and earlier for that matter). Yamaha would have a very hard time refusing warranty claims for anyone that was using a good quality GL5 gear oil considering they have recommended that very product for that very same drive.
Yup ... Yamaha wouldn't actually have to give out free oil, that's not what the Act says. What they would not be able to do is turn down warranty claims, so they should publish the spec of their "recommended" gar oil.

In answer to the other question (above) ... "What is the big deal?"

The big deal is that I do not want to travel 30 miles to a Yamaha dealer to give Yamaha a contribution of fifteen free dollars, when I can get GL-5 oil in Wal-Mart, with my groceries.

In answer to the other question (above) ... "What is the big deal?"
The big deal is that I do not want to travel 30 miles to a Yamaha dealer to give Yamaha a contribution of fifteen free dollars, when I can get GL-5 oil in Wal-Mart, with my groceries.
That didn't translate too well, the "what's the big deal" question
. In my head it was a double entendre- 80-90 wt gear oil if you want, Yamahamama "exclusive" oil if you want. So there's a $10-15 price difference. What's the big deal when spread out over the course of 3 or 4 or 5 changes?

People don't mind spending hundreds for a gps. And more hundreds still for a custom seat. And still hundreds more for gear, helmet, boots, even just for gloves. But an extra $15 for oil, a bottle of which will last at least 2 yrs? O M F G
!!! Please, let's not talk about the cost of spark plugs, that may break the bank!!!

Twigg, Twigg, Twigg
. I get the impression, right or wrong, that you'd travel 30 miles out of your way for a crappy sandwich. In your sleep. And it's not like you'd have to go on some special excursion just for oil. I mean really, 30 miles out your way?

The heck with motorcycle shops.

Just try to imagine what this country would be like without Walmart....

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Twigg, Twigg, Twigg
. I get the impression, right or wrong, that you'd travel 30 miles out of your way for a crappy sandwich. In your sleep. And it's not like you'd have to go on some special excursion just for oil. I mean really, 30 miles out your way?
That's a reasonable point.

I just don't like it when I feel I'm being gouged. We like Yamaha, we buy their freakin' motorcycles, so give us a break on those consumables!

In answer to the other question (above) ... "What is the big deal?"

The big deal is that I do not want to travel 30 miles to a Yamaha dealer to give Yamaha a contribution of fifteen free dollars, when I can get GL-5 oil in Wal-Mart, with my groceries.
That didn't translate too well, the "what's the big deal" question
. In my head it was a double entendre- 80-90 wt gear oil if you want, Yamahamama "exclusive" oil if you want. So there's a $10-15 price difference. What's the big deal when spread out over the course of 3 or 4 or 5 changes?
People don't mind spending hundreds for a gps. And more hundreds still for a custom seat. And still hundreds more for gear, helmet, boots, even just for gloves. But an extra $15 for oil, a bottle of which will last at least 2 yrs? O M F G
!!! Please, let's not talk about the cost of spark plugs, that may break the bank!!!

Twigg, Twigg, Twigg
. I get the impression, right or wrong, that you'd travel 30 miles out of your way for a crappy sandwich. In your sleep. And it's not like you'd have to go on some special excursion just for oil. I mean really, 30 miles out your way?
No, no, no. I absolutely do mind paying hundreds for a GPS, and all of the other things you list. If I could buy an acceptable substitute for any of those things for less money, I would. In fact, I usually buy my gear and farkles from a discounter who is selling off the leftovers from a previous year or two. If you are not careful with your money you simply end up paying more for some things and the result is that you can buy fewer things.

The problem comes in with false economies. If you buy an oil filter because it's inexpensive but it does not do the job properly it can cost you a lot more than you saved. The same for oil, or gear if it is ineffective or uncomfortable. But GL5 gear oil is a GL5 gear oil and we should not be expected to pay a 300 percent premium for it just because it has the Yamaha logo on the bottle.

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