Heat on the 05

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I actually prefer lime green assless chaps with a nice white lace thong. :rolleyes:

So what's the looks of the Baker Built stuff? Are these those ridiculous Goldwing/Voyager looking air deflectors that I have seen people post about mounted to the bottom of the mirrors? If that's the last link in the chain, I'm screwed, because those things will never go on my bike. UUUUUUGGGGGLLLLYYYY! They look like one of those teleprompter thingies you see on the state of the Union address.

...Also good to hear that the Concours 14 is a barbecue grill too. I've been listening to this smart ass sales guy at this Kawi dealer I visit sometimes tell me what POS my FJR is because of it's "heat problems." I told him he might want to wait and see before he shoots his mouth off as it is, afterall, a first year Kawasaki. I've heard from more than one person that the C14 is an absolute flame thrower. My buyers remorse is diminishing all the time.

There seems to be three types of GenI FJR owners:

1. Those that complain about the heat.

2. Those that somehow put up with it.

3. Those that live in the northern latitudes where temperatures are less of an issue.

I did all the heat mods on my '05 too, but found it never made much difference. It got to the point where I just stopped riding it on warmer days. Finally I found a decent fix. I bought a Generation II '07 FJR. The '07 still produces a bit of heat on ankles, but it's heat is very tolerable.

There seems to be three types of GenI FJR owners:
1. Those that complain about the heat.

2. Those that somehow put up with it.

3. Those that live in the northern latitudes where temperatures are less of an issue.

I did all the heat mods on my '05 too, but found it never made much difference. It got to the point where I just stopped riding it on warmer days. Finally I found a decent fix. I bought a Generation II '07 FJR. The '07 still produces a bit of heat on ankles, but it's heat is very tolerable.
And yet TurboDave (who flat out RIDES both his FJR's) claims that his Gen II is hotter than his Gen I! I suspect there is a good deal of individual bike variability, as well as the heat tolerance differences noted above.

And yet TurboDave (who flat out RIDES both his FJR's) claims that his Gen II is hotter than his Gen I! I suspect there is a good deal of individual bike variability, as well as the heat tolerance differences noted above.

I'd agree with that. I recently acquired an '04. I did the Cromeit mods to both sides, added smitty's tank blanket, and read up on the windshield and seating position threads. Is there heat yes, but it's far less of a concern than it's made out to be. And the listed mods made a world of difference IMO. I test rode an '06 for 15 miles on a 90* day and it got hot also. Heat and also Vibration are things that as much personal annoyances as saddle design.

There's alot of folks North, South, East & West with 20k+ on Gen 1's so it can't be every bike that's a heater.

I'm extremely Glad there's folks that have put mod info on this forum to help Gen 1 owners.


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