Heated Grips...

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Not yet as far as I can tell. Our updater might be out dating, or is perhaps a little dated, but hasn't updated... to date. Patience.

Get those winter gloves out for now.


darksider #44

Just contacted A'ME about these grips. (CLICKY) It's been two months ago today that Warchild posted that he ordered some and would do a report on them when he got em installed. Maybe he got a little tied up, so I'm going to try to get some info. John Svenson from AME grips has gotten back to me pretty quickly and I've asked him several questions. He didn't answer my questions yet, but did give me the following info:


Yes, the Heated Chicane Grips are available. If not in stock it takes about 1 week to get a set made and shipped to you.

I can take your order direct. I will need the following information;

Grip model (Quantity and Color)

Credit Card Type (Visa or Mastercard)

Credit Card Number, Expiration Date and Security Code (on back of card)

Shipping Name and Address

Billing Name and Address if different than shipping information.


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I was dingered for this reply, what could I do in the future to provide a better answer?

Still waiting to see what Warchild has to say about these grips!

Gary. it works with FJR. Let me know if you have any other questions on this grips.
Watt or amps so we have some idea of heat capability.


Due to technical difficulties cougar was unable to post the following answer:

Amp. both on draw 3.6 amp to bring the heat in. Once they come up to heat amp drops to do about 1.7-1.7. Same goes for Watt 44 vs 22. These numbers for both grips combined. Each grip is individually...
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Well, since I installed these, and no one else has posted up thoughts, I will.

First thing you should know is that if you are interested in these, you should visit former forum member Cougar8000 at his site, Mishacycles.com. He carries the grips and they are $125 shipped for forum members. Just send him a note, tell him your a member, and he'll adjust pricing. He's a cool guy.


I got mine from Alex a couple weeks ago and installed them in a couple hours. The grips are really cool, and the shape is nice, but they are not exactly plug and play.

The reason is these grips are 1/2 inch shorter than the OEM grips causing some extra work on the throttle side. If you don't move the throttle housing to the right and set the grip flush with the bar-end, there will be 1/2 inch of naked bar showing between the end of the grip and the bar-end.

You gotta take the throttle housing apart anyway, so relocating the small key hole that keeps it in place and lets it close all the way is not that big of deal. The hole is small and not very deep. I chose to move the kill switch housing to the right too, so I had to drill two holes. One for the throttle housing and one for the kill switch housing. Others have left the kill switch housing where it is, leaving a 1/2 inch space between the grip and the housing. The brake lever mount does not need to be moved.

So, after moving the housing and maybe the kill switch, just slide the grip on, put the throttle housing together and decide on your wiring. I placed the grip so that at rest, the button is between 11 and 12 o'clock so that when I'm using the throttle on the road, the button and LED face me. The way you do the button placement is up to you. I ran the wire under the emergency flasher switch and then ran it along the other wires from the bar. It wasn't hard, but it was time consuming for me because I hadn't planned on having to relocate the throttle housing...If I did one tomorrow, it would be no problem.

The clutch side is super easy. Just remove the OEM grip, and put the A'ME grip in its place. This grip is also shorter than the OEM, but it's easy to just locate the grip between the switch housing and the bar-end, and it looks just fine. You have to leave a little space between the switch housing and the grip anyway to account for the wire exit from the grip.

The A'ME grip has a plastic sleeve and an allen bolt that locks the grip down, so there is no adhesive or glue needed. Just slide the grip into place and lock down. I located the grip so the button and the LED light were at about 10 o'clock, so they would face me when I'm riding. I ran the wire to the split in the housing, used a file to make a small pass through area and then ran the wire through the housing and out the other side with the rest of the wiring. It looks great. Pay attention to how the wire runs though the housing so you don't interfere with the turn signal switch.

Initially I wired the grips to the OEM heated grip wire on the left side. Finding and working on that wire requires removal of the left lower fairing. You will see a blue connector in there, connected to nothing. If you test it, it should be switched and only work when the bike is running...Not just key on. I think green was hot and black was ground.

I wired my GPS (2 amps) and the grips (7 amps) to this wire so initially my grips were switched. They worked good, and got hot, but I decided I didn't like them on switched power, so I un-did the wiring to that area and moved them to direct current. They have a sensor that knows if they are draining the battery, so if you leave them on and the bike is off, they will turn off soon anyway. I didn't like them switched because on a trip to Phoenix where I used them a lot, I couldn't turn them on so they could start warming up before I started the bike.

If they are shut off by you, or switched power, you have to hit the buttons however many times to get to whatever setting you want...So five times for setting five. I thought that was a pain in the ass, and would forget to turn them back on until I had my thick gloves on...Bummer. If the grips turn off themselves due to a sensed lowered battery, they will retun to their previous setting, so I see no reason to have them switched.

I had an issue where the right grip would continuously flash as if always warming and never reaching full heat, in any condition. The left grip is perfect. I contacted John at A'ME and he sent me to the lead tech guy. They're sending me a new grip in the mail with a return label...They were really nice.

Anyway...The grips get really hot and I usually use them on 3. They go to 6, but that is frigging hot. I like them and think they are well made. They were pretty straight forward to install, but expect to do just a little fiddling.

Thanks for the update!!!!!!

in your post, you note 1/2 inch space if you move the throttle housing... i assume between the throttle housing and the kill switch housing.

Wondering if by moving the throttle grip and kill switch, there would bea enough room to put one of these on there??


Also, i'd like to see pics of the install without moving the housing, leaving the 1/2 inch gap on the bar end side...

I may have a solution for this depending on what is exposed etc...

Lemme see what I can come up with...Below is a link to FJRiders.com where we already hashed out all this stuff. I deleted the pictures from my phone, but still have them on my work computer. Problem is, I can't get Photobucket from here. If this doesn't work, I could always just email them to you.

Ok...I got one from another guy to show up here. I think this looks like crap, and on my bike with the OEM bar-ends, it looked even worse:


The way the images are hosted over there won't let me paste them here, so here is the link to that thread. The pictures start on page 2. I think you could get one of those EB switches in there...You could measure it or order one and see if it fits...There's definately room to work.

FJRiders Discussion See Post #82

Thanks Zilla - for the write up. I appreciate the time you put into that. That's one of the things I love about this forum, so often when I'm looking for information, this is the place to find it. So, with all I've seen, I've decided to go with another brand of grips. My concern was, and still is: can I keep my throttle lock? It appears that I would have to try to disassemble the throttle grip to attempt to put my vista cruise on it. However, the set I've chosen should be much more accommodating. Hopefully I can install them with a minimum of hassle right next to my existing throttle lock.

But then since when did ANY project I start turn out to be as easy as it appeared before I began?

I'll post some pictures when I install it. Should be within about a week. Am also planning to put in a volt meter as well. I'll finally get a chance to try out my new dremel.


darksider #44

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Hey Gary...I donno which Vista Cruise you have, but I was using the one that slides over the throttle. The Universal maybe?? Anyway, I can't continue to use it. It locks down right where the button and LED for the grip is.

Skooter has a Vista Cruise on his bike, but it works different...I need to look around. Think I'm gonna go to a Throttlemeister...

Hey Gary...I donno which Vista Cruise you have, but I was using the one that slides over the throttle. The Universal maybe??
Zilla,Sorry I'm so slow to respond today. You and I are on opposite ends of the country, I was busy snoozing when you wrote. Anyway, my Vista cruise looks like this:


The grips I bought from the local Yammie shop look like this: CLICKY This website has a neat little magnification feature. Anyway, I know there are a lot of options out there, but I'd rather not mess with a different cruise set up since the one I have works so well and I'm used to it. There I go, showing my age. Once I find something I like, I hate to mess with it.


darksider #44

That's not the one I have. How the Hell does that one lock the throttle? Is it on the throttle tube between the throttle housing and the grip?

You guessed it. I took off the grip, slipped the throttle lock over the plastic throttle tube, and did a little fabricating with a clothes hanger. Then I trimmed the OD of the handgrip to fit, slid on the handgrip, and I'm all set. Just a cheap little plastic rascal, but it works sooooo well.


darksider #44

Yeah...That takes Vista Cruise out of the running. I actually liked that cheap POS...Ok. I guess ThrottleMeister it is.


Well, look at it this way: the ThrottleMeister will remind you that you're not a cheap rascal like I am. And they do look pretty cool as well. Only problem is, what are you going to do with your thumb once you install it? I can see it now: you'll be driving along flicking desperately at the air, and some little girl riding along next to you in a cage will say, "Mommy, why is that man yelling at his motorcycle?"

Good luck with the project.


darksider #44

Just heard back from the company about attempting to install my Vista Cruise throttle lock (post #31 above) with these grips. Here's his response copied for you below.

Hi Gary,

Concerning your questions about our Heated Chicane grips. I would not feel confident to tell you the exterior throttle control clamp you have made will work with the Chicane Heated grip. And you should nor trim the grip flange because the power wire exits through the flange. Other FJR owners have told us the Throttlemeister bar end cruis control will work. You cannot remove the grip from our throttle tube. It is heat bonded to the throttle tube. I would be happy to help you with any other questions you might have concerning our heated grips.


Thank you, Bob Rutten, A'ME Grips

Bob Rutten




darksider #44

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Well, look at it this way: the ThrottleMeister will remind you that you're not a cheap rascal like I am. And they do look pretty cool as well. Only problem is, what are you going to do with your thumb once you install it? I can see it now: you'll be driving along flicking desperately at the air, and some little girl riding along next to you in a cage will say, "Mommy, why is that man yelling at his motorcycle?"

Good luck with the project.


darksider #44
Haha...I've been doing that already. Every time I go to screw with a glove, or do something I prolly shouldn't be doing, but need the throttle lock, I start looking for it. I miss it... :blink:

Just heard back from the company about attempting to install my Vista Cruise throttle lock (post #31 above) with these grips. Here's his response copied for you below.

Hi Gary,

Concerning your questions about our Heated Chicane grips. I would not feel confident to tell you the exterior throttle control clamp you have made will work with the Chicane Heated grip. And you should nor trim the grip flange because the power wire exits through the flange. Other FJR owners have told us the Throttlemeister bar end cruis control will work. You cannot remove the grip from our throttle tube. It is heat bonded to the throttle tube. I would be happy to help you with any other questions you might have concerning our heated grips.


Thank you, Bob Rutten, A'ME Grips

Bob Rutten


So, I've purchased another brand... ended up costing me 83 bucks with tax.


darksider #44
That right there is why these companies should think about the products they put out. How the Hell does someone start selling grips that can't be used with most throttle locks. I would think that would be a concern, but I guess not. What irritates me is that at $125 these grips are a good deal. However, add $150 for a ThrottleMiester and that goes out the window...


Before you go and invest in a Throttlemeister, check this out. Go Cruise I had a Throttlemeister on a CBR600 and ended taking it off, just not the safest thing IMHO to be using. I haven't used one of the Go Cruise units, but looks like it might work with your new grips and at around $22 shipped, it won't break the bank.

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