Helmet Buffeting

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2006
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Redwood Meadows,Alberta - SW of Calgary on Hwy 22
Went out an bought a new Shoei X-11 helmet my old Arai Signet GT was getting a bit old.

I loved the Arai it was comfortable and cool but the new Profile did not fit me well and the Shoei did.

I went for a ride and found the new helmet seems excellent and an improvement in a few areas

1) - Better venting and air flow

2) - Liked the way the visor works - on / off lock and the defog

3) - Very comfortable

4) - Nice look

but the thing that I noticed is it it seems to have get bounced around from buffeting alot more than the old Arai did

Has anyone else found this with the Shoei X-11?

Did you find a fix?

I am sure it is off the turbulance from the front of the bike becouse if I stand on the pegs in clean air the helmet smooths right out

I have a stock windscreen.

Would the Larmer Lip help smooth out the air?


Went out an bought a new Shoei X-11 helmet my old Arai Signet GT was getting a bit old.
I loved the Arai it was comfortable and cool but the new Profile did not fit me well and the Shoei did.

I went for a ride and found the new helmet seems excellent and an improvement in a few areas

1) - Better venting and air flow

2) - Liked the way the visor works - on / off lock and the defog

3) - Very comfortable

4) - Nice look

but the thing that I noticed is it it seems to have get bounced around from buffeting alot more than the old Arai did

Has anyone else found this with the Shoei X-11?

Did you find a fix?

I am sure it is off the turbulance from the front of the bike becouse if I stand on the pegs in clean air the helmet smooths right out

I have a stock windscreen.

Would the Larmer Lip help smooth out the air?

I noticed my X-11 likes the windscreen down and even better now with Skyways windscreen spacers.

My wife complains with her Shoei RF1000 even more. I told her she needed more neck excercises and volunteered to help her. :)

I've found some helmets do better on my FJR than others. My multitech is smoother than my Nolan at speeds. There's a Rumblestrip that can be added to the helmet that might help prevent the buffeting by breaking up the wind stream. A search of the board may find it.

I've got no buffeting problem with my X-11 with a Cee Bailey +2 or stock screen, up or down, passenger or no. Generally the wing on the back of the X-11 stops any buffeting.

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I found that my new scorpion exo-400 seems to be moved around more than my Icon Mainframe did with the oem screen. On my H-D, with no windshield, I don't notice this at all. I also have a Calsci (tall), and get get almost no turbulence at all.


When I get tired of Buffett-ing, I usually switch tracks to Grateful Dead-ing.
Sorry, it's been a slow day here.
Well you know Buffet has covered two of Bruce Cockburn's songs on his latest releases. Get the Charity of Night by Bruce Cockburn and give that a listen.

Buffeting. Yep, an FJR phenom. Worse with some helmets than others and worse with some windshields than others.


1) better aerodynamics on helmet - Scorpion EXO 700 series get good reviews

2) Taller windshield - Calsci gets pretty good reviews, but no one shield will make every FJR rider happy

3) Sky way shield spacers - the help significantly (how much is subjective)

4) Shorter windshield, just get in clean air

I'm 6'4" and tall in the torso. The buffeting I get is directly proportional to how much I raise my windscreen; hence, the windscreen stays down all the time -- even in winter. I have to keep my helmet in clean air to keep it smooth. If wake off the windscreen hits my helmet at all, it ruins my day. I have always wondered if that variable windscreen is much use to anybody, because it seems to me as if you'd have to be very short to keep your helmet fully within the dead zone behind a raised windscreen to make it comfortable. I have to crouch way down with my head right behind the windscreen for a smooth ride in the "up position." I can last only a few minutes and it's not worth it. It is nice being able to hear the engine purrr, though!!!

I'm an aerodynamicist by trade, and I can tell you that spheroidal objects always create huge wakes. Your windscreen creates a wake. If the helmet and windscreen are positioned such that the interaction is strong, buffeting will be terrible.

You just have to find what works and go with it.

That said, I think Yamaha could use a good aerodynamicist like me to fix this problem :)


Does thw Larmer Lip look as if it would really clean up the air as they claim?

I notice the windscreen has alot of movement. I think this is becouse of the way the screen is attached to the bike. It is not a solid mount. I wonder if this also contributes to what I am experincing.

Does thw Larmer Lip look as if it would really clean up the air as they claim?

I notice the windscreen has alot of movement. I think this is becouse of the way the screen is attached to the bike. It is not a solid mount. I wonder if this also contributes to what I am experincing.
Not familiar with the Larmer Lip. Link?

I use the Windjammer II. While this doesn't reduce turbulence outside the helmet, it does reduce turbulence inside the helmet. I was getting a booming resonanse from air coming up my back and into the helmet from the bottom. This simple device nearly eliminates that. For $20 + shipping (pleasantly quick from the UK), it's some of the best money spent. I wear a Shoei TZ-R, and my helmet is happier in clean air (only have a flyscreen on the Vmax).



I'm 5'10" with an X-11 and a CB+4+4 screen. I don't seem to have any problems at all under any circumstances.

I've been using my X-11 for the past couple of years now and have found that it loves clean air and hates to have the windscreen in any highly elevated position. I pretty much always ride with the wind screen in the lowest 25% of it's range. I modified my stock windscreen to reduce back pressure with the secondary hopes that it would also reduce the helmet buffeting... no such secondary effect gained. I'm always amazed how quiet this helmet is if I stand up on the pegs while going at hwy speeds to stretch my legs. I guess I've just learned to tolerate it for now. I considered a larger screen but can't compromise on the decreased airflow in this hot environment.


I looked at some of the pics but could not really tell what you did to your screen

I was thinking of cutting mine down a few inches but if this did nothing for you I won't was't my time or an OK screen

Maybe it is just the shape of the front that creates the rough air

I really like how quiet it is when I stand on the pegs just wish I could get that some how when my butt is on the seat ---my legs are getting sore


Does thw Larmer Lip look as if it would really clean up the air as they claim?

I notice the windscreen has alot of movement. I think this is becouse of the way the screen is attached to the bike. It is not a solid mount. I wonder if this also contributes to what I am experincing.
www.laminarlip.com -- I went there and looked at the FJR1300 installation by the Aussie.

First impressions -- It probably does a pretty good job of reducing wake turbulence because what it's doing attenuating the strength of the wake (the pressure drop behind the windscreen). The principle behind the design appears sound to me, it's just --- well there's no kind way to say it -- ugly. There has to be a better way to get the flow you want.

I have the biggest Rifle windscreen on my bike and it really smooths out the flow for me. It comes with "tuner block" which opens up the gap between the front fairing the the front of the windscreen, creating much the same effect that the laminar lip does without the hideous tumor growing on my windscreen. Check it out at this link:


Oh, and you mentioned the windscreen movement ... it doesn't cause wake turbulence but it's a pretty strong indicator that the turbulence exists. Even with the new Rifle windscreen, mine jumps around alot, too. I guess I've learned to live with it, but the first time I rode my bike with a sheet of plastic jarring around like that with a knife-edge pointing at my neck, I took notice!!!! Hope it never comes off and goes airborne because little Johnny might see the first headless FJR rider.
