Helmet Cam captures collision

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Jun 15, 2005
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Sonora, CA
Helmet Cam Captures Collision

Lifted from BARF

A direct quote from her (several quotes compiled together by yours truly):

Thank you much. I will let you know. LEO and Insurance are well aware I have it all on vid. The officer who took the report already watched it too...he chuckled and said - "yeah, good thing you have that because the guy is saying you hit him. He said he was stopped and all you had to do was stop - but you didn't, you hit him."

I'm just upset that I didn't avoid this crash. Watch the very beginning of the vid - you see me going along and I was going to pass him. Then Very uncharacteristic of me, I back off. Why'd I back off? I had a sudden bad feeling. I'm upset I couldn't avoid the crash...

I don't know if he had insurance...I was taken away in an Ambulance...and poor Sheol was towed I'm sure he doesn't know I have it on tape - and I don't know if he got a citation. I hope that by having the evidence, he'll have to fix my bike.

Yes, he was in the carpool lane - and yes, he was alone. One of the guys who stopped told the cops that the driver was driving very aggressively and had cut him off real bad just a few moments earlier. I sure hope he has insurance because I can't afford to fix Sheol on my own

My bulletcam is mounted on the right side of my helmet and the camcorder is in a fanny pack around my waist. No, I didn't land on it...I think the whole setup was safer. You can see I took the tankbag off the tank with me when I flew off...this is because I tuck up into a ball when I crash and the tankbag came with me into the tuck - this wasn't a problem...but it would have been if I had a camcorder mounted on my tank.

Either way - bike mounted vs helmet mount has its advantages and disadvantages. I use the helmet mount/fanny pack method because then I carry all my expensive equipment in with me and not leave it on my commuter bike where it can get stolen. Also - with it mounted on my helmet, you see basically what I see (minus quite a bit of peripheral vision). You don't have that flexibility with the bike mount.

I don't understand either. I got a bad feeling and backed off (you see at the beginning of the vid, I begin to pass him and then back off all of a sudden)...but I saw nothing around that would indicate why I had that feeling and I would have never guessed someone would just spontaneously lose control of their vehicle like that...I don't understand...

Thank you. I tried to get out of the way. I was in the #1 lane - moved into the #2 lane - got cornered between that stupid car in the #2 lane who never knew she was in danger and the stupid car losing control.

My hesitation when I saw the smoke was trying to anticipate what the car was going to do, where it was going to go, and how fast it would do it all....I miscalculated.

As you see...I took out his left front/side headlight thing...I almost could've made it if he hadn't been barreling down on me...and if that other car would've moved over...grrrrrr....I miscalculated...

He walked around and checked his car first before coming over to check on me...but hey...he wanted to see how much damage I did to his beloved car! You can see that I only took out his corner headlight thing - and partially ripped off his front bumper thing. Later - he starts tearing that entire bumper off and making like he was going to take off. The witnesses were surrounding him to make sure he didn't go anywhere. The people who stopped were many and very, very awesome. I'll be contacting them all to thank them when I get their info.

Camcorder + Bulletcam + Accessories + Shipping = around 1300-1400.00.

Providing Evidence to show PoopieButt is a Liar = Priceless.

No disrespecting her though!! She and the rest of the women who swarmed around me where friggen awesome. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to me and even got into it with a CHP officer.

There was a CHP officer that walked up to me and wanted me to walk off the freeway to the shoulder. The women - 2 of which were reg. nurses, replied - "NO. She hurt her leg and back really bad, it's not a good idea to move her until the Paramedics arrive." His reply was "I'm not talking to YOU, I'm talking to HER!" Immediately, another woman stood up and said - "I'm a reg. nurse too and I'm telling you that it's NOT a good idea to move her without the Paramedics here." and he just turned to her and said "I'm not asking YOU either - I'm asking HER!".

I was really impressed with the way the women came together and tried to protect me...they were so awesome. As to that officer who was an A$$ - I'll be getting his name...and the other women all said they wanted his name too and they were going to complain. I understand that his number 1 priority is to clear the freeway for the rest of the motorists....but the thing was...I didn't know if the pain I felt in my leg and back meant something super serious or what - that why I didn't want to move. If I didn't know...and the nurses thought it'd be best to not move until the Paramedics get there....then that CHP officer should not have been like that... I don't know. For every wonderful person in this world, there are like 50 stupid ones that need to die.

Helmet Cam Captures Collision
Lifted from BARF

A direct quote from her (several quotes compiled together by yours truly):

Thank you much. I will let you know. LEO and Insurance are well aware I have it all on vid. The officer who took the report already watched it too...he chuckled and said - "yeah, good thing you have that because the guy is saying you hit him. He said he was stopped and all you had to do was stop - but you didn't, you hit him."

I'm just upset that I didn't avoid this crash. Watch the very beginning of the vid - you see me going along and I was going to pass him. Then Very uncharacteristic of me, I back off. Why'd I back off? I had a sudden bad feeling. I'm upset I couldn't avoid the crash...

I don't know if he had insurance...I was taken away in an Ambulance...and poor Sheol was towed I'm sure he doesn't know I have it on tape - and I don't know if he got a citation. I hope that by having the evidence, he'll have to fix my bike.

Yes, he was in the carpool lane - and yes, he was alone. One of the guys who stopped told the cops that the driver was driving very aggressively and had cut him off real bad just a few moments earlier. I sure hope he has insurance because I can't afford to fix Sheol on my own

My bulletcam is mounted on the right side of my helmet and the camcorder is in a fanny pack around my waist. No, I didn't land on it...I think the whole setup was safer. You can see I took the tankbag off the tank with me when I flew off...this is because I tuck up into a ball when I crash and the tankbag came with me into the tuck - this wasn't a problem...but it would have been if I had a camcorder mounted on my tank.

Either way - bike mounted vs helmet mount has its advantages and disadvantages. I use the helmet mount/fanny pack method because then I carry all my expensive equipment in with me and not leave it on my commuter bike where it can get stolen. Also - with it mounted on my helmet, you see basically what I see (minus quite a bit of peripheral vision). You don't have that flexibility with the bike mount.

I don't understand either. I got a bad feeling and backed off (you see at the beginning of the vid, I begin to pass him and then back off all of a sudden)...but I saw nothing around that would indicate why I had that feeling and I would have never guessed someone would just spontaneously lose control of their vehicle like that...I don't understand...

Thank you. I tried to get out of the way. I was in the #1 lane - moved into the #2 lane - got cornered between that stupid car in the #2 lane who never knew she was in danger and the stupid car losing control.

My hesitation when I saw the smoke was trying to anticipate what the car was going to do, where it was going to go, and how fast it would do it all....I miscalculated.

As you see...I took out his left front/side headlight thing...I almost could've made it if he hadn't been barreling down on me...and if that other car would've moved over...grrrrrr....I miscalculated...

He walked around and checked his car first before coming over to check on me...but hey...he wanted to see how much damage I did to his beloved car! You can see that I only took out his corner headlight thing - and partially ripped off his front bumper thing. Later - he starts tearing that entire bumper off and making like he was going to take off. The witnesses were surrounding him to make sure he didn't go anywhere. The people who stopped were many and very, very awesome. I'll be contacting them all to thank them when I get their info.

Camcorder + Bulletcam + Accessories + Shipping = around 1300-1400.00.

Providing Evidence to show PoopieButt is a Liar = Priceless.

No disrespecting her though!! She and the rest of the women who swarmed around me where friggen awesome. They wouldn't let anything bad happen to me and even got into it with a CHP officer.

There was a CHP officer that walked up to me and wanted me to walk off the freeway to the shoulder. The women - 2 of which were reg. nurses, replied - "NO. She hurt her leg and back really bad, it's not a good idea to move her until the Paramedics arrive." His reply was "I'm not talking to YOU, I'm talking to HER!" Immediately, another woman stood up and said - "I'm a reg. nurse too and I'm telling you that it's NOT a good idea to move her without the Paramedics here." and he just turned to her and said "I'm not asking YOU either - I'm asking HER!".

I was really impressed with the way the women came together and tried to protect me...they were so awesome. As to that officer who was an A$$ - I'll be getting his name...and the other women all said they wanted his name too and they were going to complain. I understand that his number 1 priority is to clear the freeway for the rest of the motorists....but the thing was...I didn't know if the pain I felt in my leg and back meant something super serious or what - that why I didn't want to move. If I didn't know...and the nurses thought it'd be best to not move until the Paramedics get there....then that CHP officer should not have been like that... I don't know. For every wonderful person in this world, there are like 50 stupid ones that need to die.

March of 05 was my accident with my cruiser, so I know the awful feeling of flying off the motorcycle. I'm glad it was not being taped going freeway speeds and looks like it was riding through the town, and at city speed limits. Great video addition for things we need to keep in mind for our safety.

Saw the video link elsewhere, but not the quotes from the rider.

You can see I took the tankbag off the tank with me when I flew off...this is because I tuck up into a ball when I crash
er... she... like... crashes often enough to practice tucking?

After watching the video a few times, one question comes to mind...why the hell did he lock up his brakes and get out of control?? Did i miss something?? Can't see any reason that car would just lock up like that for no apparent reason.


"04 FJR 1300

oh... and nice cleavage shots!
Ditto. If some sweetie with a rack like that tells me to lie down, dammit I'm listenin!! I mean, I could be seriously injured, though blood flow internally seems to be doin' real good, all the organs seem to be ok............ :D

Seriously though, what made fuckbrains lay on the binders? While the cop maybe had it comin, death threats seem a lttle severe, but I say right on for Chico and The Chair.

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Well, most importantly, how are you, Skyway?Jim
Lifted from BARF
I don't believe it was skyway...
No not me. Apart from the fact that the cager fooked up big time, its that the :asshat: was trying to lay the blame on the M/C rider.

It is difficult to read though when hotties on video are present. :D

I sure would like to hear if there was any more to the :asshat: story.

From what I can see it makes absolutely 0 sense why he locked up his brakes and turned into that lane????????????????????

From what I can see it makes absolutely 0 sense why he locked up his brakes and turned into that lane????????????????????
Actually, it looks like traffic ahead of him was slowing while he was simultaneously accelerating, then all of a sudden realized he was closing quickly on the traffic ahead of him and panicked, overbraking and locking up not all, but only a couple of the tires (causing the spin) of that POS he was driving.

Wow, hard to avoid that one. Only thing to do was brake as hard as you freaking can. But only hindsight tells us that.

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Well, most importantly, how are you, Skyway?Jim
Lifted from BARF
I don't believe it was skyway...
Uhh.....and Skyway is not a girl. Though he kinda looks like one.

Hmmm......bet he would be cute in a skirt..........

You as much chance of seeing me in a skirt, as I do seeing your bike with all it's farkles on it! :D

The white car infront of that moron was slowing as if to change lanes as well.

Moron was obviously not paying attention and failed to judge his speed and subsequently locked it up and lost control.

The sad thing is that even the MC failed to realize that her speed was probably to fast for traffic conditions.

We have a 5 lane highway of which 3 lanes are slowing or at a near stop.......what makes a person think that the other 2 lanes will not be slowing down as well.

Outside the MC rider slowing her speed down, I don't think the accident was avoidable.

One other point that I would like to point out is that most people are not aware of traffic around them. If the moron was aware then he would have optioned to swerve to the left instead of swerving to the right where there are at least 4 others lanes (congested) that he has to deal with..........truly a real moron.

I can not speak for the CHP officer but having almost 10 years in law enforcment, in particular in traffic investigation, anyone with a brain knows that you never move an injured person from the road unless they are in such a place in which there is greater harm by leaving them there.

Thankfully the mc rider was not seriously injured.


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The white car infront of that moron was slowing as if to change lanes as well. Moron was obviously not paying attention and failed to judge his speed and subsequently locked it up and lost control.

The sad thing is that even the MC failed to realize that her speed was probably to fast for traffic conditions.

We have a 5 lane highway of which 3 lanes are slowing or at a near stop.......what makes a person think that the other 2 lanes will not be slowing down as well.

Outside the MC rider slowing her speed down, I don't think the accident was avoidable.

One other point that I would like to point out is that most people are not aware of traffic around them. If the moron was aware then he would have optioned to swerve to the left instead of swerving to the right where there are at least 4 others lanes (congested) that he has to deal with..........truly a real moron.

I can not speak for the CHP officer but having almost 10 years in law enforcment, in particular in traffic investigation, anyone with a brain knows that you never move an injured person from the road unless they are in such a place in which there is greater harm by leaving them there.

Thankfully the mc rider was not seriously injured.

it would be interesting how the report would be written up, and always confirms my thought to always stay away from agressive drivers. Unfortunately she wasn't in the #1 lane, she would of been able to avoid it, but being after the fact of looking at the video, there was neither no room to safely go around, nor did she have enough time to accelerate beyond the car skidding into her.

A similar thing happened to my friend, but from his previous accident in which he did the same thing of slowing down, he accelerated his bike with only micro inches of being crunched.

Is there an email we can send to wish her a fast recovery?
