helmet re-cycleing

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2005
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Rochester, NY
Friends. A ? for the masses. What does everyone do with your outdated helmets ?

Manufacturers & others suggest that you relace every 4 or 5 years because of

decomposition of the foams & such. Are there alot of helmet table lamps out there?

I just find it hard to just pitch it in the can ! If you have a high priced lid,I'm sure

its harder to throw it out. Opinions/suggestions? Thanks, Sliick2

Great question! :eek: What degrades - the styrofoam? Why can't we buy a new "inside guts" and just replace that w/o buying a whole new helmet?

Hell, I don't toss the cheap ones without good reason or evidence that it's in bad shape. Hasn't happened yet, only helmet I got rid of lies in a casket with a good racing buddy.

sliick2 is correct I am told by my safety instructor. As I understand it, the cushion/foam interior and hard exterior breaks down over time. The helmet is good for about 4-5 years, if you look under the foam flap inside the helmet there should be a date stamp. Everyone should replace their helmet at least every 5 years (based upon the date). Also, the helmet is good for only one impact and should be replaced if the helmet is accidently dropped onto a hard or sharp surface of waist high or higher. It is expensive, but I think I will follow the recommendations rather than take the chance!

I have a collection on a shelf in my garage. :eek: I'm too frugal to throw them away and I sometimes do use an old one for a pillion. I don't have a schedule for replacement, I just get a new one when I become unhappy with the old one. My last helmet was a Simpson which I used for more than 20 years until I could no longer get a shield to fit it and the one I had was too scratched to use.

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It's the white styrofoam the put inside the helmet that is absolutely key to a helmets effectiveness. It is that foam layer that compresses to absorb/reduce the shock to your head. (The foam compresses so your brain doesn't smack against the inside of your skull!)

That is why after an impact they recomend that the helmets be replaced. Once that foam layer has compressed even a little bit it greatly reduces the helmets ability to absorb impacts. The foam isn't that thick so I can easily see that losing even a few millimeters of thickness to compressions could reduce the ability of the helmet to absorb impact by a large percentage.

I dont know about it breaking down over time from sitting on a shelf. But all my helmets as I have used them have had the interior slowly break down. Pressure from use. Keeping stuff (like keys) in the helmet can keep putting divots in the foam. Not big, but they add up.

After some frugality in my early years I now make sure I replace my helmets about every 3-5 years. I then keep the old one as a "spare" for when I taking a passenger out.

This could (and probably will) degrade into a "are helmets useful" thread. But for me, I aint taking any chances. It's just way too easy to smack your head even at low speeds and then thats it. Good quality helmet replaced at most every 5 years and worn all the time for me!

- Colin

Foam continues to shrink once the mixure hits the air. We have to wait 2 days worth of curing of our foam runners for shipping containers in order for them to fit. Then they stabalize to a point. They then shrink at a very slow rate and degrade over time. I am sure helmet foam is a little more stable but the do degrade in time.

Normally I used my old lid for car auto-x. SCCA Solo2 allows the last TWO sticker dates and it seems, after many racing years, a helmet is overkill for auto-x anyway (I'm more likely to get crushed by a bus on the street than hit something solid at auto-x). I never use my new cycle lid because auto-x helmets take a bit of a beating, with all the moving stuff around, in-and-out of cars, and prep work for races.

Hell, you save them... I have gave a few away. When I was racing every weekend, I would go through at least 2 lids a year. Here's where I put them... :p


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The inner foam does degrade over time. This degradation is accelerated by various chemicals. That's why I don't keep mine in the garage, or set them on the gas tank. The fiberglass or carbon fiber shells don't have much of a problem with this, but the polycarbonate shells are sensitive to gasoline and other solvents.


My old helmets go to the local paramedics or St John Ambulance for them to use for training purposes. I want any paramedic removing a helmet in the event of accident to be well practiced, it may well save my life after the helmet I'm wearing has done it's job.

My old helmets go to the local paramedics or St John Ambulance for them to use for training purposes. I want any paramedic removing a helmet in the event of accident to be well practiced, it may well save my life after the helmet I'm wearing has done it's job.
Ians is correct, lots of helmets go to Para's, and also to Fire departments. They'll either practice on it or forward it to someone who needs the practice.

Give up those old lids boys!!

I donate my helmets and Anna's to local volunteer fire departments for training purposes.

Of course, I do have a slefish motive, they're the ones most likely to pick me up in case of an "incident".

The fact that I'm also a volunteer fire fighter isn't relevent... :D

After riding nearly 3 years my helmets get rank! I wouldn't want to wear them! Next helmet I get will have removeable liners so I can actually clean them.

I have seen table radio's and even a computer built into helmets. Why not! A lamp would work in MY room! :lol:

A local MC accessories dealer drills holes in the top, then hangs 'em from the fence. They make wonderfull hanging planters... Geraniums, I believe...

