helmet re-cycleing

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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After riding nearly 3 years my helmets get rank!  I wouldn't want to wear them!  Next helmet I get will have removeable liners so I can actually clean them. 
I'm gonna second that. After 3 years or so, they get "the funk", and I've tried the shampoo route with them to no avail. Maybe I'm waiting to long to try shampooing, but in my experience, once they get the funk...it's there to stay. After that, I see how many M-80s it takes to destroy the shell. Damn those AGV carbon/kevlar/fiberglass jobs are tough! :D

Next helmet is DEFINATELY gonna have a removeable liner!

My old helmets go to the local paramedics or St John Ambulance for them to use for training purposes.  I want any paramedic removing a helmet in the event of accident to be well practiced, it may well save my life after the helmet I'm wearing has done it's job.
you're semi-correct, here...

it will save your NECK when ems persons practice safe helmet removal...

the main risk is being paralized from the spinal cord getting pinched in the cervical vertabre during rough removal of a helmet...

