Helmet Speakers

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Thanks.  Earplugs are not an option.

Why?, whadaya got against little foam balls in your ears?
Hate 'em. If MC5 and Grand Funk couldn't damage these ears, you think a little wind noise is? Huh? Huh? What? Why on earth would I wanna pluck myself, ya weirdo! :D

At 70mph with a full face helmet, approx. 115 db(depending on windshield position, or lack thereof). This causes hearing damage after 15 minutes!
To protect against wind-noise generated hearing loss, I just turn my tunes up loud enought that I can't hear the wind noise over the music. Problem sovled!

Radman: I've got the Autocomm Pro 7 system, the speakers are fairly good quality and put out fairly well on my CD player plugged through the Autocomm, I have a Sandisk MP3 player that I also use, but it doesn't have enough power to drive the speakers very well.Ya turn it up to hear the music and you start getting some distortion. Good Luck with whatever you end up with.

Radman, I won a pair of these last summmer at our CFO. I have them in my helmet with XM-radio, and they sound damn good, until I go over 65mph. If you want to try them out, come over and we'll switch cycles for a bit, ( helmet -xm).




HiFi speaker set with coiled extension wire to connect to CD, MD, MP3-Player and Walkman, frequency range 20-22.000Hz at 106dB/1KHz, max. 500mW signal power.

Item-Nr.: 2-3300

MC5, Kick Out the Jams, pure unadulterated noise rock from late 60's, early 70's, prehistoric punk. As loud as it could get, they opened a show by jumping down off their stacked amps. Think Blue Cheer, but louder


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MC5, Kick Out the Jams, pure unadulterated noise rock from late 60's, early 70's, prehistoric punk. As loud as it could get, they opened a show by jumping down off their stacked amps. Think Blue Cheer, but louder
I have that album . Vinyl of course.

Okay, I appreciate that some earplugs get real uncomfortable after awhile - so if you're dead set against them then this won't help, but... I had a pair of custom molded earplug speakers made. Cost me about $225. They are comfortable because they are custom fit. The fidelity is wonderful and the sound does not have to be very loud because outside noise is blocked and the sound is directed into the ear. Used with an iPod I get great sound.

I just put in a set of speakers from the riders warehouse catalog. these are the Aerostich clothing guys. Their speakers are sold to them from chatterbox. I was sceptical until I installed them. They are totally great and were inexpensive (I think about $35). I give them a big thumbs up, and use them with my dell dj mp3 player. I never have to turn up the volume past 17 or 18. cheers VT :yahoo:
