I have an 06 fjrAE that when i put it in first gear will engage the clutch vilantly and will stall. it fills like the clutch is not disingaging and code SH 16 displays on dash. It will not start again untill i pull the gear lever forward by hand. Any ideas of what the problem is?
Code SH__16 says either the clutch or the gear-change operation isn't functioning properly.
From the manual:
(Click on image for larger view)
The symptoms don't quite make sense to me, the MCU does a test of clutch movement when the ignition is turned on, so if the clutch can't operate you would expect this to throw a code immediately. And yet you can get it into gear, even if it then throws a code and stops the engine.
So, some testing.
The clutch actuator self-test: put the kill switch to the kill position, now turn on the ignition. The clutch should operate, this can be heard as a brief double clunk from the clutch area.
I have a video taken with the clutch cover off, shows two cycles of ignition on and off:
Click on the image below for the video. Note that my server may struggle, you might find it better to download the file and play it locally.
You should be able to hear that sound (albeit more muffled 'cos you have the cover on).
Another test, can you change into 1st gear without the engine running (side stand up, ignition on, click the gear-change lever). Is it now in gear? Was an error code thrown?
If it is in gear, try disengaging the clutch by putting the ignition on and pull the brake lever. After about a second, you should hear the clutch actuator operate. Release the brake, you should now be able to push the bike.
These tests should narrow the problem down a bit.