Hidden Treasure on my FJR

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Gig Harbor, WA
When I bought my FJR on Sunday, it had these grips which I found to be both uncomfortable and unsightly.


I removed the grips and installed a G2 throttle tube along with some new Progrips. Much improved.

Today, I'm about to throw out old throttle-side grip when something catches my eye:


What's this? Why, it looks like....no, it couldn't be the farkle I just spent $80 on could it?


Yes, it could be and it is. A G2 throttle tube underneath the horrible foamy chrome grips. **sigh**

Interested parties should watch the classifieds.

Hey Fuzz,

Welcome to the DUHHH club. Good thing we've got a classified section on this site. Sometimes it can save one's financial butt when we get the cart before the horse. Doncha hate it when ya do that?

On the bright side, I'll bet you can sell that G2 in no time.


darksider #44

Almost forgot to mention: you forgot to tell the little guy that was supposed to spice up your photography to smile for the birdie... And lemmee guess: he was the one that discovered that the old one looked just like the new one???

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I feel your pain. Just paid 79+shipping I think, then saw one in my local Yamaha shop today for $59.99. Arghh!

I guess you're not gonna feel any improvement in your throttle feel...Huh??
Probably not. Though there was some slack in the cable and I plan to do the return spring thingy....of course, those are free :angry2: But just getting those foamy chrome grips off made a huge difference.

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I guess you're not gonna feel any improvement in your throttle feel...Huh??
Probably not. Though there was some slack in the cable and I plan to do the return spring thingy....of course, those are free :angry2: But just getting those foamy chrome grips off made a huge difference.
You Win Some, and You Lose Some. On the Bright Side, You have a Sweeet FJR Now! :clapping:
