Hide a key?

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I carry the key in a jacket pocket that is always closed. 50 bucks won't get you very far these days if more than a day from home so I stash a few hundred just in case I drink too much like Spud did

Bring the tire pump and string plugs so you won't need them.

I carry the key in a jacket pocket that is always closed. 50 bucks won't get you very far these days if more than a day from home so I stash a few hundred just in case I drink too much like Spud did

Bring the tire pump and string plugs so you won't need them.
Let me hold yer jacket fer ya, next time I see ya Dougie! ;) :p

On a lanyard round my neck, together with spare disc-lock key, security cable padlock key, and front door key - always hoping She doesn't change the locks when I'm away
Add the top case key and that's my set-up!

And another thing, in the little velcro pouch with the key is also a $50 dollar bill, just in case I lose everything or it was stolen.
Velcro pouch well hidden and an extra $100...inflation ya know!


Motoport pant side-pocket in a rigid plastic container. Actually anything I would ABSOLUTELY NOT want to misplace or lose are in my pant pockets. I figure if I lose my pants, that would be something..
I lost a pair of pants once with the key to the company plane in them...long story.

One in the zippered inner pocket of my jacket (since, if I'm on my motorcycle, I have my riding gear along) and a flat spare in my wallet. A couple of years ago, 700 miles from home, I saw the look of panic on my fellow-FJR-riding buddy when he lost his for about 10 minutes. I asked him where his spare was, and his response was something like "Yeah, I meant to get one made before we left, but............." Fortunately, he finally found it. Never want to have that feeling.

And another thing, in the little velcro pouch with the key is also a $50 dollar bill, just in case I lose everything or it was stolen.
Whoo hoo. Going to New Mexico to pick me up a used FJR and collect $50.


This is what i was thinkin from the Start !!!

Why dont I post for the world to read where i keep my spare house, truck, classic car, and garden tractor keys too... that way anyone can borrow them whenever they want...


Those using thier clothes are on the same page as I am... I keep an extra on my person.

I'm not telling.
Quite possibly the smartest answer posted here !!!

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I lucked out. Line put away my winter coat (why? It snowed again this morning!) and went through all the pockets. She found the key zipped up in a breast pocket.

Weird. I bought that jacket in December, 2 months after I put the bike away from the winter. How the feck!?

No matter. I have a full complement of keys now WOOT!

And another thing, in the little velcro pouch with the key is also a $50 dollar bill, just in case I lose everything or it was stolen.
Whoo hoo. Going to New Mexico to pick me up a used FJR and collect $50.

This is what i was thinkin from the Start !!!

Why dont I post for the world to read where i keep my spare house, truck, classic car, and garden tractor keys too... that way anyone can borrow them whenever they want...


Those using thier clothes are on the same page as I am... I keep an extra on my person.

I'm not telling.
Quite possibly the smartest answer posted here !!!
So tell me where do you think my key and $50 is, if you think I'm telling the world

So tell me where do you think my key and $50 is, if you think I'm telling the world
I sure hope I sounded like I was smiling when I posted
I'll try to explain myself in 200 words or less, with the hope that i don't sound like a jerk. I read back, and I guess it could be read as snide... wasn't meant to be.

From this thread's beginning, i was thinkin the whole "why dont i tell the world..." thing, and "I wouldn't tell anyone this stuff in public"

Bokerfork's words "I'm going to New Mexico for an FJR and a $50" caught me as funny...and are what promted my laugh and my reply...not your velcro pouch.

No offense intended...if anything, I admire your ability to hide a $50... I'd never get away with that

Where do i think it is?

Well..i can tell you that on the longer trips it's in a little velcro pouch on the bike ;) ... probably somewhere you dont need a key to get to, but in a place that would retain the pouch so as not to fall out... I'm gonna take 3 guesses (dont answer if i'm right)... My first choice would likely be between the coolant reservior and the foam pad inside the tupperware(mine's not there..but that'd be the spot i'd pick), 2nd... either side cover, right behind where the frame vertical goes up. last.. maybe stuffed under the plastic next to the battery(my charge lead is there..not a bad spot if the pouch was the right size).

Guess i should shy from this topic... Theres a Zombie thread that popped up Friday... it kinda matches this one.. it is here (clicky)

I just "liked" a post that HRZilla made in 2012... thinkin i was readin this thread.

On long trips I'll have a Givi on board. The spare key to the bike is locked in the Givi. The spare key to the Givi us under the seat. if I lose them both, I'm up a creek.

I keep a couple of hundred in one of the inner jacket pockets. Come to think of it, I got back from an 11-day trip on the 17th, and the spare cash is still in the jacket.

On long trips I'll have a Givi on board. The spare key to the bike is locked in the Givi. The spare key to the Givi us under the seat. if I lose them both, I'm up a creek.
I keep a couple of hundred in one of the inner jacket pockets. Come to think of it, I got back from an 11-day trip on the 17th, and the spare cash is still in the jacket.

Maybe I'm confused (well, not maybe).........Let me see if I got this right. If you lose your bike key, you have a spare in your Givi case. The spare to the Givi is under the seat. To get under the seat, don't you need your bike key? Unless it's just stuffed somewhere along the side of the seat, you can't retrieve the Givi key to get your spare bike key. Is that right?

On that note, I would have offered you a better solution, but I had already finished and submitted this response.

On long trips I'll have a Givi on board. The spare key to the bike is locked in the Givi. The spare key to the Givi us under the seat. if I lose them both, I'm up a creek.
I keep a couple of hundred in one of the inner jacket pockets. Come to think of it, I got back from an 11-day trip on the 17th, and the spare cash is still in the jacket.

Maybe I'm confused (well, not maybe).........Let me see if I got this right. If you lose your bike key, you have a spare in your Givi case. The spare to the Givi is under the seat. To get under the seat, don't you need your bike key? Unless it's just stuffed somewhere along the side of the seat, you can't retrieve the Givi key to get your spare bike key. Is that right?

On that note, I would have offered you a better solution, but I had already finished and submitted this response.
LOL. If I lose the bike key, I should still have a Givi key to get to the spare bike key in the case. If I lose the Givi key, I still have the bike key to get under the seat to the spare Givi key. I don't keep the keys together so I'm unlikely to lose them both at once.

However, I did lock my jacket in my Givi on a recent trip then remembered the Givi key was in the pocket of the jacket. If the bike key had been in the same jacket pocket, that would have been a serious problem. It's made me rethink my strategy ;)
