“Tell that one guy that's braking in the middle of a curve, that is a big no-no. A bad habit that my beginner ass is in the midst of working on not doing, anymore.”
Agreed! Saw that in the video and it reminded me immediately of the crash I was lucky enough to witness as Sturgis in ’04. Road to Nemo, HD Bagger overcooks the corner, grabs a big handfull of brake in the corner, and the bike stood up and took a tangent from the curve. Into the ditch, that bike HD flew at least 15ft into the air and landed right between 2 trees. Owner did not fare well. Crushed right shoulder, multiple fractures of the right arm, right ear hanging on by a little skinny piece of skin, face was a mess. We stopped to offer assistance, but his group was already on the cell phones. Found out he was 58 and back on a bike for the first time in 30+years. First year at Sturgis. No MSF class, no nothing. From the looks of it he had very little experience in the twisties and the bike he was on was not one to challenge them.
I used to mock the MSF classes, until I took the ERC. I have been riding since I was 9 and a few bad habits can creep in over time…and when someone points them out you tend to have some “Uh ha!” moments. :huh: