Holeshot Full System

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Jun 15, 2005
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Hi All,

I e-mailed Dale concerning his full system without the catalytic and he is about to move into production. He said that he is final road testing and mapping at this time. He did not say when he will be in production.

I already have his slip-ons and I love the sound, more power?? It remains to be seen.

Dave B)

Disco Bay

I wonder what E. P. A. has to say about this? What about resale ? Who pays to put the catalytic back? Sounds kind of iffy to me, just a thought. good luck

I wonder what  E. P. A. has to say about this?  What about resale ? Who pays to put the catalytic back?  Sounds kind of iffy to me, just a thought.  good luck
Most of those issues don't mean squat to those who would be truly interested in this set-up.

This is good news, but I am not holding my breath. These were supposed to be ready almost 2 years ago! I like my holeshots, and like Dale Walker, but a cat-less full system?

I'll believe it when I see it.

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EPA Can bite me! They wanta Control everything. Can't burn a fire, can't have cat-less cans, have to use tons of smog crap.

Moderation is good, but Control SUCKS.

Next there gonna say it's illegal to use a combustion engine. :blink:

If it's fun it's illegal :angry: :angry:

I Hate Control!!!!!!!

Well, for the cage there are a lot of counties here in NY, and all of NJ, where the annual inspection includes sticking a sniffer up the exhaust pipe to make sure the smog levels meet standards. Fortunately, I'm not in one of those smog sniffing counties, but even here we are not allowed to remove the cats and could have trouble getting inspected if we remove do. Best way to go is to remove the insides of the cats so that the bike looks like it still has them.

lets see what it looks and sounds like before we get to crazy about this . also what would the price be for something like this . also is there a market i should say a profit from this market to produce this pipe.? i dont see peps screaming that they need a 4 into 1 system

EPA Can bite me! They wanta Control everything. Can't burn a fire, can't have cat-less cans, have to use tons of smog crap. Moderation is good, but Control SUCKS.

Next there gonna say it's illegal to use a combustion engine. :blink:

If it's fun it's illegal :angry: :angry:

I Hate Control!!!!!!!
Jeeze, well how do you feel about CARB, then? :eek:

EPA Can bite me! They wanta Control everything.  Can't burn a fire, can't have cat-less cans, have to use tons of smog crap. Moderation is good, but Control SUCKS.

Next there gonna say it's illegal to use a combustion engine. :blink:

If it's fun it's illegal :angry:   :angry:

I Hate Control!!!!!!!
Jeeze, well how do you feel about CARB, then? :eek:
CARB and BAR and all them...heh...while being controlled sucks, so do the brown clouds that hung over us in the 70's. They're much better now, and still getting better. The coastlines actually have life again...hmm...maybe some controls are advantageous. Control everyone else and leave me alone!

:D :D :D

CARB and BAR and all them...heh...while being controlled sucks, so do the brown clouds that hung over us in the 70's. They're much better now, and still getting better. The coastlines actually have life again...hmm...maybe some controls are advantageous. Control everyone else and leave me alone!
Mmmm- MTBE flavored water tastes good! :dribble:

Yeah, like my bike is sooo slow without the custom exhaust. I can already outrun just about everything on the road. Then I'd have to add a PCIII to maximize the performance. Not to mention saving the take-off system in case of resale. When does it end? I can't imagine very many of these systems getting sold. Especially since they will have to be marketed as "Off-Road only". Hey, besides being a bigger air polluter you can also become a noise polluter. I prefer a cleaner conscience and stealth technology, thank you. How does it go; "All things illegal are fun" or something like that?

I'm surprised at the somewhat negative tones to the thought of someone doing a full system for the FJR.

It's not like if every FJR sold in the last 4 years all went to full systems caused the ozone layer to collapse. Hell, one poorly tuned 70's vintage Mustang or Camaro puts out more pollution than every FJR every made combined.

I'm even MORE surprised no one has done a full system already.

Heck, I've only had my FJR for 9 days and already want to replace the whole system. I personally wouldn't waste money on slip-ons.

It's not necessarily about power or sound, although changes in both aren't necessarily bad things.

I did the whole "Muzzy" exhaust routine to my ZRX for both performance and sound reasons. Granted, NO modern motorcycle of 1200cc' or more really needs performace boosting, and riding "stealth" can be a plus, especially in residential areas, but losing 30 pounds, picking up about 20hp (with jets) and having a stealth bike under 4k rpm for under $700 was a no-brainer, not to mention the aftermarket system just smokes the stocker in the appearance department.

What I'd be looking for in an aftermarket system for the FJR would be a full stainless steel system that turned a beautiful gold color after a few heat cycles, that sounded more like a motorcycle and less like a sewing machine, that placed the pipes in such a way that my boot heels didn't leave burned gummies on the mid pipes (shame-shame, Yamaha) and finally, didn't have a catalytic converter pumping out about 900 degrees of heat 6 inches away from my ankles. Oh...make it a 4 into 1 into 2 system. I like the aesthetic balance of 2 mufflers on my Feejer.

I'm guessing if Dale Walker every brings a full system to the market, it's gonna be $1000-$1200. Any bets?

The cans are only$600. i can't believe that the header would be $600. I would think under a grand? I have the Holeshots installed as soon as they were available. Dale's shop put them on as a courtesey for me helping him with the sound byte. I really like the sound. He is a really nice guy. Spent most of the day with him. I will install the header w/o cats. Until they start smogging motorcycles I will do as I please with mine. The pollute less in their lifetimes than one car does in the California commute does in one day.

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I would pay 1200 for a full system!! I love the sound of the FJR unplugged, and I'm certain it will run cleaner then most cars on the rode anyway! why should I be punished because someone's to lazy to keep there smoke blow'in cage in good shape anyway! I want my bike to sound like a Bike, not like a sewing machine like

Radio said.

I've been running by FJR with no pipes lately, I love the sound, and it's not really that loud, it's not like people are covering there ears when I ride by, at least people can hear me coming and know I'm there, so I have a better chance of them noticing me! If your riding through a neighborhood, you just stay off the pipe and it's fine, ya just need to know how to control the sound. It's a hell of allot quieter then a Harley unplugged!! and sounds hell of allot better to!! Nothing wrong with a unplugged Harley, I just like the sound of a in-line 4 banger better!

It's all about Freedom to do what you like to do and enjoy life the way you see fit.

As for me, I'm gonna do what pleases me.......... So if a full system comes out! I'm gonna get it.......


.......... So if a full system comes out! I'm gonna get it.......
Add me to the list. :D

I'm gonna go easy at first...heel guards for the mid-pipes (already toasted a pair of boots this past weekend)...but come Christmas (and year-end bonus time) look out! Givi top box and Russel DayLong seat are the top of my list. A set of Magnum Blasters, some BMW grips and an Audiovox Cruise Control.

Or, I might just like the looks of the '06 too much and trade in my new (to me) '04.

Decisions, decisions.

The negative tone surprised me too, what with so many comments about the 06 gaining porky lbs. Would think that the performance and heat loss benefit of a full system sans cat (4-1-2 for me please) would be somehat attractive for Feejer fans.

I'll take one too, a free flowing exhaust and a remap does wonders for a engine.

Put a m4 2into2 on my tl100s along with the dj and it was like a whole new bike.

took away all the hesitation and midrange slump....what a wheelie monster!



Anyone know the weight of the FJR's stock exhaust system, all the bits/pieces (head pipes, catalyzers, mufflers, etc.)? I'm certain it's pretty heavy and that an aftermarket system would save many pounds. Performance boost may not be too much, but the weight savings would be nice.

Knowing how heavy just the cans are! I'm sure the whole system weighs allot, 35 to 45 lbs?

A full system with no Cat I'm sure would be a great gain in weight savings. I'm pretty convinced the Performance gains would be there as well, Hell, Just remove your stock cans and take your bike out, I have no way to measure the HP gain, but it's there, it's like running a booster. First time I rode my bike unplugged I was like damn, this is great!!

I'm sure a complete system with NO restriction on flow would increase HP, even if it's only 5HP, you would be surprised on what 5HP will do! (plus it sounds fierce)

FJR reborn...

I dont look at it as negative, just that most feejer owners here seem to be middle-aged or therebouts and we've had our crotch-rocket daze and didnt buy the feej to race it. It'll pull a stealthy wheelie once in a while bone stock and like TC said its more power than most of us can use. I think its great however for those that soup up everything and get some roar out of the bike. And of course alot of us could get a little lard off the ass and achieve great weight savings and better health to boot... Different strokes for different folks..aint America Great !!!!

