Holy Crap...

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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
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Last ride of the Season and a guy hits me and then nudges me over while turning across traffic at a stop sign. I thought he was going to turn right, I was in the left lane, as he was in the right lane but instead he turned left as I started to go cutting me off and dumping my brand new 06. He basically pushed me over on the left side while hitting me on the right. I picked the bike up and then dropped it again from weak knees. Shit! :angry2: He drove off and I was left with a a broken right mirror, a scraped left mirror, scrapes on both the right and left bags, a cracked front cowling, a scraped left cowling and a scratched up crankcase cover. I've ordered some replacement parts however cannot find where to get bags although I'll take them to a body shop and see if they can repair the scratches as they are not that bad. No I didn't have sliders on as I did not get them yet. It would have been a good test to see how much they would really protect. I keep thinking as cold as it was I should have just stayed home...yeah I know, don't blame yourself however if I'd just stayed home my new ride would have been perfect. I am banged up and have some minor road rash but not hurt as bad as it could have been. Stay alert out there....you just never know when someone will cut across lanes and cause you a headache.

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Damn, Radical! :blink: Glad you were not hurt tooo bad! :eek: We hope for a speedy recovery for both you and your bike.

No one followed or witnessed? No tag #?

I freakin' hate hit and run drivers. I'm glad you are OK and hope you get your FJR taken care of. That sucks. :angry2:

That guy is definitely a :asshat2: :asshat:

OK, So I'm confused. Do you have insurance? Replacement side bags are around $800-1000 and then toss in the other stuff you mentioned and you are at $2K.

Glad your injuries were minimal.

Just my $.02


No one followed or witnessed? No tag #?
I freakin' hate hit and run drivers. I'm glad you are OK and hope you get your FJR taken care of. That sucks. :angry2:

That guy is definitely a :asshat2: :asshat:
My riding buddy was about a block behind me and did see what happened however was not able to really see anything in detail like the guys tag. He saw me drop the bike a second time and was concerned about my welfare at that point. By the time we got the bike up and me calmed down the jerk was long gone. This happened at a county intersection outside of town just as it was getting dark. All I know was the guy was driving a black Ford Focus.

OK, So I'm confused. Do you have insurance? Replacement side bags are around $800-1000 and then toss in the other stuff you mentioned and you are at $2K.
Glad your injuries were minimal.

Just my $.02

Yes I have insurance and did call them. A claim representative will make an appointment in a few days. I just thought I'd get a start on the parts and do as much as I can myself before taking it to a dealer and driving the cost up even higher. I'd really like to do all that I can myself. Most of the parts are bolt on from what I can see and nothing is severly damaged to the point that it hinders the operation of the bike, with the exception of the mirror, so I don't think I need the dealer involved. Is this not wise in terms of the insurance? I think I could still cancel the parts I ordered. Maybe I should just take it in and get an estimate and be done with it. Maybe I should lay off the Tylenol #3s for a while. :D

OK, So I'm confused. Do you have insurance? Replacement side bags are around $800-1000 and then toss in the other stuff you mentioned and you are at $2K.

Glad your injuries were minimal.

Just my $.02

Yes I have insurance and did call them. A claim representative will make an appointment in a few days. I just thought I'd get a start on the parts and do as much as I can myself before taking it to a dealer and driving the cost up even higher. I'd really like to do all that I can myself. Most of the parts are bolt on from what I can see and nothing is severly damaged to the point that it hinders the operation of the bike, with the exception of the mirror, so I don't think I need the dealer involved. Is this not wise in terms of the insurance? I think I could still cancel the parts I ordered. Maybe I should just take it in and get an estimate and be done with it. Maybe I should lay off the Tylenol #3s for a while. :D
The only thing good about this story is that you will be okay and so will your bike. Otherwise, this just sucks. I hope they catch the guy. I bet the right side of his Focus is screwed up...maybe they'll fine him

File a police report on a hit & run. Your insurance will want you to and who knows? The police might actually get the guy.

Damn that sucks! Glad you're ok, definitely file the police report, that guy needs a whooping.


+1 on filing the hit an run report... Son of a....

Hope you heal up... Everything else can be fixed.

Many body shops have a great working relationship with the police. If you file a hit and run report, depending on your department and their relationship, it may be very feasible for them to identify the other vehicle if he takes his car in to get an estimate or repaired.

First and foremost, glad your doin ok. Second, hopefully get the sorry idiot by getting the police involved or hopefully a witness will come forward with a plate number, and third, if your in good standing with the insurance company and haven't had too many claims, let them get the parts, what do you pay insurance for? Good luck and drive like your the invisable man and be safe....PM. <>< :blink:

Def file the report. Hope the asshat gets whats comming and maybe you are in a state with sever penalties for hit and run.

Glad to see your ok, sortof. Anyway end of july someone did a u turn in the midddle of the hyw. I didn't have the side bags on. It's a 06.

take care and get better fast.

Thanks guys. Going to just let the insurance company handle it. All the reports have been made and the parts I ordered I attempted to cancel. We'll see how this shakes out and I'll let you know. Feeling better today with allot of sleep last night. Thanks again for all the well wishes and positive advice.

Once you get the insurance estimate, the cheapest way to go would be to order the parts from Gary McCoy at University motors and put them on yourself. Might have enough left over for a farkle or two.

Shee-it Radical,

We just welcomed y'all aboard... ;) and now this.

Sorry about your dented ride and your road rash. Don't have much more to add since everybody else

has given you most sensible advice.

You take it easy, bro. This is what the game is all about... The main thing is to ride another day.


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I my experience with insurance companies, you can do the work yourself and they will pay you the standard labor rate to do it. Although they can specify the parts be aftermarket or from a junkyard. This should not be a problem since the bike is an 06. It would be very hard to find parts other than buying OEM.

You will most likely need to file a police report and they will want to talk to your buddy as a witness. That's a big plus for you when dealing with your insurance.

I had a guy that did the hit and run number on my while I was in my cage. I didn't have a witness or a plate #. I did get his plate later after seeing his car in the vicinity of the incident a few days later. Problem was his car was such a beat up pile it was impossible for the police to find proof he hit me.

If it's a rural area this happened in, there's a decent chance he's a local and easy to find by the police.

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