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Well-known member
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
Tieton, WA
Hi Kids,

Tobie and I arrived home safe and sound yesterday afternoon after a leisurely ride home from St. Louis. (Paul, we caught a glimpse of you at the rest area in Ontario, OR as we cruised by).

This was quite an adventure. Although we did not have as spectacular a finish as Greg, Paul & Matt, we did finish the event with enough points to get that 3 digit number. I ran the gamut of emotions over the course of the 11 days (and before). I credit Tobie with pulling me thru when I was scared to go on (thru lightning and frog choking rain), encouraging me that I was doing great (and almost there!) even tho I was scared shitless (and only 3 miles in) going up Mt. Hamilton. (thanks Paul for sticking behind me all the painfully slow way up) I had the highest highs and greatest challenges I've ever experienced.

I want to thank Smitty and Darrell for their friendship and help. They helped us with tires and fluid changes at the start of the rally, fixed my stuck fuel cell filler cap, offered help and encouragement at the checkpoint, reattached my pelican case for me, took care of post-rally oil changes while we caught on on rest, and were there with hugs and greetings when we came in for the finish. Not to mention shipping our overflow gear home for us. Above and beyond and we appreciate it soooo much.

I'll get our pictures loaded on our webshots page and send a link soon.

Till next time, travel safe,

Lisa :bike:

Great job you guys! Who cares where you finished, you've done something less than 400 people have ever done. You finished the Iron Butt Rally!

Great job Lisa & Tobie!!! :clapping: :yahoo:

If it was easy, it wouldn't mean anything. You both have accomplished something many of us have never dared to try.

I'm glad you're both home, safe and sound too. A perfect ending to an epic ride.


Excellent job you 2! :yahoo:

Keep practicing those twisties, Mt Hamilton coulda been worse, you coulda gotten T-Boned! <_<

You're an IBDoner, now! B)

congratulations! just wait for the dreams to start.
Oh, I'm still bonus hunting every night in my sleep. I woke on the last night before arrriving home & as I lay there thinking that I needed to get up and use the restroom....I realized that I could not remember what my own bathroom at home looked like...

:yahoo: :clapping:

Whoop Whoop! You guys ROCK! You took the husband and wife approach to a whole new level! Congratulations on becoming a 3-digit midget!

