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Silver Penguin

Silver Penguin
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA

Check it out! He's home, after almost five weeks in the hospital. Extrication of dignity is completed! He will never blush at anything ever again after what he's been through.

As of today, he is able to get into a wheelchair with assistance. He can sit up for as long as he can tolerate the back brace. All the casts are off. Just a light brace on one wrist. Progress is being made with boring things like feeding, shaving, keyboard skills etc. Thank goodness for the World Cup Soccer on TV, which is keeping him sane.

His favorite cat provided a warm welcome home, sticking to Andy like glue for hours on end.

It's going to be a long time before he can ride again. First step is to buy something with four wheels, since his truck is gone. Once he can drive that, he will shoot for two wheels next. It's unlikely that he will ride his Warrior again since the 1700 twin provides more of a beating on the body than he could tolerate.

I believe that Yamaha have made a perfect bike for him. Should we plunk down our $500 now for the '07? If we get the insurance settlement, we could buy his-and-hers, matching 07's.


Wow, that's great news! :yahoo:

Really, you two are an inspiration. :clapping:

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That's great news! No place like home. It's even better that he can't wait to get back in the saddle. You guys should go for the '07. You could hike him around for a while and teach him how to ride without crashing. :D

I believe that Yamaha have made a perfect bike for him. Should we plunk down our $500 now for the '07? If we get the insurance settlement, we could buy his-and-hers, matching 07's.
Jill, glad to hear that Andy is home and hopefully coming along well.

Yes, I think you should plunk down the bills and get your orders in FIRST for matching '07's. That will be excellent incentive for Andy to be ready to ride soon as the bikes hit the continent.

Great news!

Boy, for all the damage to the truck and the bike, he looks in pretty darn good shape.

I'd wait for the '08, though. This group has 18 months of bitching about the 06 left before it can write down a coherent HoneyDo list for Yamaha engineers.

WOW!! great pix for the awesome news!

So glad to see the progress... you folks are amazing.

I'm sure being home will speed his recovery along.

You deserve serious kudos for the wonderful way you've take care of him.


yes, two '07s sounds like exactly what the doctor ordered.

best regards!

I hate it when people say, "That which does not kill you makes you stronger. But, if it's true, he's one strong sumbitch.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery,


PS The faithful cat is cool!

Y'know, considering the severity of the crash and injury to Andy, he could be looking at flowers from the "root side". You are both blessed that he is still with us and is recovering so well. If we could wish and dream, it would be that this had never happened rather than the nightmare you've been living through.

What good news that Andy is home! You are both an inspiration to us and I hope you know you are still in our thoughts and prayers. The recovery path is still long and will have to be walked out day-by-day but there is no celebration like the one you'll have when your physical therapy is finished and you are once again as whole as you can be. BTDT, as have others on the forum.

Keep working and progressing. Andy, when you want to quit because the muscles ache and the joints are sore....keep doing the motion and strength exercises. What a joyous day it will be once you can walk again. Even a walk around the block begins to capture the freedom that has been taken from you, and walking will begin to extend your stamina level and will help buoy your spirit.

As to ordering an FJR, what does Andy want? If his heart is still on the GT or S, then that's the bike he should order. As much as matching bikes are a lovely thought and we who own FJRs find it hard to imagine someone not actually wanting one, it is really going to be about Andy celebrating his final release from this tragedy.

Y'know, it'd be great to ride South and be there to witness his first ride, even if it is just around the parking lot. A group "standing ovation" to celebrate Andy's and Jill's release from this current tribulation. :clapping: :yahoo:

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Just wanted to add my .02 cents to all other thoughts here.

It's great that Andy's home again, although it will take him

awhile before he can ride again

Best wishes for a speedy recovery...



Y'know, it'd be great to ride South and be there to witness his first ride, even if it is just around the parking lot. A group "standing ovation" to celebrate Andy's and Jill's release from this current tribulation. :clapping: :yahoo:
+1000 - put me on the list !!

(Granted, I don't have as far as you, MM2, but I can sure be there !! )

Andy, saddle up !! Get back to it as soon as you can ! YeeeHaww !!
