Hot Daze Training Ride

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Work reared it's ugly head and prevented this interesting ride with RenoJohn


Since the bike was already prepped (guns, ammo, water, camping gear, gas and oil) decided to make a 'Heat Training' run in preparation for a DV run.



Hot Early




Sunrise O'er de Valley


Bodfish-Caliente Start (from 58, South to North)


RR Xing


Dry and Brown - not like Nakusp


Caliente Post Office




I Was Here I Think






E Clampus Vitus! (taken for TurboDave!)


Bad Peckers Leave Big HOles




Warming Hut (what we all need these days)


Good Feejer






Big Tim Tree


Caliente-Bodfish peak - ~4,500 feet and 102F - Lake Isabella in the background


The Hot Point


The Ride


Drank copious amounts of water, drank until I couldn't drink anymore, then drank more anyway. No problems with vision, shaking, thinking, all the typical signs of dehydration. Stopped often to cool down in AC joints like BurgerKing etc. No soft drinks, just water. IIRC I drank 5 tanks of the Skyway Hydration system. All day I continued to sweat, but after 17 hours total, with a good 10 of those hours in the 102+ mark, I was still peeing acid at days end.

Today I be chillin' :lol:

The End

Don, are you training for a summer ride to hell Phoenix or DV?

I thought you were joshing when you mentioned last spring that you were thinking about it?

And I see you had packed camping/overnight gear. Were you considering wandering further?

Very nice ride, Don.
I started sweating just reading it!
Thank You -

I realized this RR was weak; most of my better pix did not come out right..

Maybe I was 'dazed and confused from the heat after all?'

Actually, this was one of the harder rides I've done.

Anytime, come by and see me!

Don, are you training for a summer ride to hell Phoenix or DV?I thought you were joshing when you mentioned last spring that you were thinking about it?

And I see you had packed camping/overnight gear. Were you considering wandering further?
I was considering going much further. I wanted to do a personal SS1k + >100F ride. The weather did not do it's part, and neither could I, to be truthful.
I'm off to PM land, read yours, OM.

A few more questions dc.

Cooling vest? Wet t-shirt?

Did you still wear that freaky Motoport gear? Or did you go with something more comfy?

Baby powder on the nads?

And why didn't your pics come out? You? Camera? Heat?

And do the high temps melt the glue on that blue masking tape? :D

Part 2 of the quiz-

Now that you've seen what John Ryan chose for his RIDE,

and seen posts and pics like this ...


from your forum brothers Joe and Steve, are you reconsidering taking that little v-twin to Alaska, and thinking of maybe instead taking your REAL bike? (There'll be those stretches where you need to go a buck-thirty.)

Nothing better through the stix,

Than a fire-snorting blue Oh-Six.

(I wrote that.)

These are questions I was gonna ask you in Idaho, but ..... :( .

(And you always have an interesting take on things, so I figgered the forum-at-large might be interested.)

Don, problem on the other plan not coming together "this time" ....

you certainly put your allotted time to good use with your adventure ...thanks for sharing it. Some very very cool sites!

A few more questions dc.Cooling vest? Wet t-shirt?

Did you still wear that freaky Motoport gear? Or did you go with something more comfy?

Baby powder on the nads?

And why didn't your pics come out? You? Camera? Heat?

And do the high temps melt the glue on that blue masking tape? :D

Part 2 of the quiz-

Now that you've seen what John Ryan chose for his RIDE,

and seen posts and pics like this ...


from your forum brothers Joe and Steve, are you reconsidering taking that little v-twin to Alaska, and thinking of maybe instead taking your REAL bike? (There'll be those stretches where you need to go a buck-thirty.)

Nothing better through the stix,

Than a fire-snorting blue Oh-Six.

(I wrote that.)

These are questions I was gonna ask you in Idaho, but ..... :( .

(And you always have an interesting take on things, so I figgered the forum-at-large might be interested.)
OM, you always make me grin, Thank You, mi amigo!No cooling vest, but I have been seen, from time to time, to perform a 'Kaitsdad' special and fish-spout out water down the jacket front.. and yes, some folks look at me pretty funny as I do the fish-fountain cool-me-down special, then again they are in their AC conditioned mini-Baggo-Vanagon so phuck them!

Freaky MotoPort gear is actually full mesh gear, can see daylight through it except where the pads are. Actually cooler in the MP gear than in just a shirt, blue jeans and half helmet. And yes, I've been there done that.. Just sayin'...

As far as taking Crzy8 up to AK, well, uhh, no Thank You. MCML tossed his away, and they had relatively 'good' conditions, all in all. I may be wrong on that point, and will publicly apologize if so - I've been 'saving' reading their RR until I have time to fully enjoy the entire read, and that will take me hours. I refuse to ruin a great RR by rushing through it, Evelyn Wood style.

Speaking of which, I hate that bitch. I used to LOVE to read, my folks made me take her course, 2x, and now the joy is gone..

Long of short, me n' Wabs will make the AK trip - I have lots of farkles bought and waiting to be installed on Wabs - and I guarantee you I will be going farther off-road than most.. :rolleyes:

The pix? I'm not sure. For some reason, I wasn't into the pix mode that day. Was thinking about the job thing, how to handle a 10% pay cut, thankful I have a job, and it WAS hot. Drank so much water I darn near puked - but knew I had to stay hydrated. And this was a CBA ride, after all.

Oh, and yes, the high temps DID melt the Carver Tape! LOL, you dawg!

Thanks for the grin, OM, your a good bud.

Just a quick question Don. Are you really only running 5 bars on your temp gauge at 117F? Or did you just restart it after some cool down time at Burger King?


My '08 runs 5 bars as long as I keep moving (was 108 air temp two weeks ago). It starts climbing as soon as I get caught in traffic, or I sit in place very long. :glare: The air temp gauge will also start climbing, as it starts getting heat from the engine. Air temp made it to 108, parking lot temp was 119, and the air temp gage was reading 117 until I stopped. The bar gage quickly went to 9 bars, fans were screaming, and the air temp gage was reading 125. :unsure: Suppose to be a chilling mid 90's this weekend! :yahoo:
