How about a saftey tip from each member?

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GRAVEL!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT FOR GRAVEL! GRAVEL on top of asphalt is like riding on ice. Even stepping on gravel while getting on or off your bike can end in a SLIP OVER. CATTLE GUARDS, wet ones are the worst. I well never forget when I was 19 a long long time ago I was playing Kenny Roberts on a long sweaping turn on my Yamy RD400 going about 80 in the rain. Hit a wet cattle guard half way around the turn. My bike and I slid not together for a long way. I was dressed for the ride so ownly a few scatches, I was lucky as ****. Oh and one more safety recommendation. No wheelies past good looking women. That always ends in disaster!!

GRAVEL!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT FOR GRAVEL! GRAVEL on top of asphalt is like riding on ice. Even stepping on gravel while getting on or off your bike can end in a SLIP OVER. CATTLE GUARDS, wet ones are the worst. I well never forget when I was 19 a long long time ago I was playing Kenny Roberts on a long sweaping turn on my Yamy RD400 going about 80 in the rain. Hit a wet cattle guard half way around the turn. My bike and I slid not together for a long way. I was dressed for the ride so ownly a few scatches, I was lucky as ****. Oh and one more safety recommendation. No wheelies past good looking women. That always ends in disaster!!
RD400? Wow. Those things were death traps for new riders. :dribble: :p

The RD400 was one of the funnest bikes I ever owner. I had already been riding for over a decade before owning one. I would not go so far as to call it a death trap for a beginner rider. But I would not recommend it for a beginner. I am looking for one! so I can ride it to my 30th year High School Reunion in a couple of years.

Colin, good call. A month after owning my SV I had to make a 180 on an inclined road. I didn't have enough momentum and fell over the long way. I'll tell you what, a fall farther than 90 degs REALLY hurts!

one more note on this.... If you've got a pillion, be VERY VERY careful doing any low speed maneuver, ESPECIALLY the one I mention about 180s on an incline.

I sadly dropped the feejer with the GF doing this stupid thing. First drop. Just dumb. Not sure what to do about the fairings (i'm guessing they are expensive). Won't hijack this looking for answers.......just yet anyway.... :)

Sometimes the cage can be your friend. I travel mostly a separated 4-lane to and from work. When approaching the dangerous intersections, I try to actually ride beside or with a group of cages. I figure they aren't going to see me, but hope they will see the SUV beside me. (Oh, and when riding beside a cage, make sure he knows you are there.)

And when having to endure the stop-and-go downtown, once I have successfully stopped at a traffic light with the cage behind me actually acknowledging my existence by not running me down, I try to avoid changing lanes just to better my position or get there faster. I am perfectly happy riding in front of what may turn out to be the only cage that knows I exist.

GRAVEL!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT FOR GRAVEL! GRAVEL on top of asphalt is like riding on ice. Even stepping on gravel while getting on or off your bike can end in a SLIP OVER.
Gravel-shmavel... avoid roads that start with signs like this...


And descend 3 miles from an 11,000 foot peak via a shelf road with a 20 degree incline and loose dirt, shale, snow melt, and gravel thrown in for variety...


Note, it helps to have 2 human pontoons to get down in as few pieces as possible. :blink:

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When I'm leaned over in sport mode.I tell myself to lift my chin.

It forces me to take the focus off being in the curve and puts my focus on the horizon/exit.

Then I just let the bike take me where I'm looking. :)

It might sound weird until you've tried it.

Looking 5 feet in front of your wheel is the fast lane off the pavement.
In a similar vein, to force myself to turn my head properly in the twisties, I close the inside eye. It's amazing how "really" looking over, will help your ride seem like it's on rails.

Look where you want/need to go and ride the bike.
If you think you can't stop, RIDE THE BIKE. If you think you're going too fast for the corner, RIDE THE BIKE. Get run off the road, RIDE THE BIKE. Never admit you're going to crash, RIDE THE BIKE.

No matter what happens, RIDE THE BIKE.

Yes ride the bike, I had my first tip/fall over at low speed where I wasn't riding the bike this past Sunday.

Made a great run from Prospect Kentucky to Cincinnati, via secondary hwys, once there I had to go to a cemetery, well to make a long story short numerous bad angles and slopes for this bike, maybe any street bike that weights as much. I kept finding myself unsure of the speed at which I had to travel and the fact I was riding around looking for something instead of getting off the bike and walking, while looking I was asking for what I got.

There I was going down a steep grade and at the bottom was only a turn around a small car or golf cart should make, not me not this bike fully loaded. As I approach my doom, I just knew in my minds eye I was going to fall over. In fact I think I was looking for the best place to fall over :lol:

Anyway there I go around the turn from left to right, hit gravel, front wheel slips out then try to save it and give it a little throttle, dam the back tire now slides out as it hits gravel.

Now I'm thinking get off this bike do not get pinned under this on this slope downhill and no help in sight.

So yes if going down jump clear as you are going, then immediately hit the kill switch.

Now that hurt as I already have an aching back! Hey I thought to myself you knew this was going to happen. Or did I make it happen by not riding the bike around that tight corner with a steep slid hill downhill lie, in golf terms.

I just had to laugh at myself :lol: , I guess I could have opted for driving over some graves to avoid that pre destined doom.

Install sliders, mine worked, only the slider received some minor road rash, and of course the right saddle bag, a few minor scratches.

Now, came the fun part, bad back and having to pick this 700 pounds of dead weight up.

First attempt no go, second attempt with wits about me, first put kick stand down, that way once I got the bike up it wouldn't fall the other way. Up she went and off I went.

I think that is the first time I fixated on a target, I tried to do it other times, it must only work if you are looking down like I was. :p

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Since we're talking about saftey and Hough's name has been brought up, which book are we talking about as "required reading" over the summer? I see two of his, "Street Strategies: A Survival Guide for Motorcyclists" and "Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well".

I'll assume both are good, but which is The Book?

GRAVEL!!!!!!!!WATCH OUT FOR GRAVEL! GRAVEL on top of asphalt is like riding on ice. Even stepping on gravel while getting on or off your bike can end in a SLIP OVER.
Gravel-shmavel... avoid roads that start with signs like this...


And descend 3 miles from an 11,000 foot peak via a shelf road with a 20 degree incline and loose dirt, shale, snow melt, and gravel thrown in for variety...


Note, it helps to have 2 human pontoons to get down in as few pieces as possible. :blink:
Hey :unsure: next time I go to that cemetery may I borrow those pontoons :lol:

Since we're talking about saftey and Hough's name has been brought up, which book are we talking about as "required reading" over the summer? I see two of his, "Street Strategies: A Survival Guide for Motorcyclists" and "Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well".
I'll assume both are good, but which is The Book?
Proficient Motorcycling and More Proficient Motorcycling are The Books. Street Strategies is more a compilation of riding tips. Each page has a brief article about a single safety issue. I have all 3 and they are excellent books.

1. Never ride angry

2. Never ride with even one drink under your belt...even that will affect your judgement

3. Do safety checks on your bike..and often

4. Never ride above your head

5. Don't booze it up the day before the big ride

6. Never date or marry an ugly woman

7. Watch for those on a cell phone...perrsonally, I have almost been slammed a few times becaus of this nasty habit.

8. Never put yourself in a lane position which would allow someone else to share the lane.

9. Stay out of other drivers/riders blind spots

10. Ride often to keep your skills up....riding 1000 miles a year won't do it.

You went down that road on your FJR! I would have waited for the winter and skied down it! See any wild life or were yours eyes the size of saucers fixed on the road skiding down hill out of control!

With 40 years riding in deer country, when there is NO ONCOMING TRAFFIC, I ride on the centerline of 2 lane roads day and night.This gives you a few more milliseconds yo react to a critter coming out of the tall weeds so prevelant in this part of the country. Covering the controls also goes without saying. Practice your avoidance manouvres(sp).

From Motorcyclist Mag-

Just in case you don't get the mag- they had a write up on 50 ways to save your life...I'll sacrifice some time for you fools.

1 Assume you're invisible Because to a lot of drivers you are. Never make a move based on the assumption that another driver sees you, even if you've just made eye contact. Bikes don't always register in the four-wheel mind

2. Be Considerate The consequence of strafing the jerk du jour or cutting him off start out bad and get worse. Pretend it was your grandma and think again.

3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or prom Sure, Joaquin's Fish Tacos is a 5-minute trip, but nobody plans to eat pavement. Modern mesh gear means 100-degree heat is no excuse for a T-shirt and board shorts.

4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Assume that a car across the intersection will turn across your bow when the light goes green, with or without a turn signal.

5. Leave your ego at home The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge.

6. Pay attention Yes, there is a half naked girl on the billboard. That shock does feel squishy. Meanwhile, you could be drifting toward big trouble. Focus

7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture Never change direction without turning your head to make sure the coast is really clear.

8. Always take another second or three before you pull out to pass Ride away from a curb or into freeway traffic from an on-ramp. It's what you don't see that gets you. That extra look could save your life.

9.Watch your closing speed Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble.

10. Beware the verge and merge A lot of nasty surprises end up on the side of the road: empty McDonald's bags, nails, TV antennas, ladders, you name it. Watch for potential debris on the sides of the road.

11. Left-turning Car remain a leading killer of motorcyclist. Don't assume someone will wait for you to dart through the intersection. They're trying to beat the light, too

12. Beware of cars running traffic lights The first few seconds after a light changes are the most perilous. Look both ways before barging into a intersection.

13. Check your mirrors Do it every time you change lanes, slow down or stop. Be ready to move if another vehicle is about to occupy the space you'd planned to use.

14.Mind the gap Remember driver's ED? One seconds worth of distance per 10 MPH is the best rule of thumb. Better still, scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble.

15. Beware the tuner car They're quick and their drivers tend to be aggressive. Don't assume you've beaten one away from a light or out spaced it in traffic and change lanes without looking. You could end up as a Nissan hood ornament.

16. Excessive entrance speed hurts It's the leading cause of single bike accidents on twisty roads and racetracks. In slow, out fast is the adage, and it still works. Dialing up corner speed is safer than scrubbing it off.

17. Don't trust that deer whistle Ungulates and other feral beast prowl at dawn and dusk, so heed those big yellow signs. If you're ridding in a target-rich environment, slow down and watch the shoulders.

18. Learn to use both brakes The front does most of your stopping, but a little rear brake on a corner entry can calm a nervous chassis

19. Keep the front brake covered-alwaysSave a second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that.

20. Look where you want to go Use the miracle of target fixation to your advantage. The motorcycle goes where you look, so focus on the solution instead of the problem.

21. Keep your eyes moving Traffic is always shifting, so keep scanning for potential trouble. Don't lock your eyes on any one thing for too long unless you're actually dealing with trouble.

22. Think before you act Careful whipping around that Camry going 7 mph in a 25 mph zone or you could end up with your head in the driver's side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you.

23. Raise your gaze It's too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory.

24. Get your mind right in the driveway Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40 mph, near an intersection or driveway. Yes, that could be your driveway.

25. Come to a full stop at the next stop signPut a foot down. Look again. Anything less forces a snap decision with no time to spot potential trouble.

26. Never drive into a gap in stalled traffic Cars may have stopped for a reason, and you may not be able to see why until it's too late to do anything about it.

27. Don't saddle up more than you can handle If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you're 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers.

28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic And smacking a car that is swerving around some goof-balls open door is just as painful.

29. Don't get in a intersection rut Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersection's if you expect crossing traffic to stop, there could be a painful surprise when it doesn't.

30. Stay in your comfort zone when you're in a group. Riding over your head is a good way to end up in a ditch. Any bunch worth riding with will have a rendezvous point where you'll be able to link up again.

31. Give your eyes some time to adjust. A minute or two of low light heading from a well lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing. Otherwise you're essentially flying blind for the first mile or so.

32. Master the slow U-turn Practice. Park your butt on the outside edge of the seat and lean the bike into the turn as a counter weight as you pivot around the rear wheel.

33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill? Don't panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally-and smoothly-to pull away.

34. If it looks slippery assume it is.A patch of suspicious pavement could be just about anything. Butter flavor Crisco? Gravel? Mobil 1? Or maybe it's nothing. Better to slow down for nothing than go on your head.

35. Bang! A blowout! Now what? No sudden moves. The motorcycle isn't happy, so prepare to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course. Ease back the the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel and pull over to the shoulder. Big sigh

36. Drops on the face shield It's raining. Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when it's rinsed by a down-pour, and you never know how much grip there is. Apply maximum-level concentration, caution and smoothness.

37. Emotions in check?To paraphrase Mr; Ice Cube, chickity-check yo self. Emotions are as powerful as any drug, so take inventory every time you saddle up. If you're mad, sad, exhausted or anxious, stay put

38. Wear good gear.Wear stuff that fits you and the weather. If you're too hot or too cold or fighting with a jacket that binds across the shoulders you're dangerous. It's that simple.

39. Leave the IPOD at homeYou wont hear that cement truck in time with Spinal Tap cranked to 11, but they might like your headphones in intensive care.

40. Learn to swerve. Be able to do tight turns in quick succession. Flick left around the bag of briquettes then right back to your original line of trajectory the bike will follow your eyes so look at the way around, not the briquettes. Now practice till it's a reflex

41. Be smooth at low speeds. Take some angst out, especially of slow speed maneuvers, with a bit of rear brake. It adds a welcome bit of stability by minimizing unwelcome weight transfer and potentially bothersome drive line lash.

42. Flashing is good for you. Turn signals get attention by flashing, right?So a few easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic.

43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets. Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/red light on your right and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half.

44.Tune your peripheral vision Pick a point of that wall over there. Now scan as far as you can by moving your attention , not your gaze. The more you can see with out turning your head, the sooner you can react to trouble.

45. All alone at a light that wont turn green? Put as much motorcycle as possible directly above the sensor wire-Usually buried in the pavement beneath you and locate by a round or a square pattern behind the limit line. If the light still wont change, try putting your kickstand down. You should be on your way in seconds.

46. Everything is harder to see after dusk Adjust your headlights. Carry a clear face shield and have your game all the way on after dark, especially during commuting hours.

47. Don't troll next to-right behind- Mr. Peter-built. If one of those 18-retreads blows up- Which they do with some regularity- it de-treads, and that can be ugly. Unless you like dodging huge chunks of flying rubber keep your distance.

48. Take the panic out of panic stops.Develop a intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe, open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and locked wheel, and then do it again, and again.

49. Make sure your tires right. None of this stuff matters unless your skins are right. Don't take'em for granted. Make sure pressure is spot-on every time you ride. Check for cuts, nails and other junk they might have picked up, as well as general wear.

50. Take a deep breath Count to 10. Visualize whirled peas. Forgetting some clown's 80-mph interscretion beats running the risk of ruining your life, or ending it.

When a cager has their cell phone up to their ear, it means their neck is broken and therefore cannot turn their head and check their blind spot before they change lanes. Give plenty of room.

When riding on a road with parked cars, people tend to scan for cars pulling out and doors opening. All fine and dandy but most do not scan under the car (you have to look a ways down the road) for feet. If you see feet, someone (usually a small child) just may dart out in front of you. Works well in neighborhoods and areas with street parking.

When riding in heavy traffic, avoid blind spots as many have said, but also when scanning, check the hand position of the guy to your right and slightly ahead of you. If his left hand is on the wheel in the 9 o'clock position, he may be getting ready to signal a lane change (unless you are in California, they don't signal and they don't look; see above).

Just because you pulled up next to the dumb ass at the stop light, and said dumb ass looks at your bike and gives you a thumbs up, DOES NOT mean said dumb ass will REMEMBER you are there once you cross the intersection. I've only been riding for two years and I have lost count how many people have pulled up next to me and then tried to lane change into me as soon as we cross the intersection.

Tip for riding in California:

Every time you ride (or drive your cage for that matter) expect to get cut off at least once for every mile ridden. See below.

California drivers DO NOT like to be last. If you don’t believe me, spend 20 minutes anywhere on a two-lane stretch of I-5. They will do anything to get in front of you if they are last. Personally, I think it is best to be last in a line of cars. Be content that being last means you won't be squished by said jerk because he's trying to shove is SUV up your ass and traffic is slowing.

When making a left turn on a left-turn-green-arrow, watch out for the dipshit trying to make a right turn through a red light directly across from you. Said dip **** may have checked for traffic coming from his or her left. There is a very small chance said dipshit checked to their right for people making U-turns (watch out if you are making a U-turn) and said dipshit most definitely did not even consider to look across the intersection for people making left turns across their path. They always look so surprised to see me.

Also when turning left or right from the outside lane of multiple turn lanes, most people in the inside lane think the inside is ‘faster’ and they will be able to get in front of you. They do this because they are actually intending to cut across all lanes of traffic (ahead of you of course because their lane is ‘faster’) to make a turn within the next 100 feet. This of course, forces you to hit the brakes, follow them into the lot, park your bike and calmly rearrange their facial structures with your helmet. Doing so calmly buys you more time to get back on your bike and ride away before anyone else realizes what just happened to that ‘poor man in the SUV.’ :vava:


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