Look where you want/need to go and ride the bike.
If you think you can't stop, RIDE THE BIKE. If you think you're going too fast for the corner, RIDE THE BIKE. Get run off the road, RIDE THE BIKE. Never admit you're going to crash, RIDE THE BIKE.
No matter what happens, RIDE THE BIKE.
Yes ride the bike, I had my first tip/fall over at low speed where I wasn't riding the bike this past Sunday.
Made a great run from Prospect Kentucky to Cincinnati, via secondary hwys, once there I had to go to a cemetery, well to make a long story short numerous bad angles and slopes for this bike, maybe any street bike that weights as much. I kept finding myself unsure of the speed at which I had to travel and the fact I was riding around looking for something instead of getting off the bike and walking, while looking I was asking for what I got.
There I was going down a steep grade and at the bottom was only a turn around a small car or golf cart should make, not me not this bike fully loaded. As I approach my doom, I just knew in my minds eye I was going to fall over. In fact I think I was looking for the best place to fall over :lol:
Anyway there I go around the turn from left to right, hit gravel, front wheel slips out then try to save it and give it a little throttle, dam the back tire now slides out as it hits gravel.
Now I'm thinking get off this bike do not get pinned under this on this slope downhill and no help in sight.
So yes if going down jump clear as you are going, then immediately hit the kill switch.
Now that hurt as I already have an aching back! Hey I thought to myself you knew this was going to happen. Or did I make it happen by not riding the bike around that tight corner with a steep slid hill downhill lie, in golf terms.
I just had to laugh at myself :lol: , I guess I could have opted for driving over some graves to avoid that pre destined doom.
Install sliders, mine worked, only the slider received some minor road rash, and of course the right saddle bag, a few minor scratches.
Now, came the fun part, bad back and having to pick this 700 pounds of dead weight up.
First attempt no go, second attempt with wits about me, first put kick stand down, that way once I got the bike up it wouldn't fall the other way. Up she went and off I went.
I think that is the first time I fixated on a target, I tried to do it other times, it must only work if you are looking down like I was.