How do I mount a cell phone to the FJR?

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My phone is my GPS and plays my music via BT to my Sena. I dont usually talk on phone while riding either. If I rode in the rain more, I would have got the aquabox rather than the xgrip.

I was going to ask what you all do when it rains with rigs like that. The Zumo 665 is weather proof and the phone is protected in the tank bag. Best test was on the way home from CFO last year! I don't talk a lot while riding. Usually let the person know I am riding and don't want to stay on or pull over.

I was going to ask what you all do when it rains with rigs like that.
Um...put the phone in the top box. I figured that'd be a no brainer. Plus, if it's raining, then I'm caging to work usually.
I have been using mine for traffic only during my commute. For trips I have a waterproof zumo 220 for routing. Since I've only had the one ram mount, they share duty depending on what the current ride is for.

That all changes now. I got me an N-Line shelf and a Sena bluetooth SMH10. Phone will do duty as music player, and I might just take a call now and then. I'll be selective about that. Sure would have been nice to have it on my last trip when my wife was trying to get a hold of me because her grandmother had been put in the hospital. On second thought, I might have gotten the call earlier and turned around. As it was I was too far for turning around to be worth it so I finished the two day trip.

This is also on my short list of farkles. However, I'm worried about mine overheating in the sunlight/summertime heat. How do you guys get around that?

Cleveland? You don't have to worry about heat.
I did 13 months up there, it doesn't even get hot. Mine does fine down here, but it's hard to see in the direct sunlight. Actually, I think it gets hotter in the top box.

Mine stays in my tank bag. I don't ride to take phone calls. It can wait until I'm stopped or if / when I feel like checking it...which is rarely. The Zumo GPS is the only electronics I need for routing and not worrying about it getting rained on.
But I'm weird...I know.

I have a bluetooth nuvi gps so I link them and chuck the phone in the sidecase or other luggage, depending. I remind my wife to call, do not text, if you need me now. The gps will tell me she's called. Otherwise the phone stays in the bag.

I used to have my iPhone in a Ram Box on the center mount until I got the Tom Tom Rider 2 with Bluetooth talking the all my iPhone contacts. Now, if anyone calls me I'll see their name flash on the Rider screen. If it's important I'll stop and call back. If not, I'll keep flying! Win Win, Baby!!! :))

Cleveland? You don't have to worry about heat.
I did 13 months up there, it doesn't even get hot. Mine does fine down here, but it's hard to see in the direct sunlight. Actually, I think it gets hotter in the top box.
We so get a couple of hot ones each summer, sometimes even a string of 90* days. When my iPhone is in the tank bag with the clear plastic window, it sometimes will shut down due to overheating.

Agree that it's definately hard to see in direct sunlight.

Cleveland? You don't have to worry about heat.
I did 13 months up there, it doesn't even get hot. Mine does fine down here, but it's hard to see in the direct sunlight. Actually, I think it gets hotter in the top box.
We so get a couple of hot ones each summer, sometimes even a string of 90* days. When my iPhone is in the tank bag with the clear plastic window, it sometimes will shut down due to overheating. Agree that it's definately hard to see in direct sunlight.
90's is chilly weather.
I remember everyone thinking they were going to die up there at 93.
I'd suspect your phone in the mount would do better than in the tank bag pocket. That pocket is acting as a greenhouse and will heat up in the sun, plus there's no ventilation for the phone as it does generate heat. In the Ram x-mount the greenhouse effect won't be there and there's LOTS of ventilation. I suspect your phone would do just fine up there.
