How Many FJRs Are Out There???

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2009
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Slidell, LA
I have had my FJR baby for a bit over a year now. In that time, I have only seen one other FJR on the road. That was Mike (Patriot) and we were riding together up to Mississippi, so I could not help but see him (thankfully, he did not have those shorts on with the flip flops!!!).

The other day I am on I-10 in New Orleans East and I spot one!!! I was in my cage and got sooooo damned excited. He was a 1/4 mile in front so I hurredly caught up so that I could get a look-see. DAMN!!! As I got closer, it became clear that this was not an FJR but a Kawasaki Concourse (or whatever that Kawa FJR wanna be is). The saddle bags fooled me from a distance.

So that got me thinking. Does any know the stats about how many FJRs have been sold in the USA? And what percentage of total bike sales that is? I don't think there are many here in southern Lousyana at all! I rode two hours or so today and must have seen 3 dozen Harleys and Hondas on the road, but just about nothing else.

I love my FJR, but it sure seems to be a well kept secret!!!

I just rolled into the garage after a 12 day, 3200 mile bike trip from Fargo, ND, to Boise, ID, and back. Mid-Montana route out and Wyoming and SD on the way back. Saw thousands of bikes (90% HD overall, climbing to near 100% around Sturgis), but JUST TWO Feejs! Both were at the same gas station, a couple with blue A's (the fastest ones).

That's it, just two Feejers out of thousands, and I was watching for them too...

...So that got me thinking. Does any know the stats about how many FJRs have been sold in the USA? And what percentage of total bike sales that is? I don't think there are many here in southern Lousyana at all! I rode two hours or so today and must have seen 3 dozen Harleys and Hondas on the road, but just about nothing else.I love my FJR, but it sure seems to be a well kept secret!!!
I just rolled into the garage after a 12 day, 3200 mile bike trip from Fargo, ND, to Boise, ID, and back. Mid-Montana route out and Wyoming and SD on the way back. Saw thousands of bikes (90% HD overall, climbing to near 100% around Sturgis), but JUST TWO Feejs! Both were at the same gas station, a couple with blue A's (the fastest ones).That's it, just two Feejers out of thousands, and I was watching for them too...
Numbers sold (well, yearly production numbers) may be found in the Bin-O'-Facts on the Forum.

The number crashed may be more relevant? Many are no longer on the road... :(

H-Ds are, by far, the predominant American motorcycle. :eek:

In Cali I see FeeJ's all the time all over the state, most are NOT on the forum from my sightings I post. Bin-O-Facts has the numbers of quantity made each year.

Maybe there's only 3 FeeJs in LA. :blink:

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I have had my FJR baby for a bit over a year now. In that time, I have only seen one other FJR on the road. That was Mike (Patriot) and we were riding together up to Mississippi, so I could not help but see him (thankfully, he did not have those shorts on with the flip flops!!!).
The other day I am on I-10 in New Orleans East and I spot one!!! I was in my cage and got sooooo damned excited. He was a 1/4 mile in front so I hurredly caught up so that I could get a look-see. DAMN!!! As I got closer, it became clear that this was not an FJR but a Kawasaki Concourse (or whatever that Kawa FJR wanna be is). The saddle bags fooled me from a distance.

So that got me thinking. Does any know the stats about how many FJRs have been sold in the USA? And what percentage of total bike sales that is? I don't think there are many here in southern Lousyana at all! I rode two hours or so today and must have seen 3 dozen Harleys and Hondas on the road, but just about nothing else.

I love my FJR, but it sure seems to be a well kept secret!!!
I rode through LA a few weeks ago where were you. :rolleyes: I was looking but i didn't see you either. :unsure:

Seems to me there are more Pirates per capita in the South then any other tribe. Hyabusas make up a close second. That's what i have seen. What do you think? :D

Yeah, I've run into a bunch of FJR's. A dozen of them one time at the Sonny's BBQ in Clewiston, FL one day for lunch. I saw them in the parking lot when I drove up and couldn't believe it.

Walked in and found the riders in the back on a big table. Started talking to them, asking where they were from, what were their names on the Forum, and told them that I had an FJR. They didn't

know anything about the Forum and looked at me like if I was from Mars. I mean, WTF?? They all owned an FJR and they don't know anything about the FJR Forum! I politely excused myself and sat at my

table. You'd be surprised at how many there are out there that aren't on this site. Go Figure! I don't get it. :unsure:

let's see: Eunice, Denham Springs, Robert, Biloxi, Gulfport, Slidell, Metairie... :rolleyes:

Houma was sold last summer :dribble:

only one inferior Gen II and a AE for further embarrassment... :yahoo:

so I could not help but see him (thankfully, he did not have those shorts on with the flip flops!!!).
I demand not to be misrepresented...I was wearing topsiders, dude... :angry:

You'd be surprised at how many there are out there that aren't on this site. Go Figure! I don't get it. :unsure:
ya gotta be kiddin''s as long as this guy keeps posting... :blink:


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I ride mainly just north of Milwaukee, I see a growing # of them around town, freeway and for the last few races I went to at Road America.... Only really got to stop to talk to the guys at the races.... All different years and colors... :yahoo:

It really is just such an amazing machine that truly isn't appreciated as much as it should be...

Until I found mine,I didn't even know that the FJR existed. But hey, thats fine with me,I like being in the minority.

When I got my first one waaaayyy back in 2003, they were rarer than hen's teeth. Now, they're like rabbits...everywhere you look there's an FJR. Curiously as mentioned above, not many know [or for that matter care] about the forum... :dntknw:


Yeah, that is quite odd that many do not care about the forum. Such a wealth of info here....

Perhaps it is Patriot's "topsiders" and his Hollywood-like tan keeping them away! :eek:

Go up to the top of the page and click Member's Map. That will give you an idea (of at least this forum's members) and their location. Obviously there are owners not registered here at 'fjrforum' (or some members that haven't entered their info here either).

My preferred dealer, RL Equipment in Verner has been buying up the remaining 09 AE's and heavily discounting them (something like $14K out there door, normally $22K!). I bet you every time I go out for a ride I see another one!

Lots of fun when they eyeball my bike and strike up a conversation. It really is amazing how fast somebody see's the light with the FJR.

Great dealer, when somebody is interested in an FJR, he runs home (its a very small town), gets his personal FJR, and lets the customer take it for a ride. Now THATS the way you sell bikes!

I saw maybe only 6 Feejers on a cross country trip Boise to Florida in May. Talked to one '04 who was with a group of Harleys on the Cherahola hiway. He sez, "Finally, reinforcements have arrived!" Lotta good natured trash talk. They say the Feejer sounds like a nuclear powered vacuum cleaner. I said the Feej should to ride in front of the Harleys so it doesn't crash on the oil slick.

The '04 guy asks me if I ever had a sticky rear brake pedal, his was acting up. Yea....great fix advice for this is available on The FJR Forum. Said he would check it out.

Here's another perspective for seeing how many FJRs out and about: looks like there were at least 3 Silver Ones that day on The Dragon May 23rd. Click on the Killboy link to see sticky brake guy. Use "Jump" and the "..." feature to skip ahead to find photo 357-- a guy on a silver Gen II. Jump again to photos 480-486 for mwah.

Killboy photos May 23

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They are pretty damn common in the Sacramento / Roseville area. I saw an 04 whilst in my car on Lincoln Hiway yesterday. An 05 blew by me on Foresthill road last Wednesday as I was headed for home on mine. I thought about tracking him down and saying hi but he was in a hurry and Foresthill road has a very serious CHP presence. I had a black one track me down and ask me where I got Girauld,s rack a few weeks back. I pointed him in the direction of the forum but don't know if he followed up. Seems like there are FJRs everywhere around here. Just another demonstration of the superior knowledge, wisdom and good taste of the average Northern Californian I say. :D

At least two members of the Sacramento area BMW club also own FJRs. I see FJRs around here at least once or twice a week when commuting and a half a dozen while recently riding my '08 in Gold Country. It helps that Roseville Yamaha is an excellent dealer and the head of the service dept. rides an FJR.
