How Many FJRs Are Out There???

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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What's important is that I see one every time I go in my garage.

Not many in the Willmar, MN area. In fact I may be the only one as far as I know. Unfortunately when you go to a dealership around here that handles Yamaha they never have an FJR on the floor. Can't sell bikes if no one sees them. Compare that to a HD dealership.

Rode 300 miles thru Catskill Mountains of NY on Sunday and only saw 1 other FJR I live in northern Jersey and see very few here

I just rolled into the garage after a 12 day, 3200 mile bike trip from Fargo, ND, to Boise, ID, and back. Mid-Montana route out and Wyoming and SD on the way back. Saw thousands of bikes (90% HD overall, climbing to near 100% around Sturgis), but JUST TWO Feejs! Both were at the same gas station, a couple with blue A's (the fastest ones).
That's it, just two Feejers out of thousands, and I was watching for them too...

You are comparing apples to oranges! The FJR is just part of the Yamaha chain. How many Sportster's did you see compared to the FJR, or more directly commenting to your observation, how many Yamaha's did you see compared to Harley's. The FJR is what, 8 years old. How many of those Sportster's that you observed on your trip were built b/t 2003 and 2010. I would venture to quess perhaps, just a couple.

What's important is that I see one every time I go in my garage.
This :good:

I see lots of bikes all over the country...FJR's are definitely in the minority...What I'm still getting used to seeing is how many Phoenicians ride in far less than ATGATT (like, only t-shirts and shorts!)...I even saw one FJR yesterday where the rider was dressed for the weather, rather than the crash...

For sure, they are relaitvely uncommon, at least around my parts...

There were only, like, 22 Registered for the CFR Convention. I came upon - amazingly - SIX at the Upper Can 400 Rally a month or so back... It was a great day!! The coolest thing was getting a shot of three Sexy Black Triplets that day parked abreast!

Found FOUR at the giant Port Dover Friday the 13th gathering. I can only guess that there were well over 20,000 bikes there... The local paper said that there were 150K - 200K people, so the bike count might have been far higher than my guess...

So enjoy it every time you bump into one of your delighted and enlightened brethren!!! I sure do!!


I actually see quite a few FJRs. For work I drive around the Sacramento Valley (50 mile radius centered 90 miles inland of San Francisco) and see at least 1 per day on the highways and byways. None of them I see are part of the NorCal riders who belong to this forum. Some are passing through on I-80 or I-5, a few are commuting, but they are out there. Again referencing that I live in a decent sized metropolitan area (population 500,000?) and at the intersection of two major interstate highways and a number of other highways (Highway: 99, 50, 16, 65, 70 and 160).

I see them occasionally here in Central MN (St. Cloud). The Gen 1 heat "problem" is actually an asset most of the time. It's late august and we have low 50's temps riding to work in the morning.

Waaaaayyy more harley's than anything else which still amazes me since, objectively speaking, harley's performance to cost ratio is easily the worst in the business by a very wide margin.

I've seen a black Feej going east on the 105 fwy in L.A. most weekdays, I saw a silver Feej with Canada Plates parked at Dodger stadium at the Dogers/Cubs game last July, It had a thick layer of bugs all over the front so I am sure he/she was doing double time getiing down here to see the Dodgers crush the Cubs that weekend, DR

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The North East and eastern Canada seems to be loaded with FJRs. These are a few that I've seen in just the last 2-3 months:














Take [guesstimate] 15k - 20k [/guesstimate] FJRs and sprinkle them around the country. It's a BIG country. The odds of stumbling across another FJR that just happened to be in the same area, on the same roads at the exact same time as you are very low. When I ride around my local area FJR sightings are quite low. When I ride in areas of interest such as the coast or the Green/White mountains the sightings go up quite a lot. In areas that are popular for sight seeing I see FJRs at least 1 of every 3 trips. Heck, one day while I was out riding I came across a guy on a Blue FJR, we did the wavie thingie and when I got home there was a posting on the Forum about a silver FJR sighting. Pleased to meet ya Fred W!

It is surprising how many FJRs I do see, even more surprising is the number of women riding FJRs that I've seen. We know from the Forum that women ride FJRs but to randomly see women riders has to have amazingly low odds.

Take a look at the Members Map to get an idea of the distribution of FJRs. The map can be wicked slow to load and start, wait until you have a few free minutes.

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