how many have had the tick

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03 developed the tick early. Less than 6000 miles when it was noticed. Had it fixed at 18,000 and it runs strong and hasn't resurfaced or at least I don't notice. I wear stereo ear molds when I ride.

I sould of done some backround check before i posted . I did not know this was brought up before, and i joined june 2005 .

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'03 that so far hasn't ticked. Of course my ears are all screwed up, I wear ear plugs and play music so the SOB could be ticking and I'd likely not know. Actually, I'm watching the sparkplugs and if they don't show oil, I'm assuming I'm not ticking.


<snip>...Actually, I'm watching the sparkplugs and if they don't show oil, I'm assuming I'm not ticking.
I think in the FJR1300 bad exhaust valve-guide incidents -- the worn guides allow oil to travel down the guide and out the exhaust.

I'm not sure? -- but, clean spark plugs may not be appropriate indicators? :unsure:

My '05 is from the last batch of Gen 1 FJRs. I got it new in July of '05. No tick. 50k miles.

I am just wondering: if this post title and question should be edited. Most of the veteran owners know that the "tick" syndrome was cured for the 06s on. I seems to me, not "every member" should respond if they have the 2nd gens. In order for this poll to be even half assed accurate, we need to hear from the 05 and earlier owners only! No need to skew the results by having the new owners participating in a poll about an earlier defect that has been fixed since late 2005. Could somebody edit the title to include: 01 to 05 FJRs only, please. Thanks, in the name of truth and science. :glare:

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05 19k now. Gets a little louder each year. First noticed it around 9k, hot.

FJR sound bite is louder than mine. Doesn't sound RIGHT.

I have YES. 1 more summer, its getting fixed. I took good care of this bike changed oil more often than required.

Didn't matter still developed a problem.

Love this bike, in keeping it a few more years.

My 04 had the tick around 9500 miles. A Yamaha tech from Cypress came to my local dealer and put on a new head in one day and I had the bike back the next day. The ticking head was sent back to Japan. All is good at 48K PS I bought the bike used with no YES. Thanks again to WC for directing me to the correct people at Cypress

we have 4330 members just trying to get a feel on the perent of tickers . We are going to need at least 3000 people clicking to make this work .
...yer way, way off base here Zorkler. To make the poll work, we only want the `05s and older to respond .You haven`t explained your poll too well. Why would you want the new generation riders to click? Better change yer brand of smokes there Zork. Something not right in la la land. <_<

I remember 2-3 years ago, somebody on this site or the other making the prediction that in no short order, tickers would amount to something like 25-5o% of the population . They maintained that it wasn`t an early in life defect only, but instead , because of so many variables, the vast majority would come out over a longer time and distance span. If this poll is any indication, from those who have shown the gumption to participate, that old prediction is bearing truth.
