How many States you've ridden in ?

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Well since you asked :rolleyes:

In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:

I had that done by June 1st so the rest of the year was gravy I ended the season with 72 states ridden through. I've still got Hawaii to go.

At least 5, but more if I really counted them up... Ridden in 3 countries so far including US, Mexico and Italy. One day I hope to ride in all 50 states. Perhaps even within a two week period... 10 days maybe?

Well since you asked :rolleyes:
In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:

I had that done by June 1st so the rest of the year was gravy I ended the season with 72 states ridden through. I've still got Hawaii to go.

Holy smokes. I need to get out more. When did we add 30 new states?

In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:
That's cool. You run into any FJR's while you were doing that ride? ;)

Maybe they somehow subconciously got you thinking about buying one....or that red wine always seems to be in their sidecases....

Well since you asked :rolleyes:
In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:

I had that done by June 1st so the rest of the year was gravy I ended the season with 72 states ridden through. I've still got Hawaii to go.

Holy smokes. I need to get out more. When did we add 30 new states?
It's the new math :blink:

Well since you asked :rolleyes:
In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:

I had that done by June 1st so the rest of the year was gravy I ended the season with 72 states ridden through. I've still got Hawaii to go.

Holy smokes. I need to get out more. When did we add 30 new states?
It's the new math :blink:
Cool. I'm down with that, dawg. I rode in 72 states last year. ;)

(6 New England states 12 times each...)

In 2005 I did a 48+ all 48 states and Alaska in less than 10 days. I did that on my old Honda Pacific Coast, riding the FJR now feels like cheating :lol:
That's cool. You run into any FJR's while you were doing that ride? ;)
For those who don't know Iggy was our finish witness for the 48 state portion of the ride.

Maybe they somehow subconciously got you thinking about buying one....or that red wine always seems to be in their sidecases....
Oh I'd been looking at the FJR since 2002... but my side cases came empty <_< musta been a 2006 thing.

See sig for a graphic representation. Otherwise its six.


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Not all of them yet. Some of them too much (see VA and small, laser-guided section of Utah).

So far I've discovered that my crazy relatives might be right. The lunar landings may indeed have been faked. I know my ex's orgasms and apologies were.


Just California and a small trip to Carson City Nevada.

Never been south of Avila Beach or north of Cloverdale.

I keep riding in circles :blink: :blink: :blink:

ummmm. 27 states. I think.


Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Indonesia (don't ask), Germany, France, England, Denmark.

I need to get to Africa and S. America...working on that.

just one state on the FJR...only have 100 miles on it... :unsure:

26 states and several European Countries while I was stationed in Germany serving in the Army. I look at the pictures forum members post from the western states and look forward to riding out there a lot when I retire in fifteen years or so.

Never counted mine up....
But I have a related question. If you look at wfooshee's map in his sig line, all southeastern states are colored except Louisiana. Now, I'm wonderin' is he some kind of Evel Knievel? That's quite a feat to get from Mississippi to Texas w/out going through cajun country. Musta been a helluva ramp.
That was driving to El Paso to see the kids and grandkids, and stealing Josh's bike while out there. He lives 5 miles south of the NM line, it was a cheap and dirty way to put a couple states on there! And it's still only 5 states on 2 (motorized) wheels.

Don't tell nobody!

Now, if I get to do the BB1500 I'm working on for June or July (or maybe wait till fall) I'll add MS, LA, and TN. If, instead, I do a SS1000 to my kid's new place in VA, I'll add SC, NC, VA and MD while in the neighborhood. While up there I'd probably try for WV, PA, and DE, maybe NJ if there's a free afternoon.

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Roller skates, Inline skates, and Ice skates ... so I've ridden in 3 different skates.

crap... you said state.

Man! I've been in so many, let me see.... Hmm.......Ahhhha.......Ummmmm. Er.....and there's.... What was that one state that I was..... Ooooh, ooooooh and uhhhh......

Can I count plane trips too.... even connections...??

Does the state you live in count...?? :huh:

At least Two.... :cryingsmiley:

Maybe more... I saw one before... a small one.... a picture.....

I'm so embarrassed. :blush:

FNG posting a real answer not knowing any better.

15 states. CA, OR, AZ, NM, TX,OK ,KS, NE, MO, AR, TN, NC, AL, IL, IN.

I've even skated in a few of them too.

I had that done by June 1st so the rest of the year was gravy I ended the season with 72 states ridden through. I've still got Hawaii to go.
So, does that mean , since I live in Ohio ,, and if I ride to W.Va. and back , that I how have 3 states ( Oh. , W.Va. , & Oh.)

Actually ,,, If I take the interstate it could be 5 states ( OH. , PA, W.VA., PA. & OH).......

And I've been looking thru my Road Atlas ,,, and I can't find the bridge to Hawaii ??????????

maybe I need a new Atlas

Sorry,,, just poking fun ,,, :yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo:
