How much to cure pink-eye

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
Either I gave to my daughter or she gave it to me. The darned pink-eye. She goes to the pediatrician $17 prescription. I call my Dr. tell him I have it Too. He calls in my prescription $70!!!!!!!! :eek:

Holy medications Batman! $53 diff to cure the same ****!!! :angry2:

Mark this under a which oil is better thread. They do the same thing, some just cost more than others.

Pink eye sucks dude, don't rub it and get it in your other eye :)
Too late :(

Scab, You know I only have girls. I don't have BOY to sew me up when I do **** like that :p

Oh and BTW, BTDT when I was 15. Thats why parts is Parts in my left eye :derisive:

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IIRC (in other words, check this pseudo-advice for yourself), treated conjunctivitis clears up in an average of about 3 days, untreated in about 4 days. When my 18-month-old "shared" with me earlier this year, I used his eye dope after his full treatment was done (the doc suggested it, but didn't up the volume of the prescription), then ran out of dope and ignored the itching and eye-boogers for a few days. All is good now.

IIRC (in other words, check this pseudo-advice for yourself), treated conjunctivitis clears up in an average of about 3 days, untreated in about 4 days. When my 18-month-old "shared" with me earlier this year, I used his eye dope after his full treatment was done (the doc suggested it, but didn't up the volume of the prescription), then ran out of dope and ignored the itching and eye-boogers for a few days. All is good now.
I thought if left untreated, you could actually die. Yes/no? Dr. Livingston?

The term "pink eye" is used very broadly to mean a red or pink eye. In actuality pink eye by definition usually refer's to Viral Conjuntivitis. However conjunctivitis, or pink eye, can also be caused by many things. The most common is from allergies, bacteria, chemical fungal etc...

Treatment then is directed at what is actually causing the eye to get red. Viral conjuctivitis has to run its course, 7-10 days, however i've found a mild steroid drop relieves alot of symptoms for the patient with in 6hrs even though it doesn't cure it. Likewise if its caused by bacteria you use an antibiotic, allergy gets alllergy drops etc...

This is why i will never prescribe something with out seeing the patient. How do I know what I'm treating if I haven't seen it.

The cost of drops is rediculous, especially if they are not generic, and therein lies the possible difference in the cost of Fencers meds.

Al ittle advice: if you wear contacts and ever get a red, painful, light senstive eye, go to the DR immediately. Corneal Ulcers are not to be taken lightly.


There are very few things that can happen to your eye that can cause death, Retinoblastoma, being one exception.

But there are several "pink eye" conditions that can cause blindness. The Mayo Clinic was probaly referencing Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca or Adenovirous as not being sight threatening, but in the broader sense, Herpes Simplex can cause vision loss. A corneal ulcer caused by Pseudomonas bacteria can cause legal blindness. There are several other "pink eye" conditions that can cause legal blindness.

After my injury (my contact is perm sewed in, lens implant), I was subject to infection. my old eye Dr. (ret) would prescribe Pred Forte for pink eye IIRC ( I was 15). This expensive stuff is Tobra Dex.

I was under the impression that Conjunctivites, if left untreated would cause blindness. I've already BTDT.

This is the most surest way to cure it within 24hours...find someone who is breastfeeding and get them to squirt some breast milk into your eye/s you will be fixed within 24 hours. If you don't know the person all that well get them to bottle a little and drop it in yourself!

This is no ******** it really works!

...find someone who is breastfeeding and get them to squirt some breast milk into your eye/s
And, if she's married, and not to you, it's a sure fire way to get the eyes from pink to black (depending on how big her significant other is). :)

This is the most surest way to cure it within 24hours...find someone who is breastfeeding and get them to squirt some breast milk into your eye/s you will be fixed within 24 hours. If you don't know the person all that well get them to bottle a little and drop it in yourself!
This is no ******** it really works!
You just have to wonder how that was discovered. I wonder if they videotaped that research :lol:

Either I gave to my daughter or she gave it to me. The darned pink-eye. She goes to the pediatrician $17 prescription. I call my Dr. tell him I have it Too. He calls in my prescription $70!!!!!!!! :eek: Holy medications Batman! $53 diff to cure the same ****!!! :angry2:

Mark this under a which oil is better thread. They do the same thing, some just cost more than others.
Why'd you let them get Worcestershire sauce in your embalming fluid in the first place?

Can a guy get Pink Penis? How about if it begins to transition into Purple Penis? Any drops for that? Will it die?

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