How not to maintain a motorcycle!

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Some call me... The STIG!
FJR Supporter
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
I came upon this bike in a parking lot and couldn’t pass up taking some pix and sharing them.

Some people are truly morons. Some are even beyond. This is why a bike should be maintained and why some shouldn’t even ride if they don’t know when or how to maintain a bike.

See this guy’s poorly maintained motorcycle (an older Suzuki TL)? Take note of his forks, brake calipers, wheel, etc. Note his forks are badly corroded and have raised areas on the plating of the inner tubes.


See his fork seals? They are cut and leaking badly.


Look at his wheel, calipers everything. He must have zero fluid left, most looks like it dripped on the forks, brake lines, calipers, brake pads, rotors, and spun out onto the wheels. I’d also be willing to bet his brakes are *****! This is why some riders need to take their bikers in for service. While others like this bloke, shouldn’t be allowed to ride with a bike in this condition.


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Actually, i don't think that's brake fluid. I'm guessing it's the fork oil that is escaping past the fork seals and dripping down the fork legs, etc.

Still, I'll bet it IS affecting front brake performance..... :dribble:

What do you want to bet the owner sitting in a restaurant watching you take pics of his bike was elbowing his buddy saying" That guy is just jealous!" :lol:

I just did a set of forks that looked like that on a trials bike. The owner said they hadn't been touched since 82. Damn near took explosives to get them apart. He now understands that lack of maintenance is costly.

Actually, i don't think that's brake fluid. I'm guessing it's the fork oil that is escaping past the fork seals and dripping down the fork legs, etc.....
Right you are MM2. I called it fluid, yes it is fork oil.... fluid. :D

*****? Bloke? You been hanging around with Richard again, Simon?
That silly git is a bloody mad man! ;) :D
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Well, I bet that at least the owner of the bike doesn't start stupid 'Caption This' threads all the time!


Hug & Kisses Simon!

well I can just about predict he wont be getting any rust anywhere near that front end.... until the chrome on the fork tubes finally fall off lol

I should take pix of the bikes the students at my U ride..

This one looks 'good'! ;)
Hey Don,

I sold my 01' DRZ400S to one of those Cal Poly students in great shape. Let me know if he's not upholding his promise to take good care of it. :rolleyes:
