How to organize a local get together/tech day

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searchgeek - author
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
It seems folks in various areas want to have somehting of a tech day similar to those run here in the Pacific Northwest (PNW).

I think this is fantastic, as part of the reason I bought my FJR wa sknowing the local group to me was active with rides and tech days, etc. I'm guessing that many more folks feel the same way, even if they don't actively post up saying this. ;)

The goal of htis post is simply to list out things to consider, and ideas, for pulling together your own version of a get together or tech day. Full credit to Mr. & Mrs. AuburnFJR for thier superb organizational efforts for the events they host in my area. I'm goign to try to roughly create an outline folks can use to plan their own events, though will readily admit it's simple stuff. I've done this before in my old location where a local group used to meet every month or so to work on our TDI cars.

First thing you'll need is agreement from your spouse and family. Without their support, it'll get weird the day of the event with stangers everywhere, so best to explain to everyone what to expect: folks you only know from the forum, everyone looking either swank or road-weary in riding gear, everyone learning who's who for the first time, etc. All the weirdness that comes when a bunch of like-minded strangers meet up and someone asks "Where's the bathroom?"

Second is actually an assumption before #1 even happens - but to formalize this, you need space. A large garage is enough. Our PNW event happens in a particularly well provisioned garage easily capable of holding 9 - 10 bikes at one time. Only have a normal 2 cars garage at your disposal, not to worry - only those wrenching need enter - the rest can sit outside. If your garage is cluttered and full of junk, use this as an opportunity to clean up & throw away stuff - your spouse will be pleased. ;)

Third, plan for things. Timing is important, so give folks a couple months warning of the date set. Take the time to make sure htis date is NOT in conflict with other obvious events pople local to you might attend. Our PNW events happen in the spring and fall - both excellent times bracketing the riding season for obvious reasons. Is there space for folks from away to maybe camp overnight? That can draw in folks more than a one day ride away, so look into this or provide options for local camping areas or nearby hotels/motels.

Fourth - more in do you have coolers for soft drinks and water? Whats' the plan of food? Pizzas? BBQ? Whatever it is, plan ahead. Call pizza shops a few days in advance with the order, and ask for a discount based on volume, if you think you'll have lots of people.

Fifth - someone needs to step forward and organize the damn event. Our point person took the time to send PMs to people, get confirmation on numbers and track attendance in the original post. This is important to ensure you can plan for the food and beverages. ;)

Sixth - Tools/Supplies - we're lucky to have access to a big garage stocked full of "you want it, we got it" stuff. Let folks know the situation early on this. If there is no torque wrench at the location, suggest somneone bring one. Back in my TDI days, we all contributed to a common "tool pool" where we brought extra tools to the common garage, or added some cash to a fund to buy special tools for the work we did. This works well for established locations where many folks can access the location on a semi-regular basis as we used to (once a month, basically). Those attending need to be somewhat self sufficient as well. If they expect a fully stocked garage when you said it was a "tent in the back yard", smack them. ;)

Seventh - Money jar - if you are hosting the event, leave a jar in an obvious location where everyone attending can drop $5 - $10 to cover the cost of food, sodas, etc. If you are attending, cover your food and leave some extra to cover the shop supplies inevitable consumed (wire ties, tape, paper towels, etc.).

While I may be missing some details, this should cover most of the basics. It's not really hard to organize an event, BUT it takes commitment to follow through.

Most of all, just try it! If you've got a garage, post up a gathering idea. If you only get a few folks, that's great! Beats wrenching alone! :D Even if it's nothing more than bench racing for a couple hours while everyone checks tire pressures and compares "chicken strips", it'll still be a great day.

Alright, so now that this post has over 100 views, I'm wondering if anyone has planned a get together/tech day anywhere yet?

I'm not scanning the other regions, so shout out if you organized a tech day so everyone can heap the love on ya!

I have thought about it a few times but I think my location is a bit to remote. I have a large shop with lifts and a power tire machine. Tons of tools and a bit of a machine shop. I have a couple spare rooms and there are motels in town. If anybody wants to do a tech day or weekend in the sticks in central Or. let me know and I will start some planing.

I have thought about it a few times but I think my location is a bit to remote. I have a large shop with lifts and a power tire machine. Tons of tools and a bit of a machine shop. I have a couple spare rooms and there are motels in town. If anybody wants to do a tech day or weekend in the sticks in central Or. let me know and I will start some planing.
Now THAT is the right attitude!

Given we all ride one of the best distance covering motorcycles in history, I suspect "being in the sticks" shouldn't be a problem... :)

Might be an excellent venue for Oregon riders, and for some of the distance seekers from CA and WA. Heck, post up that there will be pie and I can think of a few folks from WA who'd be attracted! :D

Sweet, party at Ray's place! Betcha we can pick up three or four states worth of bikes...given your central location to all. ;) Now for the questions: is the snow gone yet, driveway plowed, fridge stocked with booze adult beverages?? :p


Sweet, party at Ray's place! Betcha we can pick up three or four states worth of bikes...given your central location to all. ;) Now for the questions: is the snow gone yet, driveway plowed, fridge stocked with booze adult beverages?? :p
Yes to all the above except for pie. I need to think about whether we need the old man or not. :yahoo:

I'm hosting a sorta 'last minute' tech day here in Calgary next Sunday for the locals. I have a 2-car garage that is now capable of being used as a shop (as of yesterday) and a pretty good assortment of tools and supplies.

Gas for the BBQ, cold ones in the fridge... will be good to meet some of the folks.

Good post, lots of advice... I'll post after and let you know how it went.


I'm hosting a sorta 'last minute' tech day here in Calgary next Sunday for the locals. I have a 2-car garage that is now capable of being used as a shop (as of yesterday) and a pretty good assortment of tools and supplies.

Gas for the BBQ, cold ones in the fridge... will be good to meet some of the folks.

Good post, lots of advice... I'll post after and let you know how it went.

Excellent news Griff! Leave it to the Canadians to take the early lead!
