How to wash a Gen-I FJR

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
The first attempt to wash the possessed beast resulted in cleaner running down the windshield and forming "666" on the surface. Eerie growls emanated from underneath the tank and REDRUM appeared across the tank. So here was the solution...

1. Park the beast between a Suzuki SUV and trashcan heavily loaded with extraneous wiring and electrical (ask Grumpy).

2. Secure the beast to said SUV with steel cable. Secure the tail to the trash can with good rope.

3. Throw a blinder over its face to keep it from doing the death roll.

4. Locate a totally insane Indiana Jones type idiot to sneak up from behind with hose and SimpleGreen in hand.

Damn silver bikes hate washing worse than any 7-year old kid I know. Soap steams away like Holy Water on Linda Blair!



That Jeff loves to be involved in washing bikes! Good guy to have around on a road trip, I watched him wash two and a half bikes one afternoon.


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Now this is a fun post!

Damn old dirty whore gen 1 Fjr's...

No wonder my superior gen 2 CrZy8 runs better whenever a dirty, nasty, skowbucket Gen1 is around!

So, HA, when you showing your face in Kali?


Do you think Jeff and Scott (CanadianFJR) are long lost twins? I saw Scott pull into CFR at Mont Tremblant and within an hour, he was washing his bike in the parking lot. Then the next day after riding about 600km to Mauricie National Park and back, wash it again.

Weirdest thing though, was whenever my old dirty whore got within about 10' of his bike, it felt the same as pushing to North poles of magnets together. No way was my bike getting parked anywhere close to his. Opposite affect when near Rob's 03.

I was kinda hopin for a hottie bikini wash or sumptin. :dribble:
Zippy, you really don't want to see Jeff A. in a skimpy bikini; you absolutely don't want that! jes' sayin'

Apparently Grumpy's bike knows that a clean bike is a ghey bike.
+1, Gunny! Good Call, kolonial72!

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Do you think Jeff and Scott (CanadianFJR) are long lost twins? I saw Scott pull into CFR at Mont Tremblant and within an hour, he was washing his bike in the parking lot. Then the next day after riding about 600km to Mauricie National Park and back, wash it again.
Hmmm, same thing happened when he (Scott) made his cameo appearance at the Chowder Run last year.

It's shocking, I tell ya!

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So, HA, when you showing your face in Kali?
Might be making another trip west this summer. That is IF I can get all this bike washing done!


I couldn't even make it out of WV two years ago!


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At WFO9 last year there was a hose and bucket with soap and rags out front. I think it was a set up because when I pulled up to wash the bugs off the front of my bike I got a pretty good razzing and people were taking pics. I only washed the front and moved on before more people got back from the rides. :eek:

Grumpy, That same thing happened to me in Park Cityat WFO. Left my bike and when I came back it was clean with a sign on it saying "Clean bikes are ghey".

Wonder if there is a connection... ;) :rolleyes:


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