I am Bull@$%T!! Need to vent!

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Active member
Mar 10, 2010
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Boston, MA
So, my new '08 AE is sitting in my garage (for 2 days now)after being shipped up to Boston from Georgia, but I can't ride it because the moronic dealership (Extreme Power Sports, Columbus, GA) Has yet to send me the certificate of origin!!!

They cashed my bank check on 3/18. One would think they would send the title/certificate of origin immediately so I could have the bike registered by the time I received it.....but no.....

So, I have been calling the sales weasel that I've been dealing with and he just gives me nonsensical reasons why I haven't received it yet. The last 2 days I have spoken to him I asked for him to promise to call me at the end of the business day to at least give me a status update, weather good or bad news. This clown doesn't even have the common courtesy to meet the minimum customer service standard of returning a paying customer's phone call!!!!!

As many of you may know, we have had terrible weather, flooding, etc. in New England and this is the first weekend that we are suposed to have summer like weather..... and I have my brand new bike that I can't ride!!!!!! (insert sympathy here!!!)

Had to vent, sorry....... When I call the stealership and ask to speak to a manager, there is always an excuse given that nobody is available, blah, blah, blah... I am actually considering flying to GA tonight or tomorrow if I can get a cheap enough flight to give these morons a piece of my mind in person (and to get my title) Sadly, that will somewhat negate the money I saved buying this bike but I am just SOOOOOOOOO PISSED!!!

Ok, I feel just a little better now.

Grrr. This is even worse than the local dealership (Orlando Yamaha-Kawasaki) that refused to do the ignition switch recall because they're mad I bought the bike in Tennessee at the Honda Hoot after they refused to give me a test drive.

Bastards. When you go to Georgia, bitch-slap 'em for me, on principle.

Just save yourself the aggravation and don't ride the bike at all.......The speed,great handling and comfort of the machine will just further p--- you off.......so save yourself and leave it in the garage.

The sun is out and its shaping up to be a beautiful day....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......

I won't even go out to the garage and look at her, it pains me so!

Maybe a local from the forum can go pay them a visit and convey some of your "thoughts". There is no excuse for not overnighting the paperwork to you.

I feel your pain. Atleast the part about not being able to ride in the Northeast this weekend. It's supposed to be great weather. I too am without FJR this weekend and trying not to think about it.

Here in SC, there is no such thing as an immediate title on a newly purchased vehicle. The bill of sale is what is usually adequate as proof of ownership until what time the DMV gets around to producing and mailing the title back to the dealership, then the dealership mails it to me. It took a couple of weeks for all of that. But I bought mine locally.

Maybe I am getting the title and what you call a "cert of origin" confused. Anyway, have patience my son...this too will pass.

I would send them a registered letter saying that you purchased said bike on such and such a date, your check was cashed on such and such a date and you have not gotten clear title to the bike yet despite repeated calls requesting updates, in the letter state that they have 1 day to get you a tracking number for overnight delivery of the paper work or they will be in breach of contract for the sale and you will be returning the bike and they will be responsible for covering the shipping charges both to and from your home.

Send it and CC the Georgia District Attorney's office and the Attorney General and the BBB...

Betcha get a response then

The letter is already written (on my attorney's letterhead) and will be going out Monday am if I don't get the documents tomorrow. I spoke to the "title clerk" at the dealership today and she assured me that it will be Fedexed tonight. So, if I don't see it tomorrow.... let the real fun begin!

I did call down to DOR/motor vehicles in GA but they were not particularly interested in getting involved at this stage but did offer to help if it persists.

Thanks folks.

JDog, some advise from an employee of a dealership:

In Oklahoma, whose laws are very similar to other states, the dealership must provide you with a 30 day temp tag and registration certificate. What you are waiting on is the MSO, correct? If so that can sometimes take up to 45 days to process fully through the state agency that handles the taxation and lisencing of motor vehicles in your state. When did you purchase your unit? The check was cleared on the 18th of March correct? Was the check a personal check or was it a draft/title envolope, or certified funds? Your answer may be the reason for the delay. I know my dealership's policies are that any personal check purchases over $2000.00 on a titled vehicle, we hold the title for 20 days after the deal is signed off on by both the buyer and us. This eliminates the possibility that we have a fradulent check that was passed on us. As for the draft/title envolope method when we process a deal with one of these we have to include the title and a copy of the BoS in the check envolope when we deposit it, otherwise we won't get paid for it. So, be patient, relax, if you are out of your 30 days at this point it may be advisable for you to visit your local Tax Commission office or DMV office and ask about an untitled vehicle registration certificate and temporary tag. I hope that this has been helpful to your case.

Many places don't issue temp tags for out of state purchasers. D&H didn't for me. I rode for 45 days on the sales receipt and use the CO when I went to register (and pay my own state sales tax).

JDog, some advise from an employee of a dealership:
In Oklahoma, whose laws are very similar to other states, the dealership must provide you with a 30 day temp tag and registration certificate. What you are waiting on is the MSO, correct? If so that can sometimes take up to 45 days to process fully through the state agency that handles the taxation and lisencing of motor vehicles in your state. When did you purchase your unit? The check was cleared on the 18th of March correct? Was the check a personal check or was it a draft/title envolope, or certified funds? Your answer may be the reason for the delay. I know my dealership's policies are that any personal check purchases over $2000.00 on a titled vehicle, we hold the title for 20 days after the deal is signed off on by both the buyer and us. This eliminates the possibility that we have a fradulent check that was passed on us. As for the draft/title envolope method when we process a deal with one of these we have to include the title and a copy of the BoS in the check envolope when we deposit it, otherwise we won't get paid for it. So, be patient, relax, if you are out of your 30 days at this point it may be advisable for you to visit your local Tax Commission office or DMV office and ask about an untitled vehicle registration certificate and temporary tag. I hope that this has been helpful to your case.
They supplied it with a temp tag if that is what you want to call it....it is nothing but the dealer's logo and in small letters it says, "license applied for." This is not acceptable in Mass. I sent them a bank check =certified funds. It is illegal in Mass and in Ga to supply a new vehicle without a certificate of origin and they should have had plenty of time (16 days) to fill it out and send it to me. In Mass, I can't register it without it.

Anyways, this is a great exercise in patience....something I have been lacking as of late! Hopefully this will resolve itself tomorrow if this dealer has an ounce of integrity.


What a bummer. and on such a nice day.

Come ride mine if you'd like- take your mind off your current situation. You do know how to use a clutch, right? Sorry. It is Friday.

Good luck. It'll be worth the wait.

