Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Give me feedback and proof read me. I looked for the actual Cali law link but came up empty.
One line is stolen from TWNI would like to see legislation introduced (and Passed) That would allow for Legal lane sharing of Motorcycles. This would help aleiviate a small amount of traffic on our roads. California already has a lane sharing law on the books and you could look to them for information. Lane sharing is safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear ended (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motocop). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less.
The lane sharing that is allowed in California is basically summed up as allowing a motorcycle to ride between cars or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH and the motorcycle may not exceed a safe speed of 10 MPH over the traffic conditions.
Thank you for you consideration of this matter.