I am going to send a letter to my Rep and Senators

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Why yes, I am a Smart ASS
Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alabaster, AL
Give me feedback and proof read me. I looked for the actual Cali law link but came up empty.

I would like to see legislation introduced (and Passed) That would allow for Legal lane sharing of Motorcycles. This would help aleiviate a small amount of traffic on our roads. California already has a lane sharing law on the books and you could look to them for information. Lane sharing is safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear ended (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motocop). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less.
The lane sharing that is allowed in California is basically summed up as allowing a motorcycle to ride between cars or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH and the motorcycle may not exceed a safe speed of 10 MPH over the traffic conditions.

Thank you for you consideration of this matter.
One line is stolen from TWN

Give me feedback and proof read me. I looked for the actual Cali law link but came up empty.

I would like to see legislation introduced (and Passed) That would allow for Legal lane sharing of Motorcycles. This would help alleviate a small amount of traffic on our roads. California already has a lane sharing law on the books and you could look to them for information. Lane sharing is safer than sitting in line just waiting to be hit from behind (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motor Cycle Officer). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less.
The lane sharing that is allowed in California is basically summed up as allowing a motorcycle to ride between cars or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH and the motorcycle may not exceed a safe speed of 10 MPH over the traffic conditions.

Thank you for you consideration of this matter.
One line is stolen from TWN
Give me feedback and proof read me. I looked for the actual Cali law link but came up empty.

I would like to see legislation introduced (and Passed) That would allow for Legal lane sharing of Motorcycles. This would help aleiviate a small amount of traffic on our roads. California already has a lane sharing law on the books and you could look to them for information. Lane sharing is safer than sitting in line just waiting to be rear ended (ask any MSF instructor or CHP Motocop). It saves fuel and wear & tear on the bike. It gets you to your destination faster while polluting the environment less.
The lane sharing that is allowed in California is basically summed up as allowing a motorcycle to ride between cars or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH and the motorcycle may not exceed a safe speed of 10 MPH over the traffic conditions.

Thank you for you consideration of this matter.
One line is stolen from TWN

It's not a 'law on the books', rather there is no specific law against it. The only mention of lane sharing is in the drivers handbook that says basically, that you can share because it's not illegal. Further, you would have much greater impact if you could provide statistics and or cite general support for lane sharing. Better yet, get together with a bunch of like-minded riders, schedule an appointment with your local rep and have a sit down. Get a legislative friend on your side. Maybe even invite your local AMA rep or ABATE pres, etc. PM Iggy to get an insight on the political view of how best to approach a politician with the aim of supporting your cause. (Cash? Hookers? :lol: )

Good luck. I really mean that.

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I would push:

1-Alleviates traffic congestion. (don't say a small amount)

2-Less pollution.


4-Less accidents=less use of municipal assets (Fire & Police)=saves tax dollars.

5-Less fuel used.

You're talking about Alabama State Rep and Senator right?

The California rule states simply that "lane sharing is permitted as long as it is safe to do so". Which puts the entire burdon on the lane splitter, i.e., if there is an incident then it must not have been safe to lane split. It's brilliant in it's simplicity. Who da thunk the California DMV could do that?

Better yet, get together with a bunch of like-minded riders, schedule an appointment with your local rep and have a sit down. Get a legislative friend on your side. Maybe even invite your local AMA rep or ABATE pres, etc. PM Iggy to get an insight on the political view of how best to approach a politician with the aim of supporting your cause. (Cash? Hookers? :lol: )
Good luck. I really mean that.
TWN has got totally the right tach. The broadest possible coalition of support on something like this.....and find a legislator who is a biker or a cop (or better yet a biker who is a cop!) willing to sponsor it. A flood of e-mail won't do it by itself. You gotta have a legislator that wants it to happen......and then offer sustained support. Be an amateur lobbyist and be ready for a multi-year campaign.

It's one of those things that seems to have evolved in California and would have to receive specific legislation in other states. It's a near-perennial bill in my home state and never seems to get a committee hearing--let alone a vote. Buy-in from the DOT would help too.

Fortunately, more legislatures are online and reps are even more Googlable these days.

Also, once you get into it...then the AMA might be able to help.

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...or along the shoulder in stop and go traffic that is traveling less than 20 MPH
Not sure we're allowed to ride on the shoulder....

In any case, that violates JB's Principle of Motorcycle Advantage: If a car can do it, it ain't an advantage: It's breaking the law.

Most cars can fit on the shoulder as well.


I'm not AL native in any way ... but have lived here for a bit over 3 years now....

Perhaps if there's some wording or tie to the state income from the deer harvest that is improved from lane sharing -- you may get some support! :blink:

It would seem to me that this will in no way be a short journey. But, every journey begins with one step, blah, blah, you know. So, in consideration of the political sympathy required for such an endeavor, my suggestion is that you run for office. Become the man on the inside.

It would seem to me that this will in no way be a short journey. But, every journey begins with one step, blah, blah, you know. So, in consideration of the political sympathy required for such an endeavor, my suggestion is that you run for office. Become the man on the inside.
Great Idea Scab!! Then maybe ol'Fencer can get in on the Border Fence construction down south.... :yahoo:

