I Am The King!

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Here is anther, post that is...

My fingers are getting tired, I am trying to reach that magic number of 1,000, but it is going to take a few days :D

What does the first memeber to hit 1000 posts get? An FJR model with Neuman's boble-head doll mounted on it?


Boys, boys, settle down already. It will come on it's own, no need to hurry things along. It's just a post count title,not an indication of ************. :lol: Although......in some cases it might be a sign of over-compensation. :rolleyes:

First to break 100!
Admins can just add two zeros to that and it will still be correct.

The cream rises to the top. TWN was a different story.

Garrsshh !!!

That was afore I knew ya, Timmy !!

And Rogue, that was one realllllly old post. Kinda like..... well... ah... the poster? oh crap. Never mind. (now where in the heck did I leave my glasses .......)


Holy Resurrected thread, Batman!!
