@redliner - Many of us get it. Glad that you got it off your chest.
I was behind Dave (08FJR4ME) down in KY (we may have been in TN at the time) when the above story happened, so I can tell you, it's a no *******. We were running a very spirited pace that day, both before and after his reflectorectomy. It's easy to get carried away on those fine, fine roads down south.
We all have our moments. Part of the excitement of motorcycling is that it's risky, and if we are being honest with ourselves the reason most of us ride fast is because it's downright dangerous. Without the risk, there is no reward.
I don't think you were saying that you are going to quit riding any time soon. But just take your time to reassess, and get your mojo back. We all go through it. Sometimes when I'm doing the old guy thing and can't sleep at night I'll start thinking of some incident in the past where I didn't do the exact right thing and it could have taken me out for good. Believe me, there are more than one of those occasions.
But you just have to let it sit,and eventually you'll put it behind you and continue on, and soon it won't matter so much. Why? Because there isn't anything else you can do that is quite as much fun as riding a motorcycle. And riding it faster is funner. It's why we love the stupid things we do on them.
edit - Oh yeah I forgot. Don't lose any sleep over having dropped the bike. There aren't many FJR owners that won't admit to having done the same, and most of the others are lying. THe FJR is one heavy pig, and with a passenger is even heavier. When she wants a nap, she's gonna lay down.