I had such a nice ride today ...

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Fred W

1 Wheel Drive
FJR Supporter
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Eastern VT
Yep. That's right, I'm elite. I'm now just 1 in 390 of New Hampshire motorcyclists, based on this prior post.

I went out this afternoon on a last minute scouting mission for the upcoming Covered Bridges of NH ride this weekend (or next depending on the weather). There were a couple of sections of the route that I had never ridden and wanted to be sure that they were not just GPS fiction.

The afternoon was absolutely gorgeous. I was wearing my mesh tex gear in complete comfort. Not too hot, not too cold. Traffic was remarkably light everywhere as it was a non-holiday Monday and I had taken the day off. The route scouting was working out pretty well. I found a place I would have made a wrong turn and another where the road requires us to slow down the pace. Good stuff to know in advance.

On my way home from the end of the route and scooting along a little back road on the Dunbarton / Goffstown line (Black Brook Road, for you locals) and some little freeking bambi decides to jump out and destroy all the tupperware on the nose of my poor ole' bass boat blue Feejer!! It was only a lil' one. Maybe a 2-year old doe. I had slowed to 40mph just before smacking the POS according to my gps and this peckerhead jumped right out of the woods, perpendicularly across the road, from about 30-40 foot ahead and directly to my left. It must have been through the commando deer assault training series because it could not have timed the ambush better.

I did get on the brakes just a fraction of a second before contact, but kept the bike up straight. Other than a string of foul language and a yard sale of plastic bits and pieces strewn across the country road, there was no way of knowing what had just happened. After parking the bike and decompressing for a few seconds I walked back a bit and found the evil ruminant writhing in agony down off the side of the road. Good. FYYFF!!!

First car that came by I had to stop so I could pick up all the shattered plastic. He rolled up and asked if I was OK. "Do you need anything?"

"Do you have a gun?" I asked.

A glazed look comes across his face as he weighs his options to escape from the lunatic biker.

"Because I just nailed a f***ing deer and it's writhing around over off the side of the road."

The understanding and relief that came across his face was palpable.

I was duly impressed that in the 10 minutes I had the bike parked on the road side and was wandering around picking up pieces of plastic that might be important all 6 cars that passed me stopped and asked me if I was OK and if I needed any help.

The carnage was minimal. The front fender was exploded into multiple pieces. I managed to find my Fenda extenda intact, and completely free of the front fender. The nose faring is trash. The headlight is cracked and the bottom is blown out. But most of the rest of the bike looks OK. Don't think the subframe is bent, bt wont know until the full collision estimate is done.

I think I really got off pretty light this time, all things considered. I do have full coverage collision insurance, albeit with a $500 deductible. I'm hoping I can get a big enough estimate to cover the full repair if I do the labor my self.

Guess I'll have to lead the Covered bridges ride this weekend on my Trophy... What a sight that will be. 20-30 FJR';s following behind a Triumph Trophy. ;)

I'm thinking that picture would warm our favorite "Trophy Girl" Tyler's heart strings when she reads about it. Picture proof to come...

[edit] Oh, one more thing. This happened at between 4:41:35 and 4:41:47 according to my Garmin. So it wasn't even dusk yet. Be careful out there guys. There just are not enough hunters to keep the rat population in check.

I've always been a fisherman, but never taken up hunting. Think I might look into it now. Suddenly the attraction is obvious.

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Damn Fred! Sorry to hear of this misadventure :eek: Glad to hear you escaped unscathed though.

Just another reason to hate the coming of winter.. Fukers tend to congregate closer to the road for some reason...

I've noticed those assassins more and more on my way into work every morning.. Suppose it's aboot time to fire up the truck and whack 'em with that.


Nice to hear your not hurt bike ok only expensive tupper ware ie:Gary at Mondak Motors

What happened to the forrest rat?

Doesn't anyone hunt those forrest rats? Besides FJR's

Geez, Fred. When I made my smartass reply on the other thread, I didn't know you'd had an accident. Glad you're OK.

Oh damn I am so sorry. That's my huge fear with riding this time of year. There are a lot of deer out here, and there are always a few deer strikes on the highway a week once they start venturing out.

Did the dude have a gun or not? :)

Damn it, Fred.

I sure feel for you.

I'm sure glad you didn't go down.
I hope the insurance works out for you. I can guarantee the lightweight aluminum weldment sub frame is damaged. As far as I'm concerned it is a sacrificial item protecting the other expensive bits under the plastic. My little kiss with an elk's left flank cost me roughly $1500 worth of parts, plus a paint job. Would you believe I dropped my damage insurance 4 months ago... :banghead:

Please take care out there.


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that truly sucks. but I'm glad you kept upright and didn't sustain physical damage to your person!

your note about the time of day struck a cord. this summer, 7/3/09 to be precise, I had a near miss several miles south of the Mindoro Cut in WI. The time of day? Right about 12:30 PM! This bambi came from my right. I was going about 45 or so. I had just enough time to grab a little brake and it passed by me. It felt and looked like the deer's left hindquarter missed my left front by about 2'. Could have been further but it seemed that close.

Unreal--mid-day in early July! Must have been on its way to lunch. They are pretty close to brainless I guess.

Glad you're ok Fred.

And thanks for clearing that devil Bambi off the roads before the rest of us get there. :eek:

I am glad to hear you are ok and survived unharmed, well, except for the platic pieces on your bike. I think you should consider that you were very lucky that the deer was not bigger.

I have had a very close call about almost a year ago very similar to yours when I was on a Suzuki 1200 Bandit. It was in the afternoon about 3 pm, sun was out, nice temperature outside. I saw one deer cross the road and then an instant later I saw a blur on my left side. The deer was nailed by the mirror first slaping it right on the jaw and then it reared back and caught my left hand and arm with part of its neck and torso. It was hiding in the brush and the dried grass on the side of the road helped it blend in that I did not notice it until it was half way across the road. It took a small nip out of my upper arm close to the shoulder just for good measure. :angry2:

After I thought about this a while, I realized that if I had been going just a bit slower and hit it dead center, I would have been toast. I still think that someone is up there watching over me that I did not get hurt worse. A bruised arm and small cut was a small price to pay compared to a hosptial stay or worse. :aaskull:

I know that $500 is a PIA, but maybe something good will come out of it and maybe a new paint job ? Maybe even think about personalizing it a bit for yourself.

Guess I'll have to lead the Covered bridges ride this weekend on my Trophy... What a sight that will be. 20-30 FJR';s following behind a Triumph Trophy. ;)
At CFO we re-badged a Trophy, I've got some stickers left. Just try'n to help :blink:


Glad your OK fred sorry about your bike

I think it's time to get serious about hunting this year.

This years mantra will be "If it's brown it's down"

Glad you're (physically) unhurt Fred, I hate those phuckers!

I've bounced a few off cages, but not on two wheels YET. (You're Eligible Too)

I'm riding up to the Lake George area in two weeks with a couple guys and this just gives me the heebie jeebies!

There's one good gen 1 headlight assy on ebay now for a reasonable price. I was just looking earlier today. No fenders or front fairing on ebay at this time.

Sorry for your smash up.

Let's all get bows and licenses this year. Shoot a couple from your back porch. There are way too many deer everywhere.

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