I need help badly.

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Yamma Jamma

Well-known member
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, Tx (Inner Loop)
My FJR has shut off while in motion twice. The electrical system goes down. The engines shuts off. I feel that it is potentially lethal. Very fortunately it has done it on side streets with no one bearing down on me, rather than the center lanes of a freeway where a complete stall could have resulted in death or serious injury.

It has something to do with the ignition. The Bike is an 07 AE with a little over 25000 miles.

1) My first ignition locked up and would not release the key or turn to the on position. (dealer replaced)

2) My second ignition did the same thing as the first. (dealer replaced)

3) My third ignition turned off while travelling down a side street in Houston. No electronics, no lights, no engine. The wheel continued to roll and the breaks worked. Dealer replaced.

4) My fourth ignition went dead and the shut the bike down this past Saturday in Austin right after getting off an expressway.

Had the bike gone dead in the middle of the expressway and with cars bearing down on me (no power or break lights), I might not be writing this.

We got the bike going in Austin by taking a small bungy that another rider had and pulling and tying the wire that comes off of the bottom of the ignition up in a position that would cause the electronics to stay on as long as the bungy was applying pressure.

This has been happening since I bought the bike. Yamaha at first denied a systemic problem, then admitted it, then told me that it was fixed with the third ignition.

Any information anyone here can give me would be greatly appreciated. My next stop is an independent motorcycle mechanic unaffiliated with a dealership to ascertain the actual problem and then I am going back to Yamaha with what

I have learned and a copy of Texas Lemon laws and an atty if necessary.


Marty in Houston.

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You don't share whether it's been all one dealer or not. If the same dealer...try a different one. Preferably, one with a demonstrated reputation on this forum and that has done multiple ignition recalls.

Have you talked with Cypress yourself yet? If not, do it and share your documented history with them. Ask them to provide a dealer that will repair the issue.

Not sure how an independent mechanic is going to buy any additional credibility with Yamaha....unless you think Yamaha as a corporation itself is the issue. If you've not talked with Cypress yourself...I wouldn't make that logic leap yet.

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You don't share whether it's been all one dealer or not. If the same dealer...try a different one. Preferably, one with a demonstrated reputation on this forum and that has done multiple ignition recalls.
Have you talked with Cypress yourself yet? If not, do it and share your documented history with them. Ask them to provide a dealer that will repair the issue.

Not sure how an independent mechanic is going to buy any additional credibility with Yamaha....unless you think Yamaha as a corporation itself is the issue. If you've not talked with Cypress yourself...I wouldn't make that logic leap yet.
A dealership was bought by another and it has happened in that chain of ownership. They put me in touch with a Yamaha guy whose job seemed (to me) to be to fend me off and put the responsibilty for the fix back on me and not on Yamaha as a warranty issue or defect. Shortly afterwards there was a recall of some sort concerning the ignition and they replaced it.

Do u know anyone that you trust in the Houston area? and who is Cypress?

Cypress, California is the USA headquarters for Yamaha. It is common knowledge in certain circles to use that name for Yamaha USA, although it took me a few months to catch on.

Yamaha USA (Cypress)

As far as trustworthy dealerships anywhere, they don't call them "stealerships" for nothing. Hopefully, someone else can chime in with that information. Good luck and keep fighting the good fight. Keep us informed.

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It has something to do with the ignition. The Bike is an 07 AE with a little over 25000 miles.
1) My first ignition locked up and would not release the key or turn to the on position. (dealer replaced)

2) My second ignition did the same thing as the first. (dealer replaced)

3) My third ignition turned off while travelling down a side street in Houston. No electronics, no lights, no engine. The wheel continued to roll and the breaks worked. Dealer replaced.

4) My fourth ignition went dead and the shut the bike down this past Saturday in Austin right after getting off an expressway.

Had the bike gone dead in the middle of the expressway and with cars bearing down on me (no power or break lights), I might not be writing this


You mentioned that Yamaha said that the problem should have been fixed with the third ignition but, it's not clear in your posting that you've actually had the ignition recall performed. Was the third ignition the new, design? Does it have the yellow tape near the connector?

It has something to do with the ignition. The Bike is an 07 AE with a little over 25000 miles.
1) My first ignition locked up and would not release the key or turn to the on position. (dealer replaced)

2) My second ignition did the same thing as the first. (dealer replaced)

3) My third ignition turned off while travelling down a side street in Houston. No electronics, no lights, no engine. The wheel continued to roll and the breaks worked. Dealer replaced.

4) My fourth ignition went dead and the shut the bike down this past Saturday in Austin right after getting off an expressway.

Had the bike gone dead in the middle of the expressway and with cars bearing down on me (no power or break lights), I might not be writing this


You mentioned that Yamaha said that the problem should have been fixed with the third ignition but, it's not clear in your posting that you've actually had the ignition recall performed. Was the third ignition the new, design? Does it have the yellow tape near the connector?
Yes. I have had it performed.

I was told that the third ignition was new but I have no way of knowing for sure. Is the yellow tape on the bottom where the wires exit? Thanks.

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I was told that the third ignition was new but I have no way of knowing for sure. Is the yellow tape on the bottom where the wires exit? Thanks.
The yellow band is near the connector from the ignition switch to the wiring harness. To see it, you'll need to lift the tank, remove the t-bar and heat shield.

Here's a photo of what it looks like: From Brodie's Posting

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You mentioned that Yamaha said that the problem should have been fixed with the third ignition but, it's not clear in your posting that you've actually had the ignition recall performed. Was the third ignition the new, design? Does it have the yellow tape near the connector?
Yes. I have had it performed.

I was told that the third ignition was new but I have no way of knowing for sure. Is the yellow tape on the bottom where the wires exit? Thanks.


When did you have the current ignition switch replaced by the dealer? Was it before january 29 of this year? If so then it is the old design and quite susceptible to failure. If you had it replaced after january 29 then it should be the recall switch. The best way to tell is to pull the fuel tank, pull the "T" bar and heat shield, and have a look at the switch pig tail.


Notice the yellow tape around the cable near the connector. That is proof that it is the new design - The Recall Switch.

If this is your switch then you have the first recorded failed recall switch.

Please let us know!
If Yamaha's redesigned switch is still not up to the task at hand, there are a lot of people that should know about it.


...the Bike is an 07 AE with a little over 25000 miles.

1) My first ignition locked up and would not release the key or turn to the on position. (dealer replaced)2) My second ignition did the same thing as the first. (dealer replaced)
These first two failures sound like a mechanical issue. Either the key tumblers hung up (not likely), or the fork lock cam mechanism failed restricting key rotation.

3) My third ignition turned off while travelling down a side street in Houston. No electronics, no lights, no engine. The wheel continued to roll and the breaks worked. Dealer replaced.[4) My fourth ignition went dead and the shut the bike down this past Saturday in Austin right after getting off an expressway.
These second two sound more like a solder joint came undone. For whatever reason - be it age, corrosion, or just too much load on the circuit - a thermal runaway occurred within the switch while you were driving. It got hot enough to turn the normally solid solder connection into a soft, plastic state. Turning the handlebars would add just enough motion to the wires to separate one of them from the switch. No contact, no joy!

Again, if your latest switch is indeed a "Recalled Switch" with the yellow band around the pigtail, Please let us know!

News like that can reopen a big can of spyders.


Fingers crossed in Florida, hoping the ignition switch is pre-recall.

Not a good thing if this problem is rearing its ugly head with recall switches. This part of the original post worries me:

then told me that it was fixed with the third ignition.
One would ASS-u-me that the third repair was indeed a recall switch, which does not bode well for those having the recall completed.

But then, I am a "half empty" kind of guy, so hopefully there's nothing to worry about.


I was told after the first of the year by my dealer service manager that Yamaha acknowledged the problem and was

doing a recall. I also received a letter in the mail from Yamaha about the recall.

In preparation for a 5000 mile trip on July 1, 2009, I took the FJR into the dealer for service work and the replacement which I was told was performed. That was the last week in June. I put appx 6000 miles on the new one before it went out last Saturday.

As I stated the bike died right after turning off the expressway in Austin, Texas.

I am afraid that I am not mechanically inclined enough to take the bike apart. That is why I am collecting as much information as I can before I take it to an independent for inspection.

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Not good at all, considering the first ignition switch almost left me stranded in Utah (I had to hotwire the bike).

I will be following this thread with interest. Sorry for the troubles Yamma.



What I did that many of yall may not have is take the FJR with new ignition immediately from Houston to Northern Montana.

5451 miles in the first two weeks of July which accellerated the failure process. It seems to take the ignitions about 6000 miles to go bad in my case.

I don't know how to work on a motorcycle, but my concern is that the problem is not with the ignition switch but with something else in the electronics and the ignition wiring is the weak link that can't take the stress and goes out first.

A couple of burnt wires would not be the concern that it is, if it did not shut down the motorcycle while in motion.

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Sorry for your continuing problem! This is certainly NOT good news for the rest of us, either... :angry2:

Do you happen to have a set of riser blocks or other farkles which might be putting strain on the wiring harness in any way?

I'm rooting for you to get this solved quickly and FINALLY! Please keep us informed.


Sorry for your continuing problem! This is certainly NOT good news for the rest of us, either... :angry2:
Do you happen to have a set of riser blocks or other farkles which might be putting strain on the wiring harness in any way?

I'm rooting for you to get this solved quickly and FINALLY! Please keep us informed.


No mods. I bought the bike and have put 25k on it with no changes.
