I need to vent and get this all out

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
Downers Grove, IL
I have never been a Harley basher, but I just had another Harley special moment. I was driving my car on a 4 lane highway this morning, passing a gravel truck, and this guy on a Harley lane splits us. I was doing about 60, the truck was doing about 50, and this idiot gets between us. He was about 50 years old. With the new leather beret on and the shinny new leather vest. The bike looked like it had about 100 miles on it. So, I couldn't help but call him a dumb ass at the next stop light. And of course he had a few words for me, but what a dumb ass. If a piece of gravel came off that truck, or I was some teenager on their cell phone, he would be dead.

Now, I didn't mind Harleys until I bought the wife an 08 Road King. What a POS. It has spent six weeks so far this summer in the shop and now I got a recall on it.

I never thought I'd be so pissed at Harley' s bikes and people. And now I have to be with a bunch of them at the 105th( I'm just going to see the Foo Fighters).

I know that not all Harley people are like that jerk, I hope to meet some nice ones up there.

Thanks for letting me vent.

you got it all wrong. Bike was either stolen by some rice burn rider, or the dude was running home to get his KY so it would not hurt as much after he found out how much he over paid. :)

Wife and I were riding a very nice piece of twisty in remote Idaho this summer, posted speed is 50 mph. I catch a cruiser dude putting at 35. At the next straight, I blow by him and proceed up to the town at the end of this. Awhile later, cruiser dude arrives and gives me shit about going too fast, lot's of deer on this stretch, need more consideration of safety, etc. We are ATGATT, he is T-shirt, vest and doo-rag.

Uh huh.

Revenge is best served... Like I did. A friend from work bought one of the Harley full-dressers. (I dunno what they call it) He was sooooooooo proud of his bike compared to my little $6000 FZ. He paid, like FOUR TIMES what I paid. He couldn't help but ooooze all the "qualities" that his Harley had that mine did not. Then, we rode our bikes to an off-campus meeting. Every time we came to a hill, he would grow smaller in the mirrors.

Next time I saw him, he had just gotten his back from the shop. He spent over $2000 adding a big-bore? kit for extra HP. He still hasn't rode anymore hills with me, though.

I have never been a Harley basher, but I just had another Harley special moment. I was driving my car on a 4 lane highway this morning, passing a gravel truck, and this guy on a Harley lane splits us. I was doing about 60, the truck was doing about 50, and this idiot gets between us. He was about 50 years old. With the new leather beret on and the shinny new leather vest. The bike looked like it had about 100 miles on it. So, I couldn't help but call him a dumb ass at the next stop light. And of course he had a few words for me, but what a dumb ass. If a piece of gravel came off that truck, or I was some teenager on their cell phone, he would be dead.
Now, I didn't mind Harleys until I bought the wife an 08 Road King. What a POS. It has spent six weeks so far this summer in the shop and now I got a recall on it.

I never thought I'd be so pissed at Harley' s bikes and people. And now I have to be with a bunch of them at the 105th( I'm just going to see the Foo Fighters).

I know that not all Harley people are like that jerk, I hope to meet some nice ones up there.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Stupid Comes in many flavors...

Sunday riding Mullhuland north of Malibu, some punk kid ass hole jerk on a sportbike, passes a car, me and a old guy on a cruiser in front of me on a blind left sweeping curve. If the old guy and I hadn't moved right to give him room he would have been road kill from the car coming from the other direction.

I feel your frustration with the fucktard on the bike this morning and I would have done the same thing as you, but be careful about generalizing. A few months back, 0Face and I were on I-55 just north of Cass Avenue on a Saturday afternoon when some asshat comes flying by at about 90 mph, passing everyone on the RIGHT SHOULDER :angry: Here's the kicker....he was riding a FJR :eek:

I wouldn't want anyone associating me...or you...with that a@@hole simply because we ride FJRs too.

I'm not a big fan of HD or the culture that they promote, but the cold hard fact is there are a LOT of people who ride them who more responsible than that guy this morning.

....I'm just sayin' ;)

EDIT: By the way, I'm glad you vented HERE instead of at the Harley 105th :lol:

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At least you have the Foo Fighters to look forward too... :punk:

I've seen them 3 times in concert... they kick major ass...

I have never been a Harley basher, but I just had another Harley special moment. I was driving my car on a 4 lane highway this morning, passing a gravel truck, and this guy on a Harley lane splits us. I was doing about 60, the truck was doing about 50, and this idiot gets between us. He was about 50 years old. With the new leather beret on and the shinny new leather vest. The bike looked like it had about 100 miles on it. So, I couldn't help but call him a dumb ass at the next stop light. And of course he had a few words for me, but what a dumb ass. If a piece of gravel came off that truck, or I was some teenager on their cell phone, he would be dead.
Now, I didn't mind Harleys until I bought the wife an 08 Road King. What a POS. It has spent six weeks so far this summer in the shop and now I got a recall on it.

I never thought I'd be so pissed at Harley' s bikes and people. And now I have to be with a bunch of them at the 105th( I'm just going to see the Foo Fighters).

I know that not all Harley people are like that jerk, I hope to meet some nice ones up there.

Thanks for letting me vent.
Whats the big deal ?..... I lane share eveyday!

Of course it's legal here in Ca. but still.

I'd have to agree that the Harley fraternity has more than their share of not so intellugunt types. But after ridng thru about six states recently that have no helmet laws including the NAFO host state I saw idiots w/ obvious deathwish issues on all manner of machines. Probably two of the most blatant were a pair if stoooopud young hooligans on sportbikes in Denver/Golden absolutely ripppppin' [easily @ a buck-thirty] thru heavy freeway traffic while swappin' lanes & leads. Both wearin' jeans, tennies, t-shirts [flappin'up under their armpits], & backwards ballcaps. ...and they don't like it when emergency room staff call them "organ donors"?

some asshat comes flying by at about 90 mph, passing everyone on the RIGHT SHOULDER :angry: Here's the kicker....he was riding a FJR :eek:
That stuff is OK to do on an FJR because everyone thinks it's a BMW and you know how crazy those can be! :D

Wife and I were riding a very nice piece of twisty in remote Idaho this summer, posted speed is 50 mph. I catch a cruiser dude putting at 35. At the next straight, I blow by him and proceed up to the town at the end of this. Awhile later, cruiser dude arrives and gives me shit about going too fast, lot's of deer on this stretch, need more consideration of safety, etc. We are ATGATT, he is T-shirt, vest and doo-rag.
Uh huh.
UUHHH -- What's ATTGATT ?? :huh:

Wife and I were riding a very nice piece of twisty in remote Idaho this summer, posted speed is 50 mph. I catch a cruiser dude putting at 35. At the next straight, I blow by him and proceed up to the town at the end of this. Awhile later, cruiser dude arrives and gives me shit about going too fast, lot's of deer on this stretch, need more consideration of safety, etc. We are ATGATT, he is T-shirt, vest and doo-rag.
Uh huh.
UUHHH -- What's ATTGATT ?? :huh:

b4 everyone jumps in your shit...All The Gear All The Time,glad to help another newby out.

Wife and I were riding a very nice piece of twisty in remote Idaho this summer, posted speed is 50 mph. I catch a cruiser dude putting at 35. At the next straight, I blow by him and proceed up to the town at the end of this. Awhile later, cruiser dude arrives and gives me shit about going too fast, lot's of deer on this stretch, need more consideration of safety, etc. We are ATGATT, he is T-shirt, vest and doo-rag.
Uh huh.
UUHHH -- What's ATTGATT ?? :huh:

b4 everyone jumps in your shit...All The Gear All The Time,glad to help another newby out.
Thanks! Not too hot on this forum stuff yet- but learning.

Never, ever, never, ever, ever--we clear?--share lanes next to a large truck. They can't see you and, worse, you have NO out. I know of at least two stories in the Bay Area over the last couple years where a rider (one a motocop on his way home) were crunched when going up between a car and a truck.

If when riding a motorcycle through traffic you feel like Superman, flying in and out of traffic with the greatest of ease--fine. That's fun and cool. But know this: Trucks are your Kryptonite! Rain is too, BTW, and rain combined with the dark in commute traffic is being back on Planet Krypton: get in the far-right lane and just slog it out.

I wager that guy knew he did something stupid after he got home and took the Bad Ass Harley-guy cape off. The trick is to survive, as I have thank the Lord, long enough to learn to stop doing (drastically reduce :rolleyes: ) the number of stupid maneuvers. My thing is that, having begun riding as an adult, I still had to get my teenage Ya-Ya's out. Fortunately it didn't (hasn't) taken as long as it would a teenager and so I'm still here to preach about it.


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Guy on the radio this am talking about mc deaths. In Washington 80 % due to rider error. Keep riding like they do, sure to add to stats.
