I never suspected anything was going on...

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Cute little story, but very insulting to even imagine an FJR could be sired by a Harley. I think Mr. Hayabusa, or perhaps the milkman, Mr. ZX14 did the deed. Looks like Mr. Harley is a cuckoled poser strutting about posing and bragging about how manly he is in his pirate suit, while the real "men" are satisfying his little biddy.

I had no idea anything was going on, but I guess I should have realized that it was inevitable...
This is what happens when you let them run wild I guess....

When you leave old Mr. Davidson

in the same garage with young Ms. Burgman (the little hussy..!!!) After all, who could be expected to resist those cute little tail feathers..???

this is what ends up happening and now we have another one to raise... We're calling him Little Feejer or Lil Feej for short. He sure is a cute little feller...

I have to admit, I am kinda proud of the old guy. I didn't realize he still had it in him...!!! :rolleyes:
You've got it all wrong. Everyone knows that the FJR is the bastard love child of a Hayabusa and a Gold Wing! :blink:
