I see trouble

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if yall kaliforny boys jinx the rest of us with bad weather the southern boy contigency is gonna be all over yall like flies on honey :headbonk:


Wheaton, you and me and HYCLE, we'll stick to the parking lot, dammit! Can't be risking an early apex! Deadly stuff.
Should be pretty safe in the parking lot. Herr Parkenmeister will ensure that all is above board. There will be no shenanigans in the NAFO parking lot!
Amen! The Parking Nazi Brute Squad is busily monitoring all posts, taking notes and making a list.

:nono: :eek:

Another bad thing about NAFO...I hear the roads are curvy and hilly ...curvy and hilly could be dangerous. Here in Wheaton they build the roads straight and level....NAFO is not gonna feel like home.
No worry Wheaton...You've already abused the roads of SE Ohio..Dem western roads are jus a little higher dats all... :unsure:

See ya in Golden


It's more likely to be around 90 or better this time of year.But the evenings always cool down to 55-60 range. Humidity from 10-30 percent. Pretty nice overall!


It's more likely to be around 90 or better this time of year.But the evenings always cool down to 55-60 range. Humidity from 10-30 percent. Pretty nice overall!
Remember, you heard it here, if the weather turns "sour" it's all Ken's fault! :yahoo:

Last year we were warned that we might see some showers around Park City but they pass quickly and "not to worry".....



The ride there had its moments, too:


Aahhhhhh, memories!!!

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Rain or shine it will be a great trip. Cant wait to see all the FJR Gadgets that everyone has on the bikes.

if yall kaliforny boys jinx the rest of us with bad weather the southern boy contigency constituency is gonna be all over yall like flies stink on honey $h!t :headbonk:

There, fixed it fer ya. :blink:

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Another bad thing about NAFO...I hear the roads are curvy and hilly ...curvy and hilly could be dangerous. Here in Wheaton they build the roads straight and level....NAFO is not gonna feel like home.
No worry Wheaton...You've already abused the roads of SE Ohio..Dem western roads are jus a little higher dats all... :unsure:

See ya in Golden

See you in Golden there George. :clapping:

Hope you find the dry roads you've been searching for. :rolleyes:

.... and another thing. There's going to be a bunch of weirdos hanging out in Golden. But wait, that WILL feel like home.
I resemble that remark!


Do you have a preference in color????
Do you really need to ask? Pink, with lace frills and sequins. :yahoo:
For us He-men, it is not pink, it is Salmon!


Damaged- Damaged- Damaged!!! :blink: :dribble:

Make sure ya start off right.... before the dress.... get your thong on to impress!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:

and don't forget your fish-net panty hose... :clapping:

That gives a whole new meaning to "thong alert!" :bad: But at least we'll be able to spot the cagers easily.

Hey odot, ya gonna wear the costume again? ;)
