I think I found Odot's girlfriend

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I dunno Don. I think it's best he clubs em. Imagine what would happen should one of them start to talk :blink:


The first thing I though of when I saw the video was dinner for a month and the makings for some of the finest fur riding togs that ever fluttered in the wind. Where is that picture of the white FJR with the gold trim?

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The first thing I though of when I saw the video was dinner for a month and the makings for one of the finest fur thongs that ever fluttered in the wind. Where is that picture of the white FJR with the gold trim?
I don't wanna see a pic of you and your silly thong bub... Keep it to yerself and select friends..



Well, nice thread....I got hungry for a bit and then realized it didn't have any fat. I still want to club somthing, though.....go figure.
