I want internet weather & email for mcy trips

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Jun 14, 2005
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I have read many threads about cellphones, gps, carrying laptops, etc. However, on my trips, I feel the most need for internet weather radar and email for sending messages back to the missus.

Does anybody have a recommendation for a device (besides a laptop) that would have internet weather radar and email capability?

I would consider some sort of blackberry cellphone device if I knew that I could receive internet weather radar on it.

I don't have a cellphone... yet. Would like one -but $$. Will get one if it includes email and internet weather...

Thanks in advance...

I don't have a cellphone... yet.  Would like one -but $$.  Will get one if it includes email and internet weather...
Thanks in advance...
I dare say that all new cell phones these days are web-enabled and e-mail capable, it's just an extra service you have to pay for. Most new phones these days also have a feature called "get it now" through which you can get various weather services with current doppler picture for most any location. Remember though that cell phones don't work in some remote areas. Coverage areas are getting bigger all the time, but there are still plenty of dead areas...usually right where the best riding is. :D Satelite coverage is better than cell tower coverage, but can also be sketchy at times, although I don't know of anything satelite based to fit your needs anyway. Honestly, I think pretty much anything that's going to fit your needs is going to be cell-based. As far as the $$$ goes, cell providers are GIVING AWAY damn nice phones to new customers willing to sign a contract, and lots of cell usage packages are a real bargain. Maybe someone else here knows of some other good toys that I don't, but I think a well equipped cell phone and service plan will give you what you're looking for (most of the time) without breaking the bank.

I have a great pcphone, the Samsung i730. I can read my email, send my email with the slide out keyboard which is very good (and I have large hands). I can pull up any web sites, especially the weather channel and look at the dopler for the area, which I recently did last weekend when I wanted to know how much of the storm I was in for. I can go to www.randmcnally.com and pull up maps and directions, find any store or hotel in the area. Its bluetooth so you can use a headset, and reasonable priced if you only want to use it for internet. Add on your choice of phone plans through Verizon and it can average under $100. My friend has a blackberry and can only look at text, when I pulled out my Samsung i730, I said "But I can watch CNBC on mine" and he put his back on his belt. Yes you can even watch certain live TV shows through a program called SmartVideo, where they have live streaming video for these phones. I have the 1st generation phone, and I understand the new ones out have cameras in them. I like my phone alot, and when you have your email setup right, its a breeze to read and respond quickly. One other point, they say you can't use this phone for a modem for your laptop, well the power of internet and a bunch of programers made a quickfix on that, and if I brought my Sony i350, I can browse the internet at broadband speeds, however this phone already eliminates my laptop, cellphone, gps, and yellow pages. If your electronic savvy, then this is the gadget you got to have.

Thanks guys! I didn't know that cell phones had all those capabilities. I will check out that samsung phone - that sounds like the ticket for me.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

Happy New Year Everybody, and Happy riding to all!
