I want your opinion on these backrests

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The backpad was designed to give lumbar support, which it does. If you draw a line straight down from the thickest part of the pad, yes it would be about 3 1/2". However this is not where the passengers butt would be. They would be sitting back a couple of inches behind that, because of the contour of a persons back while in the sitting position. Also the pad has some give in it , about 3/4"-1". My wife and I rode 1600 miles in 4 days and it was very comfortable for both of us. With out a backrest the passenger is usally jammed right up against the driver holding on. This backrest eliminates that. Now your passenger can relax, look around, and not worry about the next time you may hammer the throttle unexpectedly.
I sure like the look of the backrest...

just an idea...maybe you can come to one of the regional or national meets and show it off. That way you can show in person what you are trying to explain here. Maybe contact the organizers of the meet to get info. and get on the list of vendors.

How about this for an idea. find some of your forum buddies with different sized riders. Use a wide range of sizes, and ship out about 5 backrests to 5 different sized passengers. Let them bolt em on and ride a bit. See what the consensus is, and then that will give you the best feedback. I am sure that these forum people you pick will ship them back to you. Shipping costs could be written off as R+D.

Now for the important stuff. My rider is 5'5" and weighs about 160lbs. ;)

I sure like the look of the backrest...
just an idea...maybe you can come to one of the regional or national meets and show it off. That way you can show in person what you are trying to explain here. Maybe contact the organizers of the meet to get info. and get on the list of vendors.

that is a great idea, I will check into that....It does sound like some people should have bought a GW instead of the FJR. I am offering a product line geared towards SPORTtouring bikes, not crusers. Backrests for crusers are in ubundance. Not the case for Sporttouring bikes. If I wanted a foot of room between me and my Hot female passenger I guess a would have bought a new car.

...that is a great idea, I will check into that....It does sound like some people should have bought a GW instead of the FJR. I am offering a product line geared towards SPORTtouring bikes, not crusers. Backrests for crusers are in ubundance. Not the case for Sporttouring bikes. If I wanted a foot of room between me and my Hot female passenger I guess a would have bought a new car.
??? Where do you get that??? Are you saying that only skinny people can ride FJRs? That's what it sounds like...more statements like that towards your future prospective customers won't help you business-wise.

You wanted/asked for opinions. You got them. Don't denigrate those who gave you what YOU asked for. :blink:

I agree about the backrest positioning, my wife and I are not very large (5'7" 128 lbs + 5'9" 145 lbs respectively) and she finds the stock seat with the Yamaha box and backrest fine..we had tried to stuff a small pad near her tailbone for some "lumbar support" on a recent trip, but she did not like how it shoved her forward.

I would guess that some would find it comfortable, but my opinion here is that the rear rack looks like a flat piece of sheet metal , and looks alittle "cheap" for a $225 rack...the backrest does however look very nice..


These guys are being a little rough, but whatever. I tend to think that you are correct in your assertion that the backrest does not force the rider forward. The small of one's back is definitely further forward than the back of one's butt. I would be very interested to hear from an independent evaluator, though.

Mike, I'm still waiting to get mine. As soon as I do I'll be glad to give an honest opinion of how it feels from my wife's prosective. Keep in mind she is coming off a crusier style backrest but I'm sure it will be fine. Looking forward to it.
