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Congrats! I just did my first ss1000 for moonshine, so I know the feeling. I have a slightly modified seat and it helps, but after a while my joints and butt bother me some. Ibuprofen can be a big help. When we were talking I was surprised at how many distance riders use it. I do bet you'll be planning for the next ride soon.

Good job, well done! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

-Adelanto Sheriff's are magicians. (Long story if you are interested. Could have been bad, turned out okay.)
Any public details on this one? I spent some quality time with these guys about thirty years ago. Not quite "magic" IIRC

Good job, well done! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

-Adelanto Sheriff's are magicians. (Long story if you are interested. Could have been bad, turned out okay.)
Any public details on this one? I spent some quality time with these guys about thirty years ago. Not quite "magic" IIRC

About 18 hours into the ride...pitch black on 395 across the desert. Starting to feel it. Starting to get a little cold. Ass really sore at this point. Out of NOWHERE an Adelanto Sheriff is magically behind me. I swear he just appeared out of thin air. In retrospect I strongly believe he flew up behind me with his lights off. I ALWAYS check my mirrors. I probably look behind me just as much as in front of me. So now he's behind me...way too close if I might add. I could tell by the headlight/running light pattern it was an older car. So I'm thinking, "This is either a LEO from a small town close by with a minimul budget, or its a local sheep-shagger and he's going to take me out and have his way with me while I'm still warm. (Strange thoughts go through your mind when your tired.) Anyways, he's so close I'm really starting to get pissed and I wave him around. He's behind me for a solid 8 minutes riding my ass. I waved him by at least 3 times that I can remember and he finally went around me. That's the fist time I saw for sure it was an Adelanto Sheriff. So I immediately jumped on the Scala and told the next guy up he was in for a treat. He pulled the same crap with the Grant, who was in front of, only it lasted even longer. He spent a good 10 to 12 minutes behind Grant - again way too close. He finally goes around him and after Dennis, who was leading the charge across the cold, dark desert floor. Dennis did not have a Scala. Fortunately he had a brain and noticed that we had fallen back substantially with a cage in between us now. He put it all together and slowed to the posted speed limit. (We weren't going more than 10 over anyways.) Mr. Sheriff spent (no ****) 20 minutes behind Dennis. Again riding his butt badly. We all felt like we were in that old movie with Dennis Weaver- Duel. He finally took off around Dennis and disappeared. We all stopped in Victorville for gas and had quite a laugh about after we calmed down. Can't see any reason for a cop to follow so closely? Perhaps soem LEO's on this site can comment. Anyways it ended fine since no one was sited for anything, but if you're in the area......BEWARE :blink:

Start/End point as a gas station 2 miles from my house. My wife was a great sport and got up with me to be my witness.

What would I do differently:

I would get a Mayer or Russel Saddle. Without question. My tailbone was really hurting badly.

I would take the advice of others and stay on the slab even though it's boring and potentially unattractive.

I would consider not going with a smoker again. (Not a huge deal until you've wasted an hour over the course of the ride waiting for him to finish his damn cigarettes.)

I would not put a pitch black, 2 lane desert road in the middle of nowhere as the last part of the trip. In retrospect I should have reversed the route entirely.

I would consider cruise control. At the very least my throttle rocker saved me.
Congratulations! For next time, wife doesn't have to get up with you to witness, per IBA staff, witness can sign the night before on an "0 dark : 30" departure or the following day on a late arrival.
