Heres the strange part. I did the SS1000 for me, not for the certificate. I had a brand new touring bike and it felt good, very comfortable, lots of power, a bike that felt like it just had to go places. I had never owned a motorcycle of this catagory before so this is all a new page in the book for me.
So I woke up early one Saturday morning to find that the SO planned to leave me alone and unsupervised, I said to myself "Self lets find out what that FJR will really do".
During the waiting period (6 months worth) I'd had lots of time to visit motorcycle websights, and of course the Iron Butt site was one of them. I had read the ride reports and of course thought I'd like to try that one of these days. So for no other reason than a empty day, I pulled up S&T on the computor, found me a nice circulaur route so I would have cutouts to come home for when I had to quit, and then just for grins went to the IBA site and printed off the forms. Went out and grabbed the guy next door for a witness( I didn't wake him up, he was in his garage prepping his mower to cut the lawn.) check the bike, geared up and took off.
The strange part is the longer I wait the more I want that ceritification. The certitifcations real value is the fact that these rides are truly validated and there is no question that it is just a piece of paper that you bought. Posers can't get them, you have to EARN them.
Still waiting and more rides planned.