I'd rather walk...

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I did something similar that was a bit over the top last fall

Next time try twisting the throttle. Why were going so slow??

There are times when momentum is your friend and it just does not appear to be that bad.
How deep was that snow? I was thinking you shoulda just dropped it in there and ripped it. But then again, WTF do I know, I wasn't there.

too deep to go anywhere up that steepness.. here is the 19 minutes or so of footage up to that point.. go to the end of this (last 5 minutes) and you will see the problems with the snow.. it will all make sense.


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Next time try twisting the throttle. Why were going so slow??

There are times when momentum is your friend and it just does not appear to be that bad.
The camera disguises the steepness of the slope. I've taken pictures and videos of my friends on what we thought was some pretty gnarly stuff and it looks like the ground is almost flat. That makes these two videos even scarier.

too deep to go anywhere up that steepness.. here is the 19 minutes or so of footage up to that point.. go to the end of this (last 5 minutes) and you will see the problems with the snow.. it will all make sense.

Now I see...That snow sucked! That's how it gets around here. Icy, slushy, and packed, so there is no driving through it. That's why I said, "I wasn't there." I know it looks like you coulda done something different, but unless it's my ass that has to dig the bike out and figure how to unfuck myself, I won't condemm any decisions. Haha...That ride seems way steeper than the video makes it look too.

Too many times I've been on a trail where some liberal application of throttle and some momentum would have saved my ass but instead I tried to finesse it and came up a crocker. Case in point ...

Dammit...That there is just kind of funny. I have done the same shit. As soon as I saw that bridge, I thought, I would have just ridden over it, but if I had been there, my self preservation may have kicked in and told me to walk it over like you did...And I prolly would have eaten shit...Just like you did. Guess that's the difference between us and the guys that make crazy money doing that shit for a living.

hmmmm... let's see. sheer mountain face on one side, NOT on the other. path just wide enough to get my fat ass through, much less the bike....

Pass... :blink:
