Idiots (not) at stop signs...

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Do people pull this crap in other places?
Sometimes I feel stupid for not going, but I don't trust these people, and I can see the police report now: "biker violated right-of-way and got run over."

YES , They Do !!!!,,,,, I've had a few waving contests with Yo-Yo's that had the right of way. too.....

And I don't trust them either ,,, if you do you might get your ass run over... :dribble:

Seattle pedestrians. All I have to say really. I swear there must be like 3 other places in the world can someone walk out into moving traffic and not get hit by a car.

One thing you have to look at is "What causes accidents?" My guess is a large percentage is somebody doing something unexpected....

I agree it is polite but it is unexpected and can lead to an accident. What to do when someone waves you through? It depends on the situation. If there is nobody else around, go through quickly, give a little wave and be on your way. But if there is a caotic situation like in a parking lot I try to just wave them through because someone else may think they are waving at them and go without looking and you are the loser.
I consider it quite a dangerous thing for someone with right of way to give way. The laws are there to make people predictable. Once someone deviates from those laws, they become unpredictable and the unexpected causes accidents. If someone is stopping for me while I'm standing at the curb but have no intention to cross, I take a few steps back from the curb to show I have no intention of crossing. I make a predictable action they can understand. They're not mind readers - waving them through will not achieve anything.

Side note: that little wave people give after you give way to them really pisses me off. Only the insecure need some sort of acknowledgement that they've done something good, and I'd much prefer them to keep their hands on the steering wheel and concentrate on driving.

This is one of the most dangerous encounter's we face. They stop to let you go and what are they looking at?... YOU!...NOT

the car comming up on their inside lane just in time to bullseye you! I refuse to go even when I know it's safe to do so just to try to break these idiot's of this habit. Most importantly it is illegal in most states for a non LEO to direct traffic against traffic signals or signage, AND if you do so and are found to have caused an accident that you are not even involved in YOU will be

held liable for damages,injury ect. I'm greatful that people want to be curtious to rider's BUT???

Just had this happen the other day. I waiting to pull out and see 2 minivans coming SLOWLY down the street from my right. Another truck coming at speed from the left so I'm waiting . Finally the old "lady" comes to a stop at the intersection and waves me to go,so I wave back cause I hate that yeild when you have the right of way behavior and try to discourage it. she waves harder, I look away pretending not to see, she blows her horn and probably waves some more,I'm not looking, I blow my horn too finally she goes and gives me the are you nuts look and I yell LEARN HOW TO F'N DRIVE at her thru my closed window,yeah I was in the Jeep.

On the other hand when coming down the main drag with my blinker on making a left onto a side road with a van waiting to get out,I slowed because of some gravel in the intersection (was on a bike this time) and just as I'm about to go in front of the van the guy pulls in front of me an starts screaming something I can't hear because I have earplugs in . So I flipped him the highbeams and he left. WTF?? Now I just go behind em if its only one car.

One time I saw somebody backing up to the exit they just missed on a traffic circle. Guess they failed geometry.

That would've been my wife. I've told her over and over that it's just a matter of time before she gets rear-ended doing this ****. Still does it and says she is being polite. Arrgghh.
How polite does she think she's being to the people behind her who do expect the right of way?

Tentative is not the same thing as careful, and polite is not the same thing as correct.

They've put some roundabouts in some intersections in our area, which are awesome. In each case it used to be a 'T' where the side road had a stop, and traffic could back up for 20 or 30 cars sometimes. With the roundabout, traffic in the circle has the right of way, but it's easy to move into the circle, and all the roads move well, traffic doesn't back up. Until some bee-otch stops in the circle to be "polite" and backs everything up like a stopped-up drain.

They only work to a point. As traffic gets heavier all it takes is a couple tourists unused to rotaries (MA term), or aggressive drivers to cause fender-benders. And going through those things on a bicycle is scary.

Most importantly it is illegal in most states for a non LEO to direct traffic against traffic signals or signage, AND if you do so and are found to have caused an accident that you are not even involved in YOU will be held liable for damages,injury ect.
I don't know... with my luck I'll be charged with violating right-of-way and the "waver" will get off scott-free.

Anyways, the other day, I'm waiting for the signal to change so I can turn left and go to work. There's a minivan waiting directly opposite across the intersection and she's got her turnsignal on too, waiting to turn left. So the light changes and I go, only to see the minivan come directly across STILL with her turnsignal on! And she blows her horn!!

Of course, the FJR's able to squirt out of the way AND do a 180 and start following her. I follow her through the neighborhood, which I know very well. She FLOORS it and starts blowing through stopsigns and taking corners like it's the Top Gear "celebrity in a crap car" segment. After she blows through the 4th stop sign, it's too dangerous, even though I can stop and look and still catch up with her, so I turn around again and go to work. I wonder if she even knows why I was chasing her.
