Exactly what I was thinking. Imagine how this vehicle would look in Bustanut's driveway?
Should they be able to get the price more reasonable there could be a market for it. But I'm wondering how many times those retractable stabilizers would have to operate on my normal trip home during commute hours? How much fun would that vehicle be at the toll booth for any causeway or bridge? If one doesn't live in a moderate climate zone, that "bubble" could be a bit "warm-ish" when the temperature rises.
What exactly does this have to do with "gender change"? I mean...er...will every REAL male motorcyclist now have to ride V-twin cruisers to prove their manhood? From that point every other motorcycle option moves one down the list from MAN-hood? I know that in some circles or thought/identity the common judgment is that even Asian V-twins are suspect. What does that say for those who choose to ride tupperware covered bikes? Surely that would mean some are only a small step from being judged as scooter-drivers......or girly-men.
If that is the underlying reasoning, what does opposing alternate viewpoint say for ladies who ride motorcycles. That would indicate your opinion that they are "many-girls"????? From their sparkling conversation, rapier wit, feminine wiles and proven abilities to operate many different styles and types of motorcycles, I don't know that I'd want to visit that personal philosophy or apply it to the many ladies who are members here. YMMV!
I mean...I was just wondering about the basis of the title? :dribble: